Hell Bent Terrorist


Well-Known Member
I usually don't post in this section, let alone start a Thread, but recent conversations over in the Spirituality, Philosophy Thread.., It was brought up how Muslims are hell bent in bringing America to the Humble Justice of Allah..,

We all know of the Recent activity with the Three Rounded Up Potential Domestic Terrorist.., and Yet we have another..:-?, I'm mean... I'm not ignorant to the fact that there are Extremist, but is this the Goal of all Muslims..., To Jihad and Kill everybody..., When everybody is Dead, who is to be left to Praise Allah? I got love for all my Islam Brothers and sisters but This is SAd, Frightening, and a Wake up Call for me to head down to the Pawn shop..., and finish Stocking Up!! I thought the Elections might have gotten a little Crazy too.....

Mass. terror suspect taught kids at Muslim school

By DENISE LAVOIE AP Legal Affairs Writer The Associated Press
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 6:00 PM EDT


BOSTON (AP) — The Massachusetts man charged with conspiring in a terror plot has been a middle school math and religion teacher at a Muslim school in Worcester.
Colleagues at the Alhuda Academy say they cannot believe the allegations against Tarek Mehanna (TEH'-rek meh-HAH'-nah), who was arrested Wednesday and charged in conspiring to support terrorism. They say he was a sweet guy and loved by his students.
But prosecutors say Mehanna and his associates sought training at terrorist camps and discussed plans to target U.S. troops in Iraq and two politicians and to randomly shoot shoppers at U.S. malls.
The 27-year-old Mehanna, who has dual U.S. and Egyptian citizenship, made a defiant appearance in federal court Wednesday. His father denies the allegations.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
BOSTON (AP) — A pharmacy college graduate made a defiant appearance in federal court Wednesday, hours after being charged with conspiring with two other men in a terror plot to kill two prominent U.S. politicians and carry out a holy war by attacking shoppers in U.S. malls and American troops in Iraq.
Authorities say the men's plans — in which they used code words like "peanut butter and jelly" for fighting in Somalia and "culinary school" for terrorist camps — were thwarted in part when they could not find training and were unable to buy automatic weapons, authorities said.
Tarek Mehanna, 27, was arrested Wednesday morning at his parents' home in Sudbury, an upscale suburb 20 miles west of Boston, and appeared for a brief hearing later in the day. When ordered by the judge to stand to hear the charge against him, he refused. He finally did stand — tossing his chair loudly to the floor — only after his father urged him to do so.
"This really, really is a show," his father, Ahmed Mehanna, said afterward. When asked if he believed the charges against his son, he said, "No, definitely not."

Prosecutors say Tarek Mehanna worked with two men from 2001 to May 2008 on the conspiracy to "kill, kidnap, maim or injure" soldiers and two politicians who were members of the executive branch but are no longer in office. Authorities refused to identify the politicians.
Mehanna — a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in Boston, where his father is a professor — conspired with Ahmad Abousamra, who authorities say is now in Syria, and an unnamed man, who is cooperating in the investigation, according to authorities.
The three men often discussed their desire to participate in "violent jihad against American interests" and talked about "their desire to die on the battlefield," prosecutors said. But when they were unable to join terror groups in Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan, they found inspiration in the Washington-area sniper shootings and turned their interests to domestic terror pursuits while they plotted the attack on shopping malls, authorities said.
Mehanna had "multiple conversations about obtaining automatic weapons and randomly shooting people in shopping malls," Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Loucks said. Prosecutors would not say which malls had been targeted.
Loucks said the men justified attacks because U.S. civilians pay taxes to support the U.S. government and because they are "nonbelievers."
The mall plan was abandoned after the men failed to track down automatic weapons, Loucks said.
Mehanna's attorney, J.W. Carney Jr., would not comment on the allegations. Mehanna is being held until his next court appearance on Oct. 30.
Court documents filed by the government say that in 2002 or 2003, Abousamra became frustrated after repeatedly being rejected to join terror groups in Pakistan — first Lashkar e Tayyiba, then the Taliban.
"Because Abousamra was an Arab (not Pakistani) the LeT camp would not accept him, and because of Abousamra's lack of experience, the Taliban camp would not accept him," FBI Special Agent Heidi Williams wrote in the affidavit.

Mehanna and Abousamra traveled to Yemen in 2004 in an attempt to join a terrorist training camp.
Mehanna allegedly told a friend, the third conspirator who is now cooperating with authorities, that their trip was a failure because they were unable to reach people affiliated with the camps. The men, who had allegedly received tips on whom to meet from a person identified in court documents as "Individual A," said half the people they wanted to see were on "hajj," referring to the pilgrimage to Mecca in Islam, and half were in jail.
"They traveled all over the country looking for the people Individual A told them to meet," authorities allege in the criminal complaint.
Abousamra was rejected by a terror group when he sought training in Iraq because he was American, authorities said.
The men later decided they were not going to be able to get terror training in Pakistan and "began exploring other options, including terrorist acts in the United States," the affidavit said.
Mehanna, a U.S. citizen, was arrested in November and charged with lying to the FBI in December 2006 when asked the whereabouts of Daniel Maldonado, who is now serving a 10-year prison sentence for training with al-Qaida to overthrow the Somali government.
Mehanna told the FBI that Maldonado was living in Egypt and working for a Web site. But authorities said Maldonado had called Mehanna from Somalia urging him to join him in "training for jihad."
Authorities said Wednesday that Mehanna and his conspirators had contacted Maldonado about getting automatic weapons for their planned mall attacks.
Carney, who represented Mehanna in the previous case, said at the time: "If this is the FBI's idea of a terrorist, they are using a net that is designed to catch minnows instead of sharks."
After his arrest, Mehanna developed a cult following among Muslim civil rights groups and Web sites that believed Mehanna was wrongly arrested. Web sites like the London-based cageprisoners.com, a human rights group that advocates for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees as part of the U.S. war on terror, asked supporters to write Mehanna in prison to keep up his spirits.
The site MuslimMatters.org asked supporters to pray for his release and published a letter they said Mehanna wrote from prison.
In the letter, Mehanna thanked supporters and said he was being treated well.
"I can only think of the countless imprisoned Muslims in the jails of tyrants around the globe and hope that if it is not Allah's Decree to free them in the near future, that they taste the sweetness that Allah has placed them in prison to taste," Mehanna wrote.
He signed the letter, "Your brother in the green jumpsuit."


I might need to get me some Shit to mount on my Vehicle too, While I'm at it!!
So the Gubbermint has been listening to these peoples phone calls , conversations, and been following them around for years now?
Looks to me the Whole entire Past Decade...? I mean it, I thought there were just extreme Muslims.. but it was brought to my attention, in another discussion that, All muslims must submit to the will of Allah when the time of Jihad comes.., and I just couldn't believe this to be True, I was like sure maybe the Extreme, but this Guy wasn't percieved to be some extremist.., A big Teddy Bear if described by his Students..., Man.. I was really hoping to hear from any Muslims.., but I guess, I probably wouldn't on here.. I'm just stumped and put in a Whole new Realm of Reality if this is Truely the Essence of their final Calling.. I'm far from being discrimmatory, or racist, or Whatever.... but now Alarms are starting to Ring.. LOUDly!!
I have a couple of Muslim friends. Just very loving people if they are any example. Hard working with good family values too.
Looks to me the Whole entire Past Decade...? I mean it, I thought there were just extreme Muslims.. but it was brought to my attention, in another discussion that, All muslims must submit to the will of Allah when the time of Jihad comes.., and I just couldn't believe this to be True, I was like sure maybe the Extreme, but this Guy wasn't percieved to be some extremist.., A big Teddy Bear if described by his Students..., Man.. I was really hoping to hear from any Muslims.., but I guess, I probably wouldn't on here.. I'm just stumped and put in a Whole new Realm of Reality if this is Truely the Essence of their final Calling.. I'm far from being discrimmatory, or racist, or Whatever.... but now Alarms are starting to Ring.. LOUDly!!

Jihad doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

It's usually used to describe a struggle against evil, it's the extremists who have taken it to the point of violence.

Not all muslims are extremists, just as all Christians are not extremists.
I have a couple of Muslim friends. Just very loving people if they are any example. Hard working with good family values too.

That's what I'm saying, I have plenty of Muslim friends, I said I'm not discrimmatory or racist, or Religious as a matter of fact.. but I don't discuss Religion or politics with them.., we just hang out, mostly work and Go eat together, but not discuss religion..

Jihad doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

It's usually used to describe a struggle against evil, it's the extremists who have taken it to the point of violence.

Not all muslims are extremists, just as all Christians are not extremists.

Yeah, that is what I interpet Jihad to mean, I didn't think it meant anything else but to oppose evil, and so that is why my question entailed.., I was in discussion and it was implied that this was to be their ultimate call when Jihad took place.., not that themselves would have to impose Jihad, but that when Jihad was declared, and I know it's declared everyday..by extremist :roll:, but if a War was to kick off, I guess of Mass porportion Globally that they would have to be submit to their calling.. I just wanted clarification and input from anybody else who may have deeper connections with Muslims in discussing their faith with them personally.. I have never discussed Religious context in that form with anybody.., it doesn't get that deep with me, just treat everybody Right.. Don't want to sound like I'm saying something more than what it is, but after hearing that, and seeing more cases of this happening.., I just wanted input from someone that may have closer ties with Muslims to gain a different aspect as to what they may have encountered.., Pretty much everything that has been said so far, I already understood.. but the combination of the Discussion overheard taking place, combined with the frequent occurences of Terror suspects being picked up, and 2012 around the corner (I don't think nothing of it as well) but It had me wondering if any of this was tied in together..., Is the goverment trying to pull some shit off Again, and get us all Riled up is What I'm saying..? If all is Well with everyone, I guess all is Well with me as Well... I was a Christian, but care less to use the title as it really no holds no Value to my beliefs, but I never was under the impression that I would have to go kill somebody for Jesus either, and not that I would if I was told.., I guess I'll go around the block and ask my Friend myself what is Jihad to him, it'll feel a little awkward, but he's cool, I just got away from discussing Religion with anybody face to face as it is a very touchy and emotional conversation when discussing their beliefs.. He's cool tho' .. He takes a Pilgrimmage back Home every year and brings back My wife and I one of those customs Gowns they wear.. I think Maybe I'm being terrible mis-read here....., He's cool.. I guess I can go hear from the Horses Mouth then.. Its' just that I don't even discuss Religion with Christians face to Face, I quickly become irritated.., I usually walk away when I over hear people discussing their faith.., Anyhow, I still need to go Pawn Shopping, it's enough known crazies I know right now, that got me worried as Well..

Just wondering where this "discussion" took place? Was it on an internet forum, by any chance? People on internet forums seem to think they know a lot more than they actually know.

Americans are whipped up into a frenzy over Islam, and tend to categorize ALL muslims as "potential terrorists", when that really isn't the case. Sure, there are always people who misinterpret religious writings as advocating violence (even the Christians have been guilty of this.. remember the crusades? Salem witch trials?), but that doesn't mean that all Muslims are extremists, terrorists, etc. Most of them are people just like you and me, who simply want to live their lives in peace.

Nothing wrong with asking your Muslim friend. Just tell him that you've heard some people are under the impression that all "jihad" always means a war against America, and ask him what his understanding of "jihad" is. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to straighten out any potential misunderstanding, especially when his faith is involved.
yeah, actually, it was on this forum... Like I said, I don't want to get misinterpeted because I know how people can wrongly misread into something, With the last 3 being picked up, me following that discussion, and then up popped another supsect talking about shooting up malls.., I just wanted to get some introspect from others who may have had some deeper knowledge of the situation.., and with that, I can conclude if shit is just being released to get us all riled up in a Frenzy.., Like said he is cool as Fuck.. We used to get slammed at the christmas parties, but he stopped drinking alcohol about 2yrs ago.., but let's his American Wife drink and she's a none practicing Catholic.. I know they are good people just like everybody else, so I guess I can better read into it for what it is... Gov. trying to Rile us Up.. Following them for that long, would have been stupid if they were really all that dangerous and going back in forth out of the States... Yeah, I can't discuss Religion with some people but he is definitely laid back and never seemed like a person that would commit to such an act of violence.. I guess I would try to ease it into discussion somehow, but it just seems funny because we don't discuss or stress over life that deeply, it's just usely what's up, you hanging out and general talk.. I just feel awkward bringing it up like I'm suspicious of him or something...:lol:

I guess you have put me at ease a little, but I still need to go shopping..;-)

To know they've been tailing him this long is scary as well on their part.. I know they just as well can be sitting back throwing back a Tub of popcorn listening in on my ass too...:evil:, but to know this much energy was spent on catching 2 dudes does seem like a Waste if they are innocent.. and if they are not.. We've just spent a Wad load of Money to save lives which is Worth it, but I wonder if it could've been done more effeciently... This whole system is a put on it seems to me sometimes, nothing is ever what it seems..,
Jihad doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

It's usually used to describe a struggle against evil, it's the extremists who have taken it to the point of violence.

Not all muslims are extremists, just as all Christians are not extremists.

nice! we actually agree on somthing, this buds for you doobsbongsmilie
yeah, actually, it was on this forum... Like I said, I don't want to get misinterpeted because I know how people can wrongly misread into something, With the last 3 being picked up, me following that discussion, and then up popped another supsect talking about shooting up malls.., I just wanted to get some introspect from others who may have had some deeper knowledge of the situation.., and with that, I can conclude if shit is just being released to get us all riled up in a Frenzy.., Like said he is cool as Fuck.. We used to get slammed at the christmas parties, but he stopped drinking alcohol about 2yrs ago.., but let's his American Wife drink and she's a none practicing Catholic.. I know they are good people just like everybody else, so I guess I can better read into it for what it is... Gov. trying to Rile us Up.. Following them for that long, would have been stupid if they were really all that dangerous and going back in forth out of the States... Yeah, I can't discuss Religion with some people but he is definitely laid back and never seemed like a person that would commit to such an act of violence.. I guess I would try to ease it into discussion somehow, but it just seems funny because we don't discuss or stress over life that deeply, it's just usely what's up, you hanging out and general talk.. I just feel awkward bringing it up like I'm suspicious of him or something...:lol:

I guess you have put me at ease a little, but I still need to go shopping..;-)

To know they've been tailing him this long is scary as well on their part.. I know they just as well can be sitting back throwing back a Tub of popcorn listening in on my ass too...:evil:, but to know this much energy was spent on catching 2 dudes does seem like a Waste if they are innocent.. and if they are not.. We've just spent a Wad load of Money to save lives which is Worth it, but I wonder if it could've been done more effeciently... This whole system is a put on it seems to me sometimes, nothing is ever what it seems..,

Well, I wouldn't blame it on the government. Obama is actively trying to improve our relations with Muslim nations and putting a spotlight on American Muslims. Just recently there was a Muslim day of prayer on the White House lawn (naturally, some Christian fanatics showed up to protest...of course they'd be IRATE if anyone protested their public displays of prayer). I'd say it's more a concerted effort on behalf of the conservative media and Christian groups, both of which are well-known for their anti-well, everything, sentiments.

I don't think he's been under investigation for a decade, though. Everything I've read said he was a blogger... so maybe he blogged about some of his prior activities, or they were divulged to authorities by his associates? I'm also reading that he was "interviewed" 2 years go about some connections to another alleged terrorist, so chances are they've been watching him since then.
nice! we actually agree on somthing, this buds for you doobsbongsmilie

you'd be surprised! We probably agree on more than you'd think. :mrgreen:

I'm not nearly as evil as some members here make me out to be. Maybe a little evil, but aren't we all?
you'd be surprised! We probably agree on more than you'd think. :mrgreen:

I'm not nearly as evil as some members here make me out to be. Maybe a little evil, but aren't we all?

if we werent I dont think this forum would exist
Jihad doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

It's usually used to describe a struggle against evil, it's the extremists who have taken it to the point of violence.

Not all muslims are extremists, just as all Christians are not extremists.

A very small percentage of muslims violent or negative people. A smaller percentage of that percentage will conspire against anyone ( funding, information, etc.) a smaller percentage of that percentage will actually do anything or be "extremists".

Jihad is offensively or actively "protecting" the religion or "striving for allah". It's very similar to the crusades in a way, but not so much in execution or administration.

So basically, it's would be going after anyone who doesn't agree with your views , reguardless if they've attacked you or not.
Prosecutors say Tarek Mehanna worked with two men from 2001 to May 2008 on the conspiracy to "kill, kidnap, maim or injure" soldiers and two politicians who were members of the executive branch but are no longer in office. Authorities refused to identify the politicians.
Mehanna — a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in Boston, where his father is a professor — conspired with Ahmad Abousamra, who authorities say is now in Syria, and an unnamed man, who is cooperating in the investigation, according to authorities.
Well, I wouldn't blame it on the government. Obama is actively trying to improve our relations with Muslim nations and putting a spotlight on American Muslims. Just recently there was a Muslim day of prayer on the White House lawn (naturally, some Christian fanatics showed up to protest...of course they'd be IRATE if anyone protested their public displays of prayer). I'd say it's more a concerted effort on behalf of the conservative media and Christian groups, both of which are well-known for their anti-well, everything, sentiments.

I don't think he's been under investigation for a decade, though. Everything I've read said he was a blogger... so maybe he blogged about some of his prior activities, or they were divulged to authorities by his associates? I'm also reading that he was "interviewed" 2 years go about some connections to another alleged terrorist, so chances are they've been watching him since then.

Well I was basing a decade investigation on the above quoted statement from 2001-2008, I know it's not 10yrs, but might as well say decade.. but maybe thats just the information they collected after the fact or, what they got from the unknown witness who's cooperating with them now and they are simply stating the evidence that they have acquired..

and yeah, When I say goverment, I mean the system as a Whole, and not Obama personally pushing to uproot the Muslim community within America..., the Media reported it, but it was an FBI investigation so they released the information.., and the details of it..., I'm pretty sure it always comes down to what side you are on, it's crazy that we are all people with freedom to our own set of beliefs.. I never could understand the whole Thing about Obama having to clarify his religious Faith as being Christian, like What did it matter.., In my area, I had to bite my tongue a many of times in conversation, I have a low tolerance for stupidity, ignorance I can deal with, Stupidity is another thing... "Hey Braz, who you voting for" - Obama - "He's Muslim you Know That don't You" and that's all they would say, sometimes I had to hold back tears of anger.., then walk off, I left about 5mins after that..., I wasn't in a mode to function properly.. So I definitely understand the Stupidity that some people have, and that is down right Ignorant to Go protest a day of prayer... :-?,

But yeah, I'm up to date on politics.., but it's still politics as Usual.., Information doesn't just get released of that level just for no reason and of the implied magnitude of Chaos it would have caused.., It's starting to become a recurrent theme in the news like we should be understanding and not surprised when something does happen..., :roll: If you notice that all they keep preaching about, not being worried about overseas Terrorist, but Domestic Terrorism.., and Already this is About the 4th suspect caught in about a 3-4mos span...
A very small percentage of muslims violent or negative people. A smaller percentage of that percentage will conspire against anyone ( funding, information, etc.) a smaller percentage of that percentage will actually do anything or be "extremists".

Jihad is offensively or actively "protecting" the religion or "striving for allah". It's very similar to the crusades in a way, but not so much in execution or administration.

So basically, it's would be going after anyone who doesn't agree with your views , reguardless if they've attacked you or not.

and See, I've never ever looked at it in that Light, my buddy is Actively practicing, and I definitely would be in offence per se' but, nothing ever comes off in our relationship that way, I guess he would be that moderate peaceful type, Muslim..., but that is Why the whole Jihad discussion had me thinking, Plus he's married to a Catholic, but she is a None practicing catholic.. It just wasn't adding up for me
Rule of thumb when discussing anything on an internet forum: If your gut tells you someone's claims don't add up, your gut is almost always right =)

Consider that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 million Muslims in the United States. If these were all violent, extremist Muslims, you'd figure we'd be hearing many more accounts of either foiled terrorism plots, or successful terrorism plots, right? While reports are seemingly becoming more common, also keep in mind that, as you said, this latest report seems to indicate that this particular individual and/or group of individuals has been under investigation for several years at the least. The alleged terrorist plot that has been thwarted it not a recent one, but one that has been developing perhaps over a period of 10 years or longer.

I know several practicing Muslims, and I must say they are some of the most caring people I've ever met in my life. Unlike followers of many other religions, who preach brotherly love and forgiveness but exhibit a very hateful and grudge bearing posture themselves, these Muslims actually practice what they preach (and no, I don't mean "holy wars" against America, LOL).
Rule of thumb when discussing anything on an internet forum: If your gut tells you someone's claims don't add up, your gut is almost always right =)

Consider that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 million Muslims in the United States. If these were all violent, extremist Muslims, you'd figure we'd be hearing many more accounts of either foiled terrorism plots, or successful terrorism plots, right? While reports are seemingly becoming more common, also keep in mind that, as you said, this latest report seems to indicate that this particular individual and/or group of individuals has been under investigation for several years at the least. The alleged terrorist plot that has been thwarted it not a recent one, but one that has been developing perhaps over a period of 10 years or longer.

I know several practicing Muslims, and I must say they are some of the most caring people I've ever met in my life. Unlike followers of many other religions, who preach brotherly love and forgiveness but exhibit a very hateful and grudge bearing posture themselves, these Muslims actually practice what they preach (and no, I don't mean "holy wars" against America, LOL).

Well, I don't know of any or many Religions that preach Love, Peace, & Forgiveness...and exhibit the opposite except for harden christian fundamentalist...., So I think I can put it in some perspective now... A extreme Muslim Jihads like a Harden fundamentalist Crusades... The chance of a Crusader shooting up an Abortionist clinic or tying to take out the President, Is just as likely as a Jihadist shooting up a Mall or gathered event, with a probable higher % towards an crusader b/c there are obviously more... I guess it was the notion that they target tax payers which is everybody vs. Crusaders target specific entities, that had me feeling like Am I being Targeted, but I guess that's how gay activist & abortion rights activist feel as well, however the act of extreme violence taking place is slim to none....

Yes, I can put it in a better perspective now and I'm glad because I would feel absolutely stupid and embarrassed to bring the implied notion up to in conversation out of the blue and I've known him for over 10yrs and my wife has raised and taught both of their kids since daycare/preschool..I would just feel absolutely stupid bringing something like that up..