Pandemic 2020

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We will see. My guess is hospital mandates will fix that percentage. Nobody wants to have people getting sick and not showing up for work because they have been brainwashed online to believe the nonsense that is being spread.

lol I was walking into Home Depot a couple months ago and some dick was giving me the shit eye (I was masked he wasn't) from a distance and I was just looking off into the isles like I didn't notice. I was smiling the entire time, and as he was getting close to passing me, I shifted my eyes right to him and glared, just to see what would happen.

It was almost like I did a cup check on the guy the way he jumped lol.

I think there is a lot of subtly to wearing a mask that I am learning to enjoy.

i get to mouth all sorts of words that i couldn't if not for wearing a's empowering.
Ken Paxton to Newsmax: Biden's Door-to-Door Vaccine Push Won't Fly in Texas
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton insisted on Newsmax Thursday that President Joe Biden's call for a "door-to-door" COVID-19 vaccination drive won't be happening in his state, because the "last thing" the state needs is for the federal government checking in on them.

"It should be completely up to individuals to decide what their own personal risks are, what their health situation is, and the fact that the government might know whether you've been vaccinated is disturbing," Paxton said on Newsmax's "National Report." "From a privacy standpoint, the last thing we want the government to know about his our personal health information."

White House press secretary Jen Psaki, while commenting on the plan, said the administration wants to make sure Americans have the information on the safety and accessibility of the vaccine but also said that the federal government's goal is to protect Americans but that it is still up to individuals to decide if they'll get their shots.

Meanwhile, Paxton said his office is looking at legal action through the courts to stop people from going door-to-door over the vaccines.

"We're definitely going to be looking at our opportunities in court to stop them from going door to door and then we're also going to get into the whole issue of what information do they have about us?" said Paxton.

I agree, the Pandemic will end sooner or later.
Our next dilemma is climate change, and I believe that it's too late to reverse it.
Maybe slow it down a little, but that's about all we can do now in my opinion
Too fucking late.
Look at California.
If the drought & fires continue, it wil become a wasteland
Fucking scary thought, isn't it.
Every carbon emitting device on this planet should be eliminated, from power plants to cars, if not we are totally screwed
We have the technology, like solar/wind/nuclear/battery powered cars for instance.
Fucking use it

Heat wave builds across West after hottest June on record in U.S. - The Washington Post

Extreme heat in California shows effects of climate chang - Los Angeles Times (

There goes most of the vegetables grown in the US and you can bet on some failures with the power grid & blackouts due to demand ( AC's mostly )
Shortages/cost increases are inevitable.
In other words, we're fucked.

This is LA in 50 years (wanna bet?)

Covid-19 originated naturally and not in lab, virologists conclude

No shit
Remember when they were saying it was a biological weapon being developed by China that escapedd from a lab.
What were those idiots thinking, that the Chinese were suicidal & wanted to destroy mankind?
Give me a break.
We just have to stop those barbarians from eating bats.
Problem solved
Also … last I read somewhere is that scientists are thawing protozoan / bacterial / viral elements from deep below artic permafrost .
Things that haven’t been around for thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands years ago. Just to research them.

Some were actually reanimated and living.

Mankind will be the death of mankind.
Here is an excerpt…

With the continuous evolution and emergence of new unknown pathogens in the last decades, such as SARS, MERS, Ebola, and recently SARS2 (Covid-19), it is clear that international public health faces severe challenges. However, the re-emergence of serious infectious diseases which were previously partially or completely eradicated represents a similar public health hazard. One of the main reasons for the re-occurrence of eradicated diseases is attributed to the global warming. Among the most underestimated harmful effects of the global warming is the melting of the ice layer and the release of buried materials since decades including radioactive wastes (Colgan et al. 2016), and liberates billions of tons of carbon dioxide and methane gas into the air (Knoblauch et al. 2018), and could even release a huge amount of trapped heavy metals to the surrounding environment and groundwater (McConnell et al. 2018).
Thawing of frozen snow may also liberate frozen biological materials since tens and hundreds of thousands of years, including ancient viruses and bacteria. Microbiological examination of tissue samples obtained from a frozen mammoth in Siberian revealed the presence of members of the genera Carnobacterium and Lactosphera, which could be cultured on anaerobic media (El-Sayed and Kamel 2020; Pikuta et al. 2011). Similarly, examination of the gut microbiome of the frozen body of rhinoceros, which represents another extinct animal species, could detect the presence of Firmicutes (mainly members of the family Clostridiaceae), Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, TM7, and Bacteroidetes (Mardanov et al. 2012). Ancient bacteria were also isolated from environmental samples rather than the bodies of frozen animals. The diversity of newly detected bacterial species in ice is huge. Climatic changes that may lead to thawing of ice and the revival of bacteria will have potential effects with unexpected consequences. (Brouchkov et al. 2017). A 300,000-years-old virus and 8 million years old bacteria could be isolated from Siberian and Antarctica, respectively. Fourteen bacterial isolates could also be isolated from 750,000-year-old ice samples obtained from the Tibetan Plateau. In 2016, ancient anthrax spores stored in frozen soil in Siberian resulted in the death of a child died and hospitalization of an additional 20 persons (El-Sayed and Kamel 2020; Christner et al. 2003). However, the melted snow also released unknown bacteria/viruses that were trapped and preserved for thousands and possibly millions of years. Microbiological investigation of ice samples obtained from the Tibetan Plateau revealed four types of known viruses in addition to 28 novel viral genera and abundant bacteria. Similarly, the investigation of frozen samples from Siberia described for the first time a 30,000-year-old giant virus. The virus retained its viability and infectivity (Legendre et al. 2015).

For the full horror show - link here
Also … last I read somewhere is that scientists are thawing protozoan / bacterial / viral elements from deep below artic permafrost .
Things that haven’t been around for thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands years ago. Just to research them.

Some were actually reanimated and living.

Mankind will be the death of mankind.
That does sound quite awful. How do you feel about the Gain of Function research on viruses that the NIH has been funding?

ooooh 'gain of function'


Regardless …. This will not be the last animal to human pandemic .
Currently in lower Michigan we are getting hammered by mosquitoes which sucks.

But you are right, which is why I am happy that people are dedicating their lives to keeping humanity a step ahead of the next thing that devastates us.
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ooooh 'gain of function'


Peter Daszak's

Currently in lower Michigan we are getting hammered by mosquitoes which sucks.

But you are right, which is why I am happy that people are dedicating their lives to keeping humanity a step ahead of the next thing that devastates us.
So, you don't mind the gain of Function research that Peter Daszak and his colleagues have done to make the original Sars virus more contagious? Interesting.
So, you don't mind the gain of Function research that Peter Daszak and his colleagues have done to make the original Sars virus more contagious? Interesting.
Wow, I mean if a random account online (who has been pushing death cult propaganda) says it, it must be true huh?

Using your youtube science degree again I see.

Looks like you are just pushing more Trump spam.

Here is an excerpt…

With the continuous evolution and emergence of new unknown pathogens in the last decades, such as SARS, MERS, Ebola, and recently SARS2 (Covid-19), it is clear that international public health faces severe challenges. However, the re-emergence of serious infectious diseases which were previously partially or completely eradicated represents a similar public health hazard. One of the main reasons for the re-occurrence of eradicated diseases is attributed to the global warming. Among the most underestimated harmful effects of the global warming is the melting of the ice layer and the release of buried materials since decades including radioactive wastes (Colgan et al. 2016), and liberates billions of tons of carbon dioxide and methane gas into the air (Knoblauch et al. 2018), and could even release a huge amount of trapped heavy metals to the surrounding environment and groundwater (McConnell et al. 2018).
Thawing of frozen snow may also liberate frozen biological materials since tens and hundreds of thousands of years, including ancient viruses and bacteria. Microbiological examination of tissue samples obtained from a frozen mammoth in Siberian revealed the presence of members of the genera Carnobacterium and Lactosphera, which could be cultured on anaerobic media (El-Sayed and Kamel 2020; Pikuta et al. 2011). Similarly, examination of the gut microbiome of the frozen body of rhinoceros, which represents another extinct animal species, could detect the presence of Firmicutes (mainly members of the family Clostridiaceae), Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, TM7, and Bacteroidetes (Mardanov et al. 2012). Ancient bacteria were also isolated from environmental samples rather than the bodies of frozen animals. The diversity of newly detected bacterial species in ice is huge. Climatic changes that may lead to thawing of ice and the revival of bacteria will have potential effects with unexpected consequences. (Brouchkov et al. 2017). A 300,000-years-old virus and 8 million years old bacteria could be isolated from Siberian and Antarctica, respectively. Fourteen bacterial isolates could also be isolated from 750,000-year-old ice samples obtained from the Tibetan Plateau. In 2016, ancient anthrax spores stored in frozen soil in Siberian resulted in the death of a child died and hospitalization of an additional 20 persons (El-Sayed and Kamel 2020; Christner et al. 2003). However, the melted snow also released unknown bacteria/viruses that were trapped and preserved for thousands and possibly millions of years. Microbiological investigation of ice samples obtained from the Tibetan Plateau revealed four types of known viruses in addition to 28 novel viral genera and abundant bacteria. Similarly, the investigation of frozen samples from Siberia described for the first time a 30,000-year-old giant virus. The virus retained its viability and infectivity (Legendre et al. 2015).

For the full horror show - link here
The scientists take samples to get a jump on what is happening naturally. We have buildings, rail lines, roads that are shifting because they were built with the thought that the frozen ground will remain frozen. Large sections of permafrost is thawing and there are tones of bugs and animals that are going to come into contact with the long frozen viruses and bacteria. Maybe this covid-19 episode is a mild wake up call for us. There will be future pandemics, this last one might one day be seen as a walk in the park.
No shit
Remember when they were saying it was a biological weapon being developed by China that escapedd from a lab.
What were those idiots thinking, that the Chinese were suicidal & wanted to destroy mankind?
Give me a break.
We just have to stop those barbarians from eating bats.
Problem solved

there are so many people it is not unusual for someone to consume bat droppings outside a wet market, Jim.
Also … last I read somewhere is that scientists are thawing protozoan / bacterial / viral elements from deep below artic permafrost .
Things that haven’t been around for thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands years ago. Just to research them.

Some were actually reanimated and living.

Mankind will be the death of mankind.

AI will be the death of mankind.
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