Pandemic 2020

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I know they have a remarkable ancient culture but more than enough pathogens have hopped off in these places to affect some kind of change,no ccguns
I think China is coming around to realizing the deadly consequences of letting this continue without some "overview".

And that made me think, why didn't they just consider harvesting a bit of horn at a time and farm rhino horn instead of murdering them and cutting it off. So wasteful we are as a species

Supply and demand. How far would a tiny piece of horn go? Besides will never run out there are thousands of them. (sarcasm).
And the harvesting still continues.
I say no courts. Just shoot the poachers on site. And take their horns.
I was listening to a report on NPR about some biologists in China, Americans I think, taking samples of bat guano in caves and in some forested areas. They're all hasmatted up hunting for viruses. In the mean time tourists with guides are strolling through these places with flip-flops, short sleeves, cameras clicking. The woman being interviewed was amazed that these people didn't even flinch when seeing them in their protection gear. They just took pictures.

As far as China "creating" this bug. It's possible. What Country doesn't play with bio-chemical stock.

I'm in Massachusetts.
The city of Cambridge took a knutty when they found out that M.I.T. wanted to build a level 4 Bio lab.
Anybody remember the movie "The Andromeda Strain"? Cool movie. Twelve Monkeys? The Kingsmen?
That last one is cheecky.
How many movies have we seen that portray some whacko running around the world with a vial of something with the soul intent of devastation.

Think of it. Create a bug that spreads fast. You have a vaccine. Or as in what just happened, release it on your public. You have had practice with SARS, I think a few others of containing it.
One just around the bend
Your population has a value of about a-dime-a-dozen. But the world...well.
I hope it's just natural jump.
Did you see that documentary on the Spanish flu? I didn't know it started here.
Hey fellow MASSHOLE, I hope Covid is natural too, just because we don't need another beef w/China adding to what is already a deteriorating relationship, not down w/China creating it for weaponization, but working w/it in lab setting and technicians becoming sick is a possibility. It is also accentuated by China's whitewash WHO report in which they tailored the whole thing to promote their narrative, I sure hope none of this is true but Mr. Xi and his gov. give me a queezy feeling that no previous Chinese leader going back to Mao has.ccguns
I think China is coming around to realizing the deadly consequences of letting this continue without some "overview".

Supply and demand. How far would a tiny piece of horn go? Besides will never run out there are thousands of them. (sarcasm).
And the harvesting still continues.
I say no courts. Just shoot the poachers on site. And take their horns.

We really need to have entire vet/gaurds/livestream/governments working in real time around the clock in these areas to help these species to survive. We can and should do much better for them, and there is no reason not to other than our priorities being all screwed up.

Hey fellow MASSHOLE, I hope Covid is natural too, just because we don't need another beef w/China adding to what is already a deteriorating relationship, not down w/China creating it for weaponization, but working w/it in lab setting and technicians becoming sick is a possibility. It is also accentuated by China's whitewash WHO report in which they tailored the whole thing to promote their narrative, I sure hope none of this is true but Mr. Xi and his gov. give me a queezy feeling that no previous Chinese leader going back to Mao has.ccguns
It's the 'sure hope' thing that I would point to as the reason to focus on something actually real.

Like the fact that the Chinese did jump headfirst into the manipulation of real time information people were getting by pushing bullshit virus information.

Im not sure we know all of the things they were pushing were not in response to how Trump was using our government to troll them at the time, but them trolling the internet to spread lies was recorded.

But we do need to find out.

The hearings need to include what Snowden smuggled to the Chinese and the Russians.
Culture. It's normal. Has been for centuries. They think we're nuts for eating fig newtons.
Culture explains why countries/people eat different foods, but the reason for much of the weird shit in china is much more recent and entirely political. The CCP has sucked from the start when it comes to providing the population with enough food. A history of extreme famine in the past century extended their scope of what’s edible. When you’re hungry and there’s no cows and pigs around, and only the rich can afford duck, fried bat-on-a-stick starts to look really good.
Death bed denials, pandemic 'hoax' accusations common in southern Manitoba hospital patients, doctor says
Staff at Boundary Trails Health Centre are routinely hearing from sick and unvaccinated patients who believe the pandemic is a hoax — some remaining defiant even on the brink of death.

"We hear this almost every day, and I know that's startling," said Dr. Ganesan Abbu. "It's difficult ... to know that almost 100 per cent of our admissions have not been vaccinated."

Abbu is an anesthetist and special care unit doctor at Boundary Trails, located over 100 kilometres southwest of Winnipeg and between Morden and Winkler.

The hospital has converted two of its medicine and surgery units into COVID-19 areas, he said. The hospital also experienced an oxygen shortage over the weekend based on the increasing number of COVID-19 patients being put on ventilators.

Though Abbu says it's only a "vociferous minority" of people in the Southern Health Region who don't take COVID-19 seriously, what Boundary Trails staff are seeing in the hospital is part of a larger issue.

"I think nurses have found it difficult to handle a community, certain segments of the community, who believe that this is a hoax, that the virus doesn't exist, and other untruths, like the vaccine is going to put a chip into each one of us who's been vaccinated and people will be able to track us," he said.

Southern Health has the lowest vaccine uptake rates by region in Manitoba. Just over 40 per cent of people there have received at least one dose, which is about 15 to 20 per cent lower than any of the other four regions. As of Friday, about 12 per cent of the Stanley health district, which surrounds Winkler and Morden, had received a dose — a figure twice what it was a month ago.

Rates in Winkler health district increased from just shy of 14 per cent late last month to almost 24 per cent. Vaccination rates were 49 per cent in the Morden health district specifically on Friday, compared to 36 per cent in neighbouring Altona health district, and about 37 per cent in Hanover and Steinbach districts.

Provincial officials and religious leaders in the south have explained that vaccine hesitancy is linked to distrust of government with roots that stretch back decades or longer. That includes religious groups who have experienced historic harms at the hand of governments abroad before immigrating to Canada, including Mennonite communities.
Not vaccinated by your own choice?
Die at home or go to a church die in there.

The president of the country where I live denials to buy vaccines to please jesus freaks. Less than a quarter of population is fully vaccinated. Death count: almost 500.000!
That asshole will pay for this.
Not vaccinated by your own choice?
Die at home or go to a church die in there.

The president of the country where I live denials to buy vaccines to please jesus freaks. Less than a quarter of population is fully vaccinated. Death count: almost 500.000!
That asshole will pay for this.
Canadian socialized healthcare can not turn its citizens away. Sorry.
Sorry for me, anywhere cans.
But who don't want to take their shot should just die at home. But the cowards don't.
Not a simple situation. There is an article in our paper today on some of the people not getting the shots. Many work where they do not have the option to work from home, at least 10% of our sick are infected at work. The doctor, who is Filipino, says many of his patients coming in are also Filipino, Black or Indigenous. Most are just struggling in lower paying jobs and can not afford to be off work. That is the reason one guy I worked with said. He said he always gets sick from the Flu shot and he can not afford to be off sick. The doctor says we should have a paid sick leave for any that take the shot and gets sick. The guy I mentioned, I have heard him talking to creditors on the phone, he already has part of his paycheck garnished and picks and chooses which bills to pay so he can make his rent and feed his kids.

To some people it is not an easy choice.
I'm sure there are other Atlantic ports in other states that are eager to get this business and I'm sure folks are talking. They don't have a snowball's chance in Hell of making this stupid politically motivated law to stick. DeSantis is doing good in the polls there, them good ole boys just love it!
DeSantis' culture war on vaccine passports threatens to sink Florida cruise industry (

DeSantis' culture war on vaccine passports threatens to sink Florida cruise industry

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is on a collision course with one of the state's biggest industries over a law he signed banning businesses from asking customers whether they've been vaccinated against Covid-19.

Cruise ship operators, who sail out of Florida's large southern ports, say the order will make it make it harder for them to safely return to the seas, possibly imperiling a major economic driver in the state.

The GOP, under the influence of former President Donald Trump, has pursued cultural fights that roil its base at the expense of traditional conservative values, like free-market capitalism, with DeSantis, who is considering a presidential bid in 2024, and others picking fights with companies that they say undermine American values.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave the go-ahead Wednesday to begin work toward restarting cruises for the first time in over a year after the massive ships became some of the first superspreader locations for the coronavirus.

With populations the size of small cities packed into close quarters, cruise ships are uniquely vulnerable to viral spread. So to comply with CDC guidance and keep passengers and crew members safe, several cruise liners want to require nearly everyone onboard to be fully vaccinated.

But that could now be illegal in Florida, the center of the American cruise industry, under a law DeSantis signed this month that prohibits businesses from discriminating against unvaccinated customers.

"In Florida, your personal choice regarding vaccinations will be protected, and no business or government entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision," DeSantis said of the law, which codified executive orders he had already issued.

The law is the last thing the cruise industry needs, said travel industry analyst Patrick Scholes, managing director of Truist Securities, as they try to reassure passengers that it's safe to return to their all-you-can-eat buffets after 15 months.
Cruise ships should be banned in Florida. There is too much environmental impact. The manatees are dying at an alarming rate this year.
DeSantis will probably drive them away and his war on POV documents will make life difficult for people there to access services or travel. The law is unconstitutional and they could fight it in court, or they could just move ports to a more responsible state.

The rednecks love DeSantis and he can do no wrong with this kind of bullshit as far as they are concerned, he's doing quite well in the polls.
DeSantis will probably drive them away and his war on POV documents will make life difficult for people there to access services or travel. The law is unconstitutional and they could fight it in court, or they could just move ports to a more responsible state.

The rednecks love DeSantis and he can do no wrong with this kind of bullshit as far as they are concerned, he's doing quite well in the polls.
If he can help save the manatee by fixing the water infrastructure quickly he wins some points with me. Florida has a serious red tide problem that has not been addressed properly. The state is in a drought and the manatees have no food to eat.
If he can help save the manatee by fixing the water infrastructure quickly he wins some points with me. Florida has a serious red tide problem that has not been addressed properly. The state is in a drought and the manatees have no food to eat.
From what I've seen, endangered species or environmental concerns are not high on the republican priority list. The republican base is completely disconnected from reality and owned by Trump, who did more to harm the environment than and single person in history, Trump owns the base and the base owns the republican politicians. The democrats are the only ones who give a fuck about anything, the country, the people and the environment. Unfortunately America has become a one party state for patriots and those who care about others, reality, democracy and the world in general.
The UK has a new wave started and 3/4 of the cases are the India variant.
That 75% is a worst case guesstimate. It was 38% variant Delta of the china virus 4 days ago. Daily cases just 1/20th of what they were in jan. It’s just a ripple, so far.

pfizer shows 88% efficacy for variant Delta (Indian) and 93% for variant Alpha (brit). AZ 60% vs 66% respectively. Most used in UK is AZ. 2/3rd had first shot (only 30 efficacy for variant delta), just over a third had both shots and is fully vaccinated.

So that does leave room for that ripple to become a wave (albeit with lower hospitalization rate), especially with the weather finally getting good, and so many vaccinated, people are about done with covid.
From what I've seen, endangered species or environmental concerns are not high on the republican priority list. The republican base is completely disconnected from reality and owned by Trump, who did more to harm the environment than and single person in history, Trump owns the base and the base owns the republican politicians. The democrats are the only ones who give a fuck about anything, the country, the people and the environment. Unfortunately America has become a one party state for patriots and those who care about others, reality, democracy and the world in general.
I don’t feel that way. Joe says it’s not a Republican thing or a Democratic thing but an American thing and that’s how the game is played now. We will come together and build back better!!
I don’t feel that way. Joe says it’s not a Republican thing or a Democratic thing but an American thing and that’s how the game is played now. We will come together and build back better!!
I'm afraid the republicans broke the rules and stole the ball, you don't have politics in America anymore, you have a cold civil war between the future and the past.
I'm afraid the republicans broke the rules and stole the ball, you don't have politics in America anymore, you have a cold civil war between the future and the past.
You don’t even live in this country! What makes you such a know it all? Your such a downer. America is coming back stronger than ever. Sorry you live in such a lame country and have all this hatred for America. You haven’t a clue .
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