Pandemic 2020

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You don’t even live in this country! What makes you such a know it all? Your such a downer. America is coming back stronger than ever. Sorry you live in such a lame country and have all this hatred for America. You haven’t a clue .
So you think what's going on in America is normal politics? I don't hate America, but almost half your voting population is ready to toss your democracy down the tubes because they are racist fucks. WTF do you think is gonna happen when the hundreds of new voter suppression laws that the red states are passing kick in? What do you think will happen if the republicans retake the house in 2022, other than impeaching Biden? Your country is in extreme danger of coming apart at the seams or turning into a fascist dictatorship and is closer to a hot civil war than you think.

If America loses it's democracy because almost half the voters are racists and moral failures, how safe do you think Canada will be? If you lose your freedom, I'll lose mine shortly thereafter. I watch the same TV that you do, when you watch the news and what I'm seeing worries every sensible person and almost everybody who posts in politics.

I'm a big fan of Joe, but he needs patriots to help him get America back on track. Also, DeSantis is an asshole, there's no disputing that.
So you think what's going on in America is normal politics? I don't hate America, but almost half your voting population is ready to toss your democracy down the tubes because they are racist fucks. WTF do you think is gonna happen when the hundreds of new voter suppression laws that the red states are passing kick in? What do you think will happen if the republicans retake the house in 2022, other than impeaching Biden? Your country is in extreme danger of coming apart at the seams or turning into a fascist dictatorship and is closer to a hot civil war than you think.

If America loses it's democracy because almost half the voters are racists and moral failures, how safe do you think Canada will be? If you lose your freedom, I'll lose mine shortly thereafter. I watch the same TV that you do, when you watch the news and what I'm seeing worries every sensible person and almost everybody who posts in politics.

I'm a big fan of Joe, but he needs patriots to help him get America back on track. Also, DeSantis is an asshole, there's no disputing that.
I don’t watch TV. Lol. America is coming back stronger, I work and live and play all over this country and it’s a strong country. Don’t worry so much . It’s going to be OK. In fact it’s going to be Amazing!
You don’t even live in this country! What makes you such a know it all? Your such a downer. America is coming back stronger than ever. Sorry you live in such a lame country and have all this hatred for America. You haven’t a clue .
Here have a look at this and tell me everything is hunky dory because Biden won, the real test is coming in 2022.

Poll: 28% Of Republicans Believe Core Q-Anon Beliefs

In a shocking new poll, Public Religion Research found that nearly one in four Republicans believe core QAnon beliefs, such as a “Satan-worshipping pedophile” conspiracy theory.
Here have a look at this and tell me everything is hunky dory because Biden won, the real test is coming in 2022.

Poll: 28% Of Republicans Believe Core Q-Anon Beliefs

In a shocking new poll, Public Religion Research found that nearly one in four Republicans believe core QAnon beliefs, such as a “Satan-worshipping pedophile” conspiracy theory.
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you .
I don’t watch TV. Lol. America is coming back stronger, I work and live and play all over this country and it’s a strong country. Don’t worry so much . It’s going to be OK. In fact it’s going to be Amazing!
I'm optimistic, but like many American's, I'm concerned about the short term danger, these people are fucking nuts! If you can get through the next few election cycles while keeping republicans out of power, you should be OK. Joe in smart and wise, and he has a first class team behind him, but even if the democrats win in 2022, they will still lose by having the election stolen. HR1 and the voters rights bills will help to level the playing field and counter what the republicans are doing in the states, but they have to be made into law first.
That 75% is a worst case guesstimate. It was 38% variant Delta of the china virus 4 days ago. Daily cases just 1/20th of what they were in jan. It’s just a ripple, so far.

pfizer shows 88% efficacy for variant Delta (Indian) and 93% for variant Alpha (brit). AZ 60% vs 66% respectively. Most used in UK is AZ. 2/3rd had first shot (only 30 efficacy for variant delta), just over a third had both shots and is fully vaccinated.

So that does leave room for that ripple to become a wave (albeit with lower hospitalization rate), especially with the weather finally getting good, and so many vaccinated, people are about done with covid.

The graph I saw showed a steep rise in infections not just a small blip, I'm not saying how big the wave will be, just that one is starting. The UK is about to ease pandemic rules even more and with how infectious the India variant is it could get bad quickly.
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you .
Your naivety is distressing to me, your country is on fire and the shining city on the hill is in danger of burning down. There is a bare majority that is committed to the constitution and founding ethos of the nation, 74 million moral failures almost made Trump a King. You had the tradition of 240 years of the peaceful transfer of power destroyed by a violent insurrection at the capitol that killed people on Jan 6th and the republicans don't want to investigate it because they were complacent. The republicans have formed an alliance with a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at US, your NATO partner, not just you. Trump betrayed US, your NATO allies, not just America, so yeah, I got skin in the game.

I like America and found it distressing that Trump's malicious incompetence and lies killed 600 hundred thousand of you folks, more than were lost in WW2. Joe turned it around in 4 months and turned America from an object of pity to one of vaccine envy, leadership counts.
The graph I saw showed a steep rise in infections not just a small blip, I'm not saying how big the wave will be, just that one is starting. The UK is about to ease pandemic rules even more and with how infectious the India variant is it could get bad quickly.
There is a new variant coming out of Vietnam that is also concerning, each new one seems to be more contagious than the one before. That's all that counts to Darwin, the fastest spreader, not the most virulent, though a virus that is more contagious is often more aggressive in terms of the speed of infection and does not give the immune system as long a time to react. More contagious is far worse in terms of mortality than more virulent. These new strains are gonna hit the unvaccinated like a ton of bricks when they dominate. Those who refuse vaccination usually don't like masks either and don't social distance, 98% of covid ICU cases are unvaccinated, the others are people with comorbidities or immune system issues.

Vaccine chickenshits, Trumpers and religious loonies are gonna be filling the hospitals. Many deny they have covid and show up when it's too late to treat them with antibodies. Shit, many of them are still in denial while they are being intubated and after the doctors and medical staff have repeatedly informed them of their diagnoses and test results.
The company I work for still gives two weeks disability for Covid. So now we have a bunch of young dumbasses taking no precautions, getting Covid, recuperating for a week and vacationing for a week. One of them will end up in a hospital or worse.

Time to yank this benefit for anybody that cannot medically take the vaccine. It is actually contributing to the spread.
So you think what's going on in America is normal politics? I don't hate America, but almost half your voting population is ready to toss your democracy down the tubes because they are racist fucks. WTF do you think is gonna happen when the hundreds of new voter suppression laws that the red states are passing kick in? What do you think will happen if the republicans retake the house in 2022, other than impeaching Biden? Your country is in extreme danger of coming apart at the seams or turning into a fascist dictatorship and is closer to a hot civil war than you think.

If America loses it's democracy because almost half the voters are racists and moral failures, how safe do you think Canada will be? If you lose your freedom, I'll lose mine shortly thereafter. I watch the same TV that you do, when you watch the news and what I'm seeing worries every sensible person and almost everybody who posts in politics.

I'm a big fan of Joe, but he needs patriots to help him get America back on track. Also, DeSantis is an asshole, there's no disputing that.
Trump did one thing that no Democratic party leader has managed since FDR. Energize and unite Democrats to vote for Democrats.
If you think we are having fun now, just wait until fall when many have spent the summer out doors or with well ventilated window open areas and we get shut in again. It will be mask time again. Or maybe a booster shot. Everybody line up again.

Boy I hope not.
You don’t even live in this country! What makes you such a know it all? Your such a downer. America is coming back stronger than ever. Sorry you live in such a lame country and have all this hatred for America. You haven’t a clue .
Strong than ever? Thanks to Biden.
Reps are just a joke. Lose in Vietnam, Korea... Democrats are doing the job. Reps tried to invade your own White House. Cowards speechless. Bla bla bla against who's going after it.
Denial, keep being a joke.
You don’t even live in this country! What makes you such a know it all? Your such a downer. America is coming back stronger than ever. Sorry you live in such a lame country and have all this hatred for America. You haven’t a clue .
I don't live in that shit cuz I don't want it. But I'm paid by one of the biggest companies in this country, cuz you aren't able to do the job. Keep quiet, loser.
Shit will hit the fan in July.
The shit will hit harder in Canada with our single shot summer, I hope they move my 2nd dose up from August 5th. I figure if you have 2 doses of mRNA you should be ok, but the new Indian variant is extremely contagious and is dominating the already very contagious UK variant. If the one from Vietnam is more contagious it will dominate and the vaccines aren't as effective against some of these variants, so expect asymptomatic cases among the vaccinated. It will be open season on the unvaccinated and immunocompromised and the hospitals will be full of them.
If you think we are having fun now, just wait until fall when many have spent the summer out doors or with well ventilated window open areas and we get shut in again. It will be mask time again. Or maybe a booster shot. Everybody line up again.

Boy I hope not.
India is a tropical country and so is Brazil, the more contagious variants are causing havoc in them and mass deaths, we won't have to wait for winter. The original covid was way more contagious than flu and each successive variant is more contagious than the last, the most contagious wins Darwin's race. People fully vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines should be protected from hospitalizations, maiming and death, but not asymptomatic cases with the Indian and perhaps Vietnamese variants. I believe even a single shot of AZ will help a lot with these variants, but people may still become ill, but not seriously ill. Here in Canada we are gonna have a single shot summer for most people and we might get hit harder than the Americans. Hopefully by the fall we should have second shots for everybody with a fucking brain.
India is a tropical country and so is Brazil, the more contagious variants are causing havoc in them and mass deaths, we won't have to wait for winter. The original covid was way more contagious than flu and each successive variant is more contagious than the last, the most contagious wins Darwin's race. People fully vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines should be protected from hospitalizations, maiming and death, but not asymptomatic cases with the Indian and perhaps Vietnamese variants. I believe even a single shot of AZ will help a lot with these variants, but people may still become ill, but not seriously ill. Here in Canada we are gonna have a single shot summer for most people and we might get hit harder than the Americans. Hopefully by the fall we should have second shots for everybody with a fucking brain.
Our ICU space is capped off, we have 30 people airlifted to Saskatchewan and Ontario. I think we had another 70 admitted to hospital over it. Right now my home town is the shit storm. The only reason we have the restrictions in place here is because of all the yoyo's that are ignorant, if it were not for them our hospitals could handle the people trying not to get sick. I had flu-like symptoms over the weekend, mild mind you. Not much Flu going around though, quite conceivable I picked it up but fought it off. Maybe if it was the virus and I get my second shot I'll be really fortified.
Our ICU space is capped off, we have 30 people airlifted to Saskatchewan and Ontario. I think we had another 70 admitted to hospital over it. Right now my home town is the shit storm. The only reason we have the restrictions in place here is because of all the yoyo's that are ignorant, if it were not for them our hospitals could handle the people trying not to get sick. I had flu-like symptoms over the weekend, mild mind you. Not much Flu going around though, quite conceivable I picked it up but fought it off. Maybe if it was the virus and I get my second shot I'll be really fortified.
Palliser is pandering to these religious fanatics, that is the main problem as I see it, these stupid pricks are spreading it and he is abetting it by not enforcing the law, or giving it enough teeth to bite hard enough. I imagine they eschew vaccines as well as masks, the stupid usually happens in clusters. They should tell the stupid fucks to go to the church and not the hospital, their preacher who gave them their medical advice will care for them and pray for their recovery. If they don't need a mask or vaccine, they don't need oxygen either, let Jesus save them or the Devil take them, thy will be done. If they were actually Christians they would be vaccinated and wearing masks, love thy neighbor, not fuck thy neighbor. Being a good citizen and obeying just laws is part of the Christian faith too, do unto others, not do others in.

I take it you had a single shot of Pfizer? The UK strain is probably the dominate one out there and the Pfizer offers good protection against it. If you had/have covid, the second shot should kick like a mule, since your immune system will be well primed.
If he can help save the manatee by fixing the water infrastructure quickly he wins some points with me. Florida has a serious red tide problem that has not been addressed properly. The state is in a drought and the manatees have no food to eat.
The seagrass is going, so they have nothing to eat. It's bad this year. I've been pleasantly surprised by our governor on climate issues. He's not good, but he's not as bad as I thought he would be.
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