Pandemic 2020

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Israel vax stats today: 58% fully vaccinated and an additional 5% partially vaccinated. That totals to almost 85% of the adult population having had at least 1 shot. Your numbers, your math, your "extrapolation", your conclusions, it's all dumb af. You got the double-down-on-stupid virus, same brain malfunction that got Trump elected. The more stupid nonsense you excrete the further you will go to defend it as it becomes increasingly difficult and ego crushing to acknowledge how utterly dumb you've been so far.

The following article is written especially for people like you, read it and pull your head out of your ass now before it gets stuck forever.
I'm not sure how your 58% plus 5% equals 85%, but it's true I should have clarified that 80% of adults in Israel have been vaxxed. If you think my conclusions are dumb af, then show me where I'm wrong.
OMG, you're dumb. What do you think "Corona-related mortality and hospitalizations" means? Corona-related car accidents? What are you off on?
From your last couple posts you are saying that the title means that they died from covid/Vaccines, but that is a false reading.

Note that it says that 'this table contains data on the number of initial hospitalization and coronary deaths that occurred after the first or second dose of the vaccines'. That is not saying that they were there because of the virus or vaccine. And using the below information to try to paint it as such is disingenuous as fuck.

As for your 'Your dumb' trolling of me. Im fine with being dumb as long as I know how to read a graph title and don't get sucked into a digital death cult.
From your last couple posts you are saying that the title means that they died from covid/Vaccines, but that is a false reading.

Note that it says that 'this table contains data on the number of initial hospitalization and coronary deaths that occurred after the first or second dose of the vaccines'. That is not saying that they were there because of the virus or vaccine. And using the below information to try to paint it as such is disingenuous as fuck.

As for your 'Your dumb' trolling of me. Im fine with being dumb as long as I know how to read a graph title and don't get sucked into a digital death cult.
They all died from covid. Some were fully vaccinated, some had only one dose, some were unvaxxed. That's what he data is comparing: how many people died of covid who were vaxxed or not. It's basic, simple and straightforward. I'm sorry that you can't understand such things, and are unwilling to dig into the data yourself. I have posted the database links numerous times, and if you disagree you can look foryourself, and then debate me with knowledge, instead of spending time looking for silly gifs and memes to post as your snarky retort.
OMG, you're dumb. What do you think "Corona-related mortality and hospitalizations" means? Corona-related car accidents? What are you off on?
People who have died and recording their corona virus status and if they have had the vaccine or not.

Is it really that hard to understand how that is different?

They all died from covid. Some were fully vaccinated, some had only one dose, some were unvaxxed. That's what he data is comparing: how many people died of covid who were vaxxed or not. It's basic, simple and straightforward. I'm sorry that you can't understand such things, and are unwilling to dig into the data yourself. I have posted the database links numerous times, and if you disagree you can look foryourself, and then debate me with knowledge, instead of spending time looking for silly gifs and memes to post as your snarky retort.

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Your death cult trolling is boring, at least having to look for a meme takes some thought.
People who have died and recording their corona virus status and if they have had the vaccine or not.

Is it really that hard to understand how that is different?

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Your death cult trolling is boring, at least having to look for a meme takes some thought.
Google translations can be weird from hebrew, hence the "coronary" thing. Today the same link is being translated as "Corona Mortality and Hospitalizations.." which seems pretty clear what the cause is. Again, here s the link to the database which is straightforward, and as part of the Ministry of Health's "covid-19 reservoir" I can assure you that it doesn't include any silly things like car accidents. Again here is the link:

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Google translations can be weird from hebrew, hence the "coronary" thing. Today the same link is being translated as "Corona Mortality and Hospitalizations.." which seems pretty clear what the cause is. Again, here s the link to the database which is straightforward, and as part of the Ministry of Health's "covid-19 reservoir" I can assure you that it doesn't include any silly things like car accidents. Again here is the link:

View attachment 4951731
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The description of the data is cut off in your new picture.
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Flawed Paper on COVID-19 Vaccines, Deaths Spreads Widely Before Retraction
The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown in trials and real-world application to be safe and effective. But a paper shared widely online claimed that vaccines cause two deaths for every three lives saved. Experts say the analysis misinterpreted data and was flawed — and it has now been retracted by the journal that published it.

A “peer reviewed, scientific study showed that the COVID-19 vaccine causes two deaths for every three lives it saves.”
The study, "The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations — We Should Rethink the Policy," was done by three European researchers, led by Harald Walach, professor at Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland.

The researchers said that they calculated from a large Israeli field study the number of people who needed to be vaccinated to prevent one death; and that they used the Adverse Drug Reactions database of the European Medicines Agency and of the Dutch National Register to get the number of vaccination cases "reporting severe side effects and the number of cases with fatal side effects."

The researchers concluded: "For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination."

The European Medicines Agency, however, warns that its data on adverse reactions can’t be used on its own to conclude whether a vaccine caused death:

"The information on this website relates to suspected side effects, i.e. medical events that have been observed following the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines, but which are not necessarily related to or caused by the vaccine. These events may have been caused by another illness or be associated with another medicine taken by the patient at the same time."

The study was published in the journal Vaccines on June 24. Four days later, the journal appended a note to the study, expressing concerns about the study and calling its main conclusion incorrect. The note said:

"The journal is issuing this expression of concern to alert readers to significant concerns regarding the paper cited above. Serious concerns have been raised about misinterpretation of the data and the conclusions.

"The major concern is the misrepresentation of the COVID-19 vaccination efforts and misrepresentation of the data, e.g., Abstract: ‘For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination.’

"Stating that these deaths linked to vaccination efforts is incorrect and distorted."

A board member of the journal, University of Oxford immunologist Katie Ewer, tweeted that she resigned the board post because of the publication. She said the study "is grossly negligent and I can't believe it passed peer-review. I hope it will be retracted."

The journal’s associate editor, Florian Krammer, a professor of vaccinology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, also tweeted that he resigned because of the study.

Walach, an author of the study, told Retraction Watch, a website that reported on the aftermath of the study, that he does not agree with the expression of concern, saying "we have used and analyzed the data correctly, and not incorrectly. But that the data are less than optimal is clear to everyone and we said so in our paper. The purpose is to generate enough momentum for governments and researchers to finally create the good data that are long overdue."

COVID deaths reported in Israel for first time in over 2 weeks
Unvaccinated 48-year-old man and vaccinated man in his 80s succumb as daily cases keep rising; news outlets say Health Ministry inflating number of serious cases

The ministry said that nearly 5.7 million people out of Israel’s population of roughly 9.3 million have received at least one vaccine shot, of whom close to 5.2 million have been fully vaccinated.

The deaths came as Israel has been experiencing a resurgence in infections due to the ultra-infectious Delta variant, though there have been few deaths and serious cases have risen slowly following the country’s mass vaccination campaign.
I'm not sure how your 58% plus 5% equals 85%
Roughly 58% of the total population is fully vaxxed. An additional 5% of the total population had 1 shot. That 63% of the total population who had 1 or 2 shot equals roughly 85% of the adult population. Which does not mean, like you claimed, that 80% is vaccinated. Only 58% is fully vaccinated.... and effectively even less cause it takes a week or two after the 2nd shot to build up immunity. In addition to the incorrect vax rates as a base for the rest of your post, you can’t determine efficacy by looking at a random small period/pool and compare it to the base vax rate of the entire population even if it was 80-20. That’s not how that works. Nor by comparing essentially fully or partly vaccinated older people with unvaccinated younger people.

The group that is most likely to need hospitalization or even die is currently almost entirely overlapping the fully vaccinated group. In fact last week only 1 fully vaccinated yet infected under 60 was seriously ill, none under 50, opposed to 14 unvaccinated under 50.

Read the article I posted, it’s a rare occassion a link to a news article fits so well.
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The description of the data is cut off in your new picture.
If you're talking about the translation and the term coronary, as I mentioned Google translate isn't perfect. Here is a different translation:

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Roughly 58% of the total population is fully vaxxed. An additional 5% of the total population had 1 shot. That 63% of the total population who had 1 or 2 shot equals roughly 85% of the adult population. Which does not mean, like you claimed, that 80% is vaccinated. Only 58% is fully vaccinated.... and effectively even less cause it takes a week or two after the 2nd shot to build up immunity. In addition to the incorrect vax rates as a base for the rest of your post, you can’t determine efficacy by looking at a random small period/pool and compare it to the base vax rate of the entire population even if it was 80-20. That’s not how that works. Nor by comparing essentially fully or partly vaccinated older people with unvaccinated younger people.

The group that is most likely to need hospitalization or even die is currently almost entirely overlapping the fully vaccinated group. In fact last week only 1 fully vaccinated yet infected under 60 was seriously ill, none under 50, opposed to 14 unvaccinated under 50.

Read the article I posted, it’s a rare occassion a link to a news article fits so well.
So I was off by a few % because I was giving averages? OK, but what's your point really? The ratios of death and hospitalization still stand, and honestly based on your reasoning it even reinforces my math (since I included the largely unvaccinated under 20 population in my data pull), if you care to crunch the numbers.
If you're talking about the translation and the term coronary, as I mentioned Google translate isn't perfect. Here is a different translation:

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So I was off by a few % because I was giving averages? OK, but what's your point really? The ratios of death and hospitalization still stand, and honestly based on your reasoning it even reinforces my math (since I included the largely unvaccinated under 20 population in my data pull), if you care to crunch the numbers.
My point is that what you are showing as 'evidence' is evolving to fit the story you are trying like hell to sell here, which is very sketchy.

I would still trust the doctors here in America that are telling us in real time that almost all of the people in the hospital for the virus are unvaccinated people.
So I was off by a few % because I was giving averages? OK, but what's your point really? The ratios of death and hospitalization still stand, and honestly based on your reasoning it even reinforces my math (since I included the largely unvaccinated under 20 population in my data pull), if you care to crunch the numbers.
I expected a reply that would make me doubt whether you are trolling or just dumb. Leaning heavily to the latter. But then, can you be this dumb yet able to write complete sentences. You’re effectively off by almost 30% by the way, but as I explained even if you had used the correct percentages your ratios wouldn’t represent anything meaningful a selfrespecting vax-sceptic could sensibly use. to imply whatever point it is you think you have.
I would still trust the doctors here in America that are telling us in real time that almost all of the people in the hospital for the virus are unvaccinated people.
That might have been true back in April, but not currently.

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I expected a reply that would make me doubt whether you are trolling or just dumb. Leaning heavily to the latter. But then, can you be this dumb yet able to write complete sentences. You’re effectively off by almost 30% by the way, but as I explained even if you had used the correct percentages your ratios wouldn’t represent anything meaningful a selfrespecting vax-sceptic could sensibly use. to imply whatever point it is you think you have.

As I already mentioned, I should have said adults vaxxed, as I didn't include kids in that number. With that I'd be maybe 5% off. We can do the same debate with kids included in the numbers if you like, but it won't help your cause, which you would see for yourself if your were to actually look at the data instead of engaging in a hollow debate.
That might have been true back in April, but not currently.

View attachment 4951810

As I already mentioned, I should have said adults vaxxed, as I didn't include kids in that number. With that I'd be maybe 5% off. We can do the same debate with kids included in the numbers if you like, but it won't help your cause, which you would see for yourself if your were to actually look at the data instead of engaging in a hollow debate.
remember when you cried when i said it was good to kill nazis and then a few weeks later you claimed you were a secret nazi killer who almost killed a nazi once?

anyhoo the only people dying in significant numbers from covid anymore are the unvaccinated and also your vagina smells bad
That might have been true back in April, but not currently.

View attachment 4951810

As I already mentioned, I should have said adults vaxxed, as I didn't include kids in that number. With that I'd be maybe 5% off. We can do the same debate with kids included in the numbers if you like, but it won't help your cause, which you would see for yourself if your were to actually look at the data instead of engaging in a hollow debate.

Once again you are pretending like incident of a person having this virus while in the hospital is relevant (or more likely just a distraction to confuse people who don't understand the death cult trolling) to the vast majority of people who are sick with the virus being the reason they are in the hospital.

The thing you are cherry picking around is that those people that are vaccinated are not the ones getting seriously ill and taking up a shit load of resources to treat in the hospital and putting vulnerable people at higher risk.
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Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Full Coverage: Coronavirus pandemic

An Associated Press analysis of available government data from May shows that “breakthrough” infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 107,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations.
That’s about 1.1%.

And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.

The AP analyzed figures provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC itself has not estimated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths are in fully vaccinated people, citing limitations in the data.

Among them: Only about 45 states report breakthrough infections, and some are more aggressive than others in looking for such cases. So the data probably understates such infections, CDC officials said.

Still, the overall trend that emerges from the data echoes what many health care authorities are seeing around the country and what top experts are saying.

Earlier this month, Andy Slavitt, a former adviser to the Biden administration on COVID-19, suggested that 98% to 99% of the Americans dying of the coronavirus are unvaccinated.

And CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on Tuesday that the vaccine is so effective that “nearly every death, especially among adults, due to COVID-19, is, at this point, entirely preventable.” She called such deaths “particularly tragic.”

Deaths in the U.S. have plummeted from a peak of more than 3,400 day on average in mid-January, one month into the vaccination drive.

About 63% of all vaccine-eligible Americans — those 12 and older — have received at least one dose, and 53% are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. While vaccine remains scarce in much of the world, the U.S. supply is so abundant and demand has slumped so dramatically that shots sit unused.

Ross Bagne, a 68-year-old small-business owner in Cheyenne, Wyoming, was eligible for the vaccine in early February but didn’t get it. He died June 4, infected and unvaccinated, after spending more than three weeks in the hospital, his lungs filling with fluid. He was unable to swallow because of a stroke.

“He never went out, so he didn’t think he would catch it,” said his grieving sister, Karen McKnight. She wondered: “Why take the risk of not getting vaccinated?”

The preventable deaths will continue, experts predict, with unvaccinated pockets of the nation experiencing outbreaks in the fall and winter. Ali Mokdad, a professor of health metrics sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, said modeling suggests the nation will hit 1,000 deaths per day again next year.

In Arkansas, which has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the nation, with only about 33% of the population fully protected, cases, hospitalizations and deaths are rising.

“It is sad to see someone go to the hospital or die when it can be prevented,” Gov. Asa Hutchinson tweeted as he urged people to get their shots.

In Seattle’s King County, the public health department found only three deaths during a recent 60-day period in people who were fully vaccinated. The rest, some 95% of 62 deaths, had had no vaccine or just one shot.

“Those are all somebody’s parents, grandparents, siblings and friends,” said Dr. Mark Del Beccaro, who helps lead a vaccination outreach program in King County. “It’s still a lot of deaths, and they’re preventable deaths.”

In the St. Louis area, more than 90% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have not been vaccinated, said Dr. Alex Garza, a hospital administrator who directs a metropolitan-area task force on the outbreak.

“The majority of them express some regret for not being vaccinated,” Garza said. “That’s a pretty common refrain that we’re hearing from patients with COVID.”

The stories of unvaccinated people dying may convince some people they should get the shots, but young adults — the group least likely to be vaccinated — may be motivated more by a desire to protect their loved ones, said David Michaels, an epidemiologist at George Washington University’s school of public health in the nation’s capital.

Others need paid time off to get the shots and deal with any side effects, Michaels said.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration this month began requiring health care employers, including hospitals and nursing homes, to provide such time off. But Michaels, who headed OSHA under President Barack Obama, said the agency should have gone further and applied the rule to meat and poultry plants and other food operations as well as other places with workers at risk.

Bagne, who lived alone, ran a business helping people incorporate their companies in Wyoming for the tax advantages. He was winding down the business, planning to retire, when he got sick, emailing his sister in April about an illness that had left him dizzy and disoriented.

“Whatever it was. That bug took a LOT out of me,” he wrote.

As his health deteriorated, a neighbor finally persuaded him to go to the hospital.

“Why was the messaging in his state so unclear that he didn’t understand the importance of the vaccine? He was a very bright guy,” his sister said. “I wish he’d gotten the vaccine, and I’m sad he didn’t understand how it could prevent him from getting COVID.”

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What is a COVID-19 vaccine “breakthrough” case?

It’s when a fully vaccinated person gets infected with the coronavirus. A small number of such cases are expected and health officials say they’re not a cause for alarm.

COVID-19 vaccines work by teaching the body to recognize the virus. So if you’re exposed to it after vaccination, your immune system should be ready to spring into action and fight it.

In studies, the two-dose COVID-19 vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna were around 95% effective at preventing illness, while the one-shot Johnson & Johnson shot was 72% effective, though direct comparisons are difficult. So while the vaccines are very good at protecting us from the virus, it’s still possible to get infected with mild or no symptoms, or even to get sick.

If you do end up getting sick despite vaccination, experts say the shots are very good at reducing the severity of the illness — the main reason to get vaccinated.

Most people with breakthrough infections experience mild illness, said Dr. William Moss, a vaccine expert at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

In the U.S., people who weren’t vaccinated make up nearly all hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19.

It’s difficult to determine why any particular breakthrough case happens. How much of the virus you’re exposed to could be a factor, Moss said. Our individual immune systems will also affect how well we respond to the shots. Some people, for example, have health conditions or take medications that could make their immune systems less responsive to the vaccines.

People might also have been exposed to the virus before the shots took full effect. Though less likely, they may have received a dose that was improperly stored or administered, Moss said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes variants could be factors in some breakthrough cases, though evidence so far indicates the vaccines used in the U.S. are protective against them.

Health officials are also watching for signs that breakthrough cases are rising, which could signal that protection from the vaccines is fading and boosters are needed.
You probably want to opt for real N95's, and avoid the KN95 masks. They aren't NIOSH approved (as they don't meet the NIOSH standards for use in healthcare settings), and the CDC just pulled the EUA on them at the end of June:

It turns out that silk masks are pretty effective, more so than cotton:
Thanks for the info @PJ Diaz, I didn't know that.
I researched and read that the only difference between the two maskes was that the KN95 were manufactured off shore in China.
The Best FDA-Approved KN95 Face Masks on Amazon |
I never saw/heard about the new rules issued by the CDC.
Revoked EUAs for Non-NIOSH-Approved Disposable Filtering Facepiece Respirators | FDA
Oh well, I guess I'll have to eat the ones that I bought for $25 on Amazon & get these, at least for my wife who is a teacher.

NIOSH Approved N95 Mask Particulate Respirator - Pack of 20 Face Masks - Universal Fit

Visit the Maxboost Store
4.7 out of 5 stars 365 ratings


Price:$46.95 ($2.35 / Count) Prime FREE Delivery & FREE Returns

SizePack of 20
StylePack of 20
MaterialNonwoven Fabric, Melt-blown nonwoven fabric
Item Weight1 Ounces
About this item
  • Nonwoven Fabric, Melt-blown nonwoven fabric
  • Imported
  • NIOSH Approved N95 certified for at least 95 percent filtration efficiency against certain non-oil based particles.
  • Adjustable nose clip helps in obtaining a secure seal.
  • Durable latex-free material to ensure your wearing comfort.
  • Compatible with a variety of protective eyewear and hearing protection.
  • Advanced electrostatic media is designed for ease of breathing, and produced by a credible manufacturer (Suzhou Fangtian Industries Co., Ltd.), Model: FT-N040.

I don't really go out much, just to the grocery store where I can maintain social distancing pretty much, so I'll use the KN95's & get N95's for my wife.
The K95's seem to be adequate for me, plus I hate the double bands on the N95 (They mess up my hair :) )
Thanks again
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