White Widow & Northen lights grow w/ pics.


Well-Known Member
Day 43:

In one area there are a few nugs that appear to be ready. The rest of the grow has a good 2-3 weeks left. The area that looks ready has 1/5th the trichomes the rest of the bud does...weird. But anyway, i harvested this little area and got this.. Some was just picked, the other is 70% dry...

I guess this is a blessing in disguise b/c i wanted to spark this bud up so bad.

Buds look and smell awesome.



Well-Known Member
Day 44:

Some more nugs started to looks ready so i cut them off... 2 of the 4 plants seem to be maturing much faster than the other 2. And if i had to guess i would say the 2 that are ready are NOT the same strain. (yes im an idiot and forgot which one is which).

Ide say one more week and I'll havest those 2. The other 2 plants have atleast another 2 weeks and look 100x better than these 2 plants. Ide say im looking at 1-1/4 each fromt he earlier 2 and atleast1 3/4-2 each on the other 2. The other 2 plants all have rock solid nugs. cant even squeeze em'.:weed:


Well-Known Member
suscribed they look ver dense and frosty

NL is a very fast flowering plant that always gives a memorable smoke, coupled with u're hydro setup (very nice btw) u're plants are finishing and looking great!


Well-Known Member
suscribed they look ver dense and frosty

NL is a very fast flowering plant that always gives a memorable smoke, coupled with u're hydro setup (very nice btw) u're plants are finishing and looking great!

I cant wait to smoke them. Im up against very good bud. Im pretty sure these buds are the NL. The other buds look like it snowed on them...

Here is a quick picture of the other plants that need a good 2 weeks.



Active Member
I'm glad it turned out to be a success! Is that a pre-built box? I saw that you've just recently started growing and was wondering i you could point me in the right direction. I'm looking to buy a "turn-key" unit, but nothing too serious, I would also like a cloning unit. The reason I want a turn-key it to keep everything secluded, and keep the smell on the low. Any comments or suggestions would be great. I'm not trying to jack your thread, but I really like your set-up, so I figured I would ask!


Well-Known Member
crispy: Currently i am running 2 boxes side by side. unless you dont mind waiting 3 months for bud i suggest keeping an open mind to 2 units. especially when you want to have a clone box and a place to grow you are going to need some space!

The company i got my box from i would only recommend to my enemies. The box worked well but the customer service is horrible. I was sent a HPS only ballest when it was supposed to be a digital HPS/MH. It took me weeks to get a call back... every week someone was in the hospital and couldnt call me back or some other BS story. Then i needed some spair parts and it was like pulling teeth to talk to someone. meanwile at this point i had spent well over $2,000.00 with them and they still treat me like junk... geeze. I would have bought another box from them rather then building it myself too.... but that idea went right out the window along with their customer service. Thats why i built my own 2nd box. hell, i dont need all the extras they sell you anyhow, i already had them.. my 2nd box cost me 2/3 the coolbox, but that was wihtout nutes, meters pumps etc.... long story short, sunlightsheds sucks. but the mini cool cab is great.

All those people that just say to build it on your own cause its cheaper are wrong. Ive added up buying everything u get with the mini cool cab (meters, nutes, pots, pumps, lights, ballest, mylar, box, grow cubes etc...) and it comes out to only 100-200 less. Now, i dont know how much you guys make an hour but i would pay someone 300 bucks every day to build it for me. What a pita hole sawing out 6" holes in this flimbsy sheetmetal boxes, then cleaning, running electrical for ballast.. bleh.

Rant off~

If you want to know where to get everythign individually PM me. But i dont recommend using sunlightsheds.


Well-Known Member
Beer420, check out my latest addition to my album, i had to scratch my old setup and make something new in my closet, so far its looking great, its almost been a week and my soil plant has recated significantly, its grow two fan leaves and two more are on the way out. My hydro white widow is in the same room i started them from seeds, i just added nutes yesterday as to the were starting to yellow, i should see results from nutes in 2-3 days maybe sooner, roots are looking good, i hate to lower the res temp by adding frozen gallon container, i have a water chiller on the way. Tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
You can if you can get that temperature down, you'll have to put a thermometer real close to your plants to see what the temp by your plant is to make sure its not too hot, check out the pics in my album to see what i am talking about, i have my reflector 1 1/2 foot above my seedlings, temp is 73-77 with AC on and around 80-85 with it off


Well-Known Member
where did u get your cooltube and hps from and how much ? can you put the lights close to the plants with that cooltube ?
i have the cooltube with an upgraded vent fan. You could touch the glass of the cooltube directly under the HPS bulb with your testicle skin and you would be fine. As long as you have a dedicated NON-pos fan and ducting without big air leaks your system will stay cool to the touch, and i mean cool.... I wouldnt suggest you rest your nugs on the tube either way as it will eclipse the light and prevent light from reaching other plants. With that said the closest my plants got before i tied them up or bent them, was 2 or so inches and i saw ZERO discoloration or signs of heat stress. But like i said, i wouldnt recommend putting the nug that close to the light cause it'd be a light hog.


Well-Known Member
i'd say you ave some damn nice plants, if i were you i'd wait four more days or until you next water cycle, which ever is first, and then flush for a week using just water and h202


Well-Known Member
i'd say you ave some damn nice plants, if i were you i'd wait four more days or until you next water cycle, which ever is first, and then flush for a week using just water and h202
bobbyboy: I've already been flushing for 4 days now... I'de say a good 10% of my leafs are yellow already.

Can't wait!!


Well-Known Member
Update: Got the microscope.

It's weird. If i had to take a guess i would say the WW is 15% amber, 15% clear 70% cloudy. I almost wish i didnt start flushing 6 days ago because i think this buds got a good 2-3 weeks left.

What do u guys normally see as far as trichome change in color in regards to time. How long for a cloudy trichome to turn amber?

Some of the trichomes are red, some amber, some light red/cloud. most cloud, and some are clear...

What you guys think?