Pandemic 2020

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As long as it's mostly unvaccinated people who die the vaccinated don't gaf.
If their ignorance didn’t potentially create variants and problems for the rest of us, I wouldn’t give a fuck about them either. As long as it’s a choice and not because of vaccine shortages, no pity from me. The quicker they die, the less chance they can spread the virus.
If their ignorance didn’t potentially create variants and problems for the rest of us, I wouldn’t give a fuck about them either. As long as it’s a choice and not because of vaccine shortages, no pity from me. The quicker they die, the less chance they can spread the virus.
But them dying off in numbers will effect the economy. Mind you that is only short term, long term it may be a plus. Tough call.
On a positive note, at least tRUmptards won't be breeding anymore.

Well, that article helps me to understand/explain my problem.
Ever since I had Covid and got home from the hospital/rehab facility, my dick has been as limp as an old stalk of celery that was laying in the fridge for a month.
I wasn't sure what the cause was.
Now I know.
It wasnt the fact that my wife had gained a 100 lbs. since we were married, it's fucking Covid.
Now I can explain to my wife that the reason my dick is aways limp when that fat moose is around, it's becuse of Covid, not your bloated body.
That's a relief :)
Where the next round of ventilator shortages will occur:


Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia.

I feel bad for all the people working in the hospitals that are being burnt out dealing with these entirely preventable disease.

Anti-vaxxers are on par with Jehovah Witnesses not accepting blood when it could easily save them and their children's lives.
The bad thing is, up to 40% of health workers are not going to get the jab.
When my boss came into work this morning, she told me her husband was at urgent care getting tested for covid. They had all got together for the 4th, and found out later her son has covid. Test came back negative for her husband.

She said she never expected it to sneak up on her like that. I've been saying for a year you can have it and not know it.
The bad thing is, up to 40% of health workers are not going to get the jab.
We will see. My guess is hospital mandates will fix that percentage. Nobody wants to have people getting sick and not showing up for work because they have been brainwashed online to believe the nonsense that is being spread.
Everywhere I go hardly anyone wears a mask, I stick out like a sore thumb with my N95 on.
lol I was walking into Home Depot a couple months ago and some dick was giving me the shit eye (I was masked he wasn't) from a distance and I was just looking off into the isles like I didn't notice. I was smiling the entire time, and as he was getting close to passing me, I shifted my eyes right to him and glared, just to see what would happen.

It was almost like I did a cup check on the guy the way he jumped lol.

I think there is a lot of subtly to wearing a mask that I am learning to enjoy.
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Where the next round of ventilator shortages will occur:

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Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia.

The Confederacy 2.0, you are looking at the pot that will cook up Variant X of Covid requiring more FKN shots this fall GUARANTEED, this whole mess the last 16 months has pretty much convinced me that our country is incapable of uniting to face a common challenge.ccguns
We will see. My guess is hospital mandates will fix that percentage. Nobody wants to have people getting sick and not showing up for work because they have been brainwashed online to believe the nonsense that is being spread.
I heard a report on NPR a couple three weeks ago. Colleges get most of their funding from the states, so red state schools can't mandate the jab or they are in risk of losing their funding. I'm sure hospitals are in the same boat.
Ken Paxton to Newsmax: Biden's Door-to-Door Vaccine Push Won't Fly in Texas
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton insisted on Newsmax Thursday that President Joe Biden's call for a "door-to-door" COVID-19 vaccination drive won't be happening in his state, because the "last thing" the state needs is for the federal government checking in on them.

"It should be completely up to individuals to decide what their own personal risks are, what their health situation is, and the fact that the government might know whether you've been vaccinated is disturbing," Paxton said on Newsmax's "National Report." "From a privacy standpoint, the last thing we want the government to know about his our personal health information."

White House press secretary Jen Psaki, while commenting on the plan, said the administration wants to make sure Americans have the information on the safety and accessibility of the vaccine but also said that the federal government's goal is to protect Americans but that it is still up to individuals to decide if they'll get their shots.

Meanwhile, Paxton said his office is looking at legal action through the courts to stop people from going door-to-door over the vaccines.

"We're definitely going to be looking at our opportunities in court to stop them from going door to door and then we're also going to get into the whole issue of what information do they have about us?" said Paxton.

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