Pandemic 2020

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That's another reason I'm terrified of getting it.

I'm on medication to tone down my nervous system because it's already so heavily damaged from injuries and degenerative disc disease.
Public Health England reports sharp rise in B.1.617.2, a coronavirus variant first found in India. 1,313 cases so far, up 152% from last week
This war ain't over by a long shot, but the first battle is being won in North America, for now. There are booster shots and other types of broad spectrum vaccines in the future that should end this fucking nightmare.

How were the vaccinated people holding out in terms of catching covid and hospitalization rates? Is this strain producing asymptomatic or mild covid cases in fully vaccinated people?
Pretty nurse in the paper died at 26 and just got her nursing pin in February. Autopsy said covid.

Yep, we know how to handle morons here in NS, fuck them! I hope they keep the assholes in jail until the end of the fucking pandemic in 2024. Furthermore I think evidence of past gatherings should be obtained and fines levied for each one. No masks, don't believe in social distancing and most are probably anti vaccine. Now it's time for some other provinces in this country to start enforcing the law and stop coddling these murdering assholes. It will be fall by the time we're out of the woods in Canada.
Province gets injunction to block all anti-public health order protests | CBC News

Province gets injunction to block all anti-public health order protests

Ban prevents groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of public health orders

The provincial government has been granted an injunction that will put a stop to all anti-vaccine and anti-public health order protests, including an anti-mask rally that was planned for Saturday in Halifax.

A lawyer for the province appeared before a justice of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on Friday to make an urgent request for the ban.

The ban prevents Freedom Nova Scotia and similar groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia's public health orders.

Dr. Robert Strang, the province's chief medical officer of health, was called to testify as an expert witness on the dangers of COVID-19 and the risks posed by a large gathering of people standing close together without wearing masks.
"We're in a very serious situation. We're in the middle of a global pandemic," Strang said at a COVID-19 briefing Friday.

"We cannot let a small group of individuals who willfully dismiss the science, willfully dismiss the evidence around how their actions could put other people at significant risk. We cannot allow that to happen and I'm very pleased with the judgment."

Justice Scott Norton also heard from Hayley Crichton, an investigator for the provincial Justice Department.

Crichton provided an overview of demonstrations and gatherings over the past few weeks that have violated provincial regulations on crowd size and mask protocols.

Crichton singled out the activities of Worldwide Rally for Freedom and Democracy, the group behind Saturday's proposed gathering.

Premier Iain Rankin said the injunction was necessary to "crush" the third wave.

"We knew that there was some social media activity encouraging people to come out and willfully break the public health protocols that were put in place to keep people safe," Rankin said at the briefing.

"There's no question — these people don't believe in science, they don't believe in masks, vaccines — this is nothing more than an alt-right group that wants to protest things like science and we're pleased with the decision."

He added that the injunction would allow police to arrest and detain individuals attending these gatherings, as it would be a clear violation of a court order.

The injunction will remain in effect until the provincial state of emergency is lifted.

The new ban prevents Freedom Nova Scotia and similar groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia's public health orders. (Freedom Nova Scotia/Facebook)

Protest organizers not notified of court action
Norton's order describes Saturday's rally as an illegal public gathering and says not only is it banned, but it is also illegal for anyone to try to promote such a gathering on social media.

Friday's court hearing is what is called an ex parte application, meaning the organizers of the protest weren't notified ahead of time that the court action was taking place and they did not attend the hearing.

But on its Facebook page, Rally for Freedom said the gathering was being cancelled "under duress."
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Turns out the idea of a lab leak in Wuhan as the cause of Covid-19 is still viable.

There are reports that the lab was shut down in October and a scheduled conference at the lab in November was cancelled. Many scientists believe the outbreak started in October, a case was found in France in November. There were bat corona virus databases associated with the lab and they were taken offline around the same time.
Convalescent plasma doesn't help.

They didn't mention antibody therapies and the it appears plasma was given late in the course of the illness, antibody therapies are equally ineffective when given late, after the damage is done. Trump just made it under the line when he was hospitalized with covid and whacked with 8 grams of antibodies and remdesivir. Even then it was apparent that covid took a couple of rounds out of the fucker and I'll bet caused some permanent damage.

Plasma was a desperation treatment and by the time almost any treatment is given to a hospitalized covid patient it's too late, most show up when they have difficulty breathing. Prevention is the way to go and vaccines are the means.
Yep, we know how to handle morons here in NS, fuck them! I hope they keep the assholes in jail until the end of the fucking pandemic in 2024. Furthermore I think evidence of past gatherings should be obtained and fines levied for each one. No masks, don't believe in social distancing and most are probably anti vaccine. Now it's time for some other provinces in this country to start enforcing the law and stop coddling these murdering assholes. It will be fall by the time we're out of the woods in Canada.
Province gets injunction to block all anti-public health order protests | CBC News

Province gets injunction to block all anti-public health order protests

Ban prevents groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of public health orders

The provincial government has been granted an injunction that will put a stop to all anti-vaccine and anti-public health order protests, including an anti-mask rally that was planned for Saturday in Halifax.

A lawyer for the province appeared before a justice of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on Friday to make an urgent request for the ban.

The ban prevents Freedom Nova Scotia and similar groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia's public health orders.

Dr. Robert Strang, the province's chief medical officer of health, was called to testify as an expert witness on the dangers of COVID-19 and the risks posed by a large gathering of people standing close together without wearing masks.
"We're in a very serious situation. We're in the middle of a global pandemic," Strang said at a COVID-19 briefing Friday.

"We cannot let a small group of individuals who willfully dismiss the science, willfully dismiss the evidence around how their actions could put other people at significant risk. We cannot allow that to happen and I'm very pleased with the judgment."

Justice Scott Norton also heard from Hayley Crichton, an investigator for the provincial Justice Department.

Crichton provided an overview of demonstrations and gatherings over the past few weeks that have violated provincial regulations on crowd size and mask protocols.

Crichton singled out the activities of Worldwide Rally for Freedom and Democracy, the group behind Saturday's proposed gathering.

Premier Iain Rankin said the injunction was necessary to "crush" the third wave.

"We knew that there was some social media activity encouraging people to come out and willfully break the public health protocols that were put in place to keep people safe," Rankin said at the briefing.

"There's no question — these people don't believe in science, they don't believe in masks, vaccines — this is nothing more than an alt-right group that wants to protest things like science and we're pleased with the decision."

He added that the injunction would allow police to arrest and detain individuals attending these gatherings, as it would be a clear violation of a court order.

The injunction will remain in effect until the provincial state of emergency is lifted.

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The new ban prevents Freedom Nova Scotia and similar groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia's public health orders. (Freedom Nova Scotia/Facebook)

Protest organizers not notified of court action
Norton's order describes Saturday's rally as an illegal public gathering and says not only is it banned, but it is also illegal for anyone to try to promote such a gathering on social media.

Friday's court hearing is what is called an ex parte application, meaning the organizers of the protest weren't notified ahead of time that the court action was taking place and they did not attend the hearing.

But on its Facebook page, Rally for Freedom said the gathering was being cancelled "under duress."
Relaxing shooting squirrels in the city using a 22, at least in the vicinity of illegal protests should solve the problem quick enough.
There are reports that the lab was shut down in October and a scheduled conference at the lab in November was cancelled. Many scientists believe the outbreak started in October, a case was found in France in November. There were bat corona virus databases associated with the lab and they were taken offline around the same time.
Very telling, isn't it?
Relaxing shooting squirrels in the city using a 22, at least in the vicinity of illegal protests should solve the problem quick enough.
Just having the cops surround and intern them would be sufficient, only the ringleaders and organizers need to be detained for any length of time, big fines for everybody though. Clearly these people are refusing to wear masks in accordance with the law. Would they be tolerated if the were naked and protesting the wearing of clothes? Think most of the clowns at these mask protests would be outraged at nude protesters, especially the religious loonies?

Coddling these assholes was a mistake from the beginning everywhere, lockdown and mask protests should have been surrounded and everybody interned behind razor wire, either that, or they spend time with regular criminals in jail.

Nipping such things in the bud is always best and what we do with hate crimes in Canada, we still have them, but they are at a lower scale and the criminals suffer consequences. The closest hate and racism can come to political power here are the Tories and they keep such bullshit on a very tight leash. In America one of two political parties provided a home for such bullshit, to gain and hold political power, and it consumed them completely. The republicans played with fire while soaked in gasoline and got self immolated, they might yet burn the entire country down and we will get roasted too, if they do. All they need is another Trump, only this one will have brains enough to put lipstick on the pig.
Very telling, isn't it?

I've believed from early on it was a lab leak from incompetence. They were doing dangerous and controversial research on bat corona viruses with humanized mice and weren't doing it safely. I don't believe it was deliberately released, if it had been they would have developed a better vaccine ahead of time, instead of the crappy one they have now, and they would not have released it in their own country.
They were doing dangerous and controversial research on bat corona viruses with humanized mice and weren't doing it safely.
Found the source for this.

Wuhan lab infected 'humanized mice' with bat coronaviruses in 2019
The revelation that a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) had been infecting "humanized mice" with new bat SARS coronaviruses in 2019 raises the question of whether an accident during these experiments led to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at WIV, Shi Zhengli (石正麗), also known as "Bat Woman," since 2007 has been researching how spike proteins in natural and chimeric SARS-like coronaviruses bind to the ACE2 receptors in the cells of humans, bats, and other animals. That year, she created a number of chimeras by inserting different segments of the SARS-CoV S spike protein into that of a bat virus (SL-CoV S) which was used as a backbone.

The conclusion of Shi's team was that a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was enough to "convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding." In other words, as far back as 2007, the lab had discovered how to convert a virus that only infected bats into one that could infect humans.

Well then the US were doing dangerous and controversial research on bat corona viruses. North Carolina.
New SARS-like virus can jump directly from bats to humans, no treatment available
Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered a new bat SARS-like virus that can jump directly from its bat hosts to humans without mutation. However, researchers point out that if the SARS-like virus did jump, it is still unclear whether it could spread from human to human.

Seems the Taiwan article (no bias against China in Taiwan) is not all that truthful about a bat virus not being able to infect humans being changed into one that can. SARS infected humans and it came from bats, seems without the 'Bat Lady" helping.

Review of Bats and SARS
Bats have been identified as a natural reservoir for an increasing number of emerging zoonotic viruses, including henipaviruses and variants of rabies viruses. Recently, we and another group independently identified several horseshoe bat species (genus Rhinolophus) as the reservoir host for a large number of viruses that have a close genetic relationship with the coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Our current research focused on the identification of the reservoir species for the progenitor virus of the SARS coronaviruses responsible for outbreaks during 2002–2003 and 2003–2004. In addition to SARS-like coronaviruses, many other novel bat coronaviruses, which belong to groups 1 and 2 of the 3 existing coronavirus groups, have been detected by PCR. The discovery of bat SARS-like coronaviruses and the great genetic diversity of coronaviruses in bats have shed new light on the origin and transmission of SARS coronaviruses.

I think it is a possibility that the virus escaped the lab. Also think people create articles to push an agenda and they may not be 100% truthful.
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