Pandemic 2020

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I don't live in that shit cuz I don't want it. But I'm paid by one of the biggest companies in this country, cuz you aren't able to do the job. Keep quiet, loser.
Next time you need help from a physician or nurse, do it yourself.
Lauren Boebert stated there hadn't been a single COVID-19 death in Texas since mask restrictions ended in March. Data shows thousands had, in fact, died.
Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado falsely claimed that Texas hasn't recorded a single COVID-19 death since it lifted mask restrictions two months ago.

Speaking to right-wing commentator Gina Loudon on "Dr.Gina Primetime" on Wednesday, Boebert ridiculed the House chamber's mask mandate and said she "enjoys" telling Speaker Nancy Pelosi to "kiss my mask."

"Leftists won't even listen to the bureaucrats at the CDC, and it just goes to show that this party's 'Follow the Science' slogan is a total joke, just like this entire administration, just like the entire Democrat Party," Boebert said, according to Right Wing Watch. "They want to tell you to listen to science and listen to data and facts, but they haven't done that for more than a year."
Lauren Boebert stated there hadn't been a single COVID-19 death in Texas since mask restrictions ended in March. Data shows thousands had, in fact, died.
Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado falsely claimed that Texas hasn't recorded a single COVID-19 death since it lifted mask restrictions two months ago.

Speaking to right-wing commentator Gina Loudon on "Dr.Gina Primetime" on Wednesday, Boebert ridiculed the House chamber's mask mandate and said she "enjoys" telling Speaker Nancy Pelosi to "kiss my mask."

"Leftists won't even listen to the bureaucrats at the CDC, and it just goes to show that this party's 'Follow the Science' slogan is a total joke, just like this entire administration, just like the entire Democrat Party," Boebert said, according to Right Wing Watch. "They want to tell you to listen to science and listen to data and facts, but they haven't done that for more than a year."

she's an idiot.....sheesh
China's strict travel restrictions in Guangzhou show the country is taking extreme measures to control its COVID numbers and avoid the fate of other Asian nations
China put in place a slate of strict measures to fight COVID in the southern port city of Guangzhou on Monday night in an attempt to suppress a potential fresh wave of cases and avoid the fate of other Asian countries struggling to curb the virus.

Strict travel restrictions came into effect at 10 p.m. local time on Monday, and mandate that the Guangzhou residents show proof of a negative COVID test within 72 hours before traveling out of the Guangdong province.

Guangzhou is a sprawling Chinese city located around 80 miles northwest of Hong Kong. It boasts a population of 15.3 million residents — nearly twice the size of New York City — and is situated within Guangdong, home to around 115 million people.

The new restrictions resulted in some 500 flights being canceled at Guangzhou and Shenzhen's airports, per the South China Morning Post.

The Chinese authorities attributed these new cases to the fast-spreading and deadly B1617 COVID variant first detected in India, reported the SCMP. The news outlet noted that mass testing is in progress across Guangdong province, with detailed COVID screening and swabbing procedures for Foshan and Shenzhen cities in particular.

Like Singapore and Taiwan, China's COVID response has been shaped by a COVID Zero approach, in which even one case is too many. But countries like the UK and the US have begun treating COVID as an endemic problem in which people are learning to live with the virus rather than waiting to eradicate it completely before resuming normal life.

The SCMP reported on May 19 that the country is ramping up its vaccination rollout, with some 15 million COVID shots being administered daily. On May 24, the Chinese government also announced that it administered 546 million COVID vaccine doses, inoculating around 19.5% of its 1.39 billion-strong populace.
I use to go to a hospital, don't need cuz take care of my health not being a overweighted lazy person. Doctors exists far before than mayflower.

This only happens if vaccines work and enough of the population are vaccinated. Soon the only ones dying will be the vulnerable and vaccine chickenshits and anti vaccers who swallowed bullshit.
Covid: Zero daily deaths announced in UK for first time - BBC News

Covid: Zero daily deaths announced in UK for first time

The UK has announced zero daily Covid deaths within 28 days of a positive test for the first time since March 2020.
The latest figures also reported another 3,165 new cases, compared with 3,383 on Monday and 2,493 one week ago.
It comes amid concern over a recent small rise in cases linked to the variant first identified in India.

Reports of daily deaths are often lower at weekends and at the start of the week.

This is because less counting takes place while statisticians are off - and adding in the bank holiday weekend will make this figure less certain still.

Any deaths that happen on Tuesday will be reported in days to come.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the whole country would be "so glad" to hear the news.

He added: "The vaccines are clearly working - protecting you, those around you and your loved ones.

"But despite this undoubtedly good news we know we haven't beaten this virus yet, and with cases continuing to rise please remember hands, face, space and let in fresh air when indoors, and of course, make sure when you can you get both jabs."
Meanwhile, Public Health England's medical director Dr Yvonne Doyle said the death figure was "encouraging", but echoed the health secretary's call for people to get a vaccine due to rising cases.

t is a blessed relief for the government to announce no deaths in their daily figures for the first time since the pandemic got going.
There are always ifs and buts.

Today's deaths tell us what was happening with infections a month ago and, right now, it looks like the virus is on the rise again from its current low base.

And the daily count isn't a perfect picture: some people who died over the bank holiday may have their passing reported on Wednesday.

In fact, according to the UK's current definition, deaths within four weeks of a positive test, there was a day with no reportable deaths last summer - on 30 July.

But the government did announce some deaths on that day as they were using a different definition at the time.

The pandemic is far from over, but this is a unique day in its history to date.

We can celebrate it and hope that we'll see more like it in the near future.


he UK's daily death rate, the number of people being admitted to hospital and those catching the virus have fallen from a peak reached in January.

This comes against the backdrop of the increasing numbers of people receiving the first or second dose of a vaccine.
More than a third of the adult population have now received both doses.

The latest figures show 25,734,719 people in the UK have had two jabs, while 39,477,158 - some 74.9% of the adult population - have received a first dose.

However, the success of the UK's vaccination programme does not mean that the battle with Covid is over, a scientist advising the government has said.
In case anyone is concerned about whether covid was a leak vs natural, this episode on Twiv is very informative. They interview a researcher that does a very good job explaining the evidence for this being a naturally evolving virus, and discusses the evidence (or lack of) given for the other theory.

If you don't know a little about genetics, this is a very science filled podcast. Good stuff though, and a spoiler: it isn't a gain of function experiment..
Couple timestamps and papers discussed:
Actual podcast:

the-proximal-origin-of-sars-cov-2 (8:56 min)

early-appearance-of-two-distinct-genomic-lineages-of-sars-cov-2-in-different-wuhan-wildlife-markets-suggests-sars-cov-2-has-a-natural-origin (38:18 min) (explains how 2 separate strains circulated various live markets at the same time, in the beginning.)

spike-protein-sequences-of-cambodian-thai-and-japanese-bat-sarbecoviruses-provide-insights-into-the-natural-evolution-of-the-receptor-binding-domain-and-s1-s2-cleavage-site (1:06:06 min) (explains the recent paper being promoted as proving it was man-made... rather explains why that paper is wrong)
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'Helicopter never stopped coming'
Winkler-Morden COVID-19 ward doctor reflects on heavy weight of pandemic weekend
Abbu leads the Boundary Trails Health Centre’s special care unit, which treats its COVID-19 patients.

The hospital, which sits between Winkler and Morden at the connection of Highways 3 and 14, has struggled under the weight of COVID-19’s impact on the Southern Health region in the third wave of the pandemic.

It’s had to close operating rooms to deploy more staff to treat COVID-19 patients, and has brought in backup oxygen to support its most severely ill.

Abbu said this past weekend was the busiest of the entire pandemic. He believes around 40 per cent of all patients transferred to Winnipeg and Brandon intensive care units from rural areas over the weekend came from the 94-bed hospital.

"The helicopter never stopped coming on Saturday night, into Sunday morning," he said in an interview. "At four in the morning, we needed another transfer — and they said, ‘Everyone’s tired, the earliest we can come is at seven (a.m.).’ So we had to do that one by ground transfer."

There were currently some 20 COVID-19 patients at Boundary Trails — none of which, Abbu said, had been vaccinated.

"There are the absolute deniers, where even if they’re dying from COVID, they’re saying, ‘No, this is not COVID, it’s something else,’ and the alternatives they propose would be influenza, another virus, cancer even," he said.

“They don’t want to hear that this is COVID, because in their minds, they’re convinced COVID is a hoax. It is something that the government is using to impose control over their lives." — Dr. Ganesan Abbu "They don’t want to hear that this is COVID, because in their minds, they’re convinced COVID is a hoax. It is something that the government is using to impose control over their lives. So it’s a clash of different worldviews in this area."

Some patients, Abbu said, acknowledge the reality of COVID-19 only when they themselves have become gravely ill. Boundary Trails staff tell of patients, just before they are intubated, asking loved ones to get vaccinated, he said.

"It’s sad that it takes that degree of illness to convince someone, perhaps, that vaccination is a good thing."

COVID-19 is a multi-faceted crisis to tackle by design, Schneider suggested: some God-fearing folks may choose to ignore its severity or refuse a vaccine in the name of accepting the divine’s omnipotence in deciding a person’s health, while those more prone to conspiracy may point to the ever-changing nature of scientific discovery (for example, the changing discourse around wearing face masks outdoors as a safety measure) as proof the virus is overblown or not real.

“I feel that we still need to show compassion, we need to build trust. I’ve lived in this community for over 20 years. These are good people.” — Dr. Ganesan Abbu "There has to be a set of conditions that would lend itself to conspiracy theories taking root and taking hold," Schneider said.

"So to people who already have a strong belief in science or a strong trust in government, this would act as a shield or deterrent to these conspiracy theories... But for those who don’t have that, who might believe in things that are already fantastical or don’t correspond with reality, coupled with a distrust in the government, this I think would provide fertile ground."
Some patients, Abbu said, acknowledge the reality of COVID-19 only when they themselves have become gravely ill. Boundary Trails staff tell of patients, just before they are intubated, asking loved ones to get vaccinated, he said.

"It’s sad that it takes that degree of illness to convince someone, perhaps, that vaccination is a good thing."


"The RBD of the Cambodian bat coronavirus provides a divergent example of a sequence that binds ACE2. The binding specificity of Cambodian bat coronavirus RBD remains to be determined. In this regard, there is no evidence that the ACE2 binding solution that SARS-CoV-2 shares in part with Cambodian bat coronavirus as well as RaTG13 and GD pangolin coronavirus is specific for human ACE2. On the contrary, SARS-CoV-2 binds efficiently to ACE2 of several animal species (Wu F et al., 2020; Shang et al., 2020), thereby invalidating claims that the SARS-CoV-2 RBD was either selected or specifically optimized for human ACE2 binding (Zhan, Deverman, and Chan, 2020; Piplai et al., 2020). Further evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 RBD is not specifically adapted to human ACE2 is provided by repeated examples of human-to-animal transfers that require few, if any, RBD mutations (Garry, 2021). Moreover, the RBD is the site of several mutations in newly detected SARS-CoV-2 variants: this suggests that the human ACE2 binding is not optimal and is still subject to adaptive evolution as the virus spreads through the human population (Rambaut et al., 2020; Tegally et al., 2020; Faria et al., 2022). "

"The new sequences of sarbecoviruses from bats captured in Cambodia, Thailand and Japan fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of the sarbecoviruses. Recently, an additional sarbecovirus has been sampled from a Manis pentadactyla (Chinese pangolin) collected in 2017 in Yunnan province, China (GISAID ID EPI_ISL_610156) (Li et al., 2021). This new independently-derived sequence from a different pangolin species provides strong confirmation that the original pangolin coronavirus sequences were genuine and accurate despite some supposition to the contrary (Chan and Zhan, 2020). In addition, Wacharapluesadee and co-workers (2021) detected SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies in a pangolin at a wildlife checkpoint in Southern Thailand. Hence, pangolins appear to be naturally infected by viruses from at least two sarbecovirus lineages, although their role, if any, in the genesis of SARS-CoV-2 is uncertain. "

I will try and get a chance to listen to the other links later.
"The RBD of the Cambodian bat coronavirus provides a divergent example of a sequence that binds ACE2. The binding specificity of Cambodian bat coronavirus RBD remains to be determined. In this regard, there is no evidence that the ACE2 binding solution that SARS-CoV-2 shares in part with Cambodian bat coronavirus as well as RaTG13 and GD pangolin coronavirus is specific for human ACE2. On the contrary, SARS-CoV-2 binds efficiently to ACE2 of several animal species (Wu F et al., 2020; Shang et al., 2020), thereby invalidating claims that the SARS-CoV-2 RBD was either selected or specifically optimized for human ACE2 binding (Zhan, Deverman, and Chan, 2020; Piplai et al., 2020). Further evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 RBD is not specifically adapted to human ACE2 is provided by repeated examples of human-to-animal transfers that require few, if any, RBD mutations (Garry, 2021). Moreover, the RBD is the site of several mutations in newly detected SARS-CoV-2 variants: this suggests that the human ACE2 binding is not optimal and is still subject to adaptive evolution as the virus spreads through the human population (Rambaut et al., 2020; Tegally et al., 2020; Faria et al., 2022). "

"The new sequences of sarbecoviruses from bats captured in Cambodia, Thailand and Japan fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of the sarbecoviruses. Recently, an additional sarbecovirus has been sampled from a Manis pentadactyla (Chinese pangolin) collected in 2017 in Yunnan province, China (GISAID ID EPI_ISL_610156) (Li et al., 2021). This new independently-derived sequence from a different pangolin species provides strong confirmation that the original pangolin coronavirus sequences were genuine and accurate despite some supposition to the contrary (Chan and Zhan, 2020). In addition, Wacharapluesadee and co-workers (2021) detected SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies in a pangolin at a wildlife checkpoint in Southern Thailand. Hence, pangolins appear to be naturally infected by viruses from at least two sarbecovirus lineages, although their role, if any, in the genesis of SARS-CoV-2 is uncertain. "

I will try and get a chance to listen to the other links later.
Actual podcast link, didn't mean to forget that
Anheuser-Busch to launch its largest beer giveaway in history to support White House vaccination effort
Once 70 percent of American adults receive their shots the company will give away free beer.
Anheuser-Busch is giving away beer to promote President Biden’s 70 percent of adults being partially vaccinated initiative by Independence Day.

Since late April, the rate of people getting fully vaccinated has been in decline, presenting a challenge to businesses who want to return to normalcy.

For Anheuser-Busch, however, the company does not want business as usual, it wants a better experience between its retailers and event partners and its consumers.

The company, in its own words, is “doubling down on its pledge to use its unique capabilities and deep connection to consumers to lead a strong and safe recovery by encouraging consumers to get vaccinated,” by giving away its products, which include Budweiser, Busch, Michelob, Bud Light, and Natural Light.

Once the White House 70 percent goal has been reached, users can sign up on to redeem a beer from Anheuser-Busch.
“At Anheuser-Busch, we are committed to supporting the safe and strong recovery of our nation and being able to be together again at the places and with the people we have missed so much. This commitment includes encouraging Americans to get vaccinated, and we are excited to buy Americans 21+ a round of beer when we reach the White House goal,” CEO Michel Doukeris said. “We pride ourselves on stepping up both in times of need and in times of great celebration, and the past year has been no different. As we look ahead to brighter days with renewed optimism, we are proud to work alongside the White House to make a meaningful impact for our country, our communities and our consumers.”
People are starting to act like it's all over, I believe the worst is yet to come. The highly vaccinated countries may be safer for now but covid is going to ravage poor countries and spawn many variants that will elude the vaccine.
'Helicopter never stopped coming'
Winkler-Morden COVID-19 ward doctor reflects on heavy weight of pandemic weekend
Abbu leads the Boundary Trails Health Centre’s special care unit, which treats its COVID-19 patients.

The hospital, which sits between Winkler and Morden at the connection of Highways 3 and 14, has struggled under the weight of COVID-19’s impact on the Southern Health region in the third wave of the pandemic.

It’s had to close operating rooms to deploy more staff to treat COVID-19 patients, and has brought in backup oxygen to support its most severely ill.

Abbu said this past weekend was the busiest of the entire pandemic. He believes around 40 per cent of all patients transferred to Winnipeg and Brandon intensive care units from rural areas over the weekend came from the 94-bed hospital.

"The helicopter never stopped coming on Saturday night, into Sunday morning," he said in an interview. "At four in the morning, we needed another transfer — and they said, ‘Everyone’s tired, the earliest we can come is at seven (a.m.).’ So we had to do that one by ground transfer."

There were currently some 20 COVID-19 patients at Boundary Trails — none of which, Abbu said, had been vaccinated.

"There are the absolute deniers, where even if they’re dying from COVID, they’re saying, ‘No, this is not COVID, it’s something else,’ and the alternatives they propose would be influenza, another virus, cancer even," he said.

“They don’t want to hear that this is COVID, because in their minds, they’re convinced COVID is a hoax. It is something that the government is using to impose control over their lives." — Dr. Ganesan Abbu "They don’t want to hear that this is COVID, because in their minds, they’re convinced COVID is a hoax. It is something that the government is using to impose control over their lives. So it’s a clash of different worldviews in this area."

Some patients, Abbu said, acknowledge the reality of COVID-19 only when they themselves have become gravely ill. Boundary Trails staff tell of patients, just before they are intubated, asking loved ones to get vaccinated, he said.

"It’s sad that it takes that degree of illness to convince someone, perhaps, that vaccination is a good thing."

COVID-19 is a multi-faceted crisis to tackle by design, Schneider suggested: some God-fearing folks may choose to ignore its severity or refuse a vaccine in the name of accepting the divine’s omnipotence in deciding a person’s health, while those more prone to conspiracy may point to the ever-changing nature of scientific discovery (for example, the changing discourse around wearing face masks outdoors as a safety measure) as proof the virus is overblown or not real.

“I feel that we still need to show compassion, we need to build trust. I’ve lived in this community for over 20 years. These are good people.” — Dr. Ganesan Abbu "There has to be a set of conditions that would lend itself to conspiracy theories taking root and taking hold," Schneider said.

"So to people who already have a strong belief in science or a strong trust in government, this would act as a shield or deterrent to these conspiracy theories... But for those who don’t have that, who might believe in things that are already fantastical or don’t correspond with reality, coupled with a distrust in the government, this I think would provide fertile ground."
It's important to understand these people. But I don't see any attempt on their part to understand us.
People are starting to act like it's all over, I believe the worst is yet to come.
We'll know here in a couple weeks. After all the big sporting events and vacations over Memorial Day Weekend, two weeks from now if cases start going back up we'll know that once again it was too soon.
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