Pandemic 2020

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Oh it'd be a lot of fun for sure, but disrupting a church service seems to be more frowned upon than them congregating mask less during a pandemic. My lifelong disdain for religion is valid for many reasons. But hatred is too powerful of an emotion to waste on somebody you really don't like. I'd prefer he bored a hole in himself and let the sap run out - a public service of sorts. Hell, I'd even invite you to try out a stiletto on his jugular.

In my early days, circuit boards were made using fingernail polish for the traces then etched to remove unwanted copper. Built an in-line FM transmitter for landlines nearly 40 years ago that used the phone line for its power - virtually undetectable. Riding the bus in high school, I jammed the AM radio because the music sucked.

Electronics has always been my passion. Starting with vacuum tubes before the age of ten, to (re)configuring 40 different wavelengths, each carrying 400Gbps of data over a piece of glass only 9 micron in diameter - aka fibre optics. Loving life long learning.

what would the flavor be?

AM did and does suck.

are you doing anything these days with your skill?

you could always jam selectively; like when he speaking and getting to the point..? jam then unjam; jam then unjam again..i'd do it once to say i did it..look at glitter bomb guy.

Two of the people charged on Tuesday were cops from Toronto. Provocateurs, the lot of them, many from out of town stoking the flames. Plus pastor Henry is a serious public health nuisance with his disinformation regarding masks, vaccines, etc. Many signs stapled to utility poles throughout the community for the pastor. His son assaulted an 84 yo man and cracked his ribs.

W5 did a documentary of the Aylmer church of God a couple weeks ago. Buy bull belt. :wall:

He's held freedom marches throughout the province, including Aylmer and Ottawa. Yet his cult followers are told how to dress including undergarments - no wonder they want freedom.

They were having outdoor services for a while over FM radio. My brother wanted me to build a 15watt FM transmitter to jam their signal but I'm busy - got shit to do -eat, sleep, trim, hike, ride.
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You would of been a good nazi bootlicker.
Enjoy your prions. lol
Truly hilarious that you should mention prions. First, they have nothing to do with Coronavirus or vaccines and so your post was a non-sequitur fallacy. Without medical science, the same scientific understanding that made these wonderful vaccines, your kind would be shaking magic juju sticks over your soup to protect yourself from Mad Cow disease. Also dropping like flies from a whole host of other nasty diseases.
Truly hilarious that you should mention prions. First, they have nothing to do with Coronavirus or vaccines and so your post was a non-sequitur fallacy. Without medical science, the same scientific understanding that made these wonderful vaccines, your kind would be shaking magic juju sticks over your soup to protect yourself from Mad Cow disease. Also dropping like flies from a whole host of other nasty diseases.

maybe we should start sacrificing our children to the Gods again? that'll be sure to stop it..or lets go to some Texas football stadium and pray for rain? i'm certain we can pray away the prions.
So here’s an interesting story to show how fucked up the Ford government is.

We get an email today from the school. We have until May 3rd (one fucking week) to decide if we are putting our 13 year old daughter in a remote or in person classroom. Once locked in, no changing.

They can’t even tell us when she can get vaccinated. This fucking government, that couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery, expects us to make a decision like that in a week. A decision that can only be properly made if we knew what the fuck the government is doing. All we know for sure is that the government doesn’t know what it’s doing.

My wife is writing nasty emails to our representative. I told her to choose both because when it’s safe (even if it’s November) our daughter will be going to in person school.
So here’s an interesting story to show how fucked up the Ford government is.

We get an email today from the school. We have until May 3rd (one fucking week) to decide if we are putting our 13 year old daughter in a remote or in person classroom. Once locked in, no changing.

They can’t even tell us when she can get vaccinated. This fucking government, that couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery, expects us to make a decision like that in a week. A decision that can only be properly made if we knew what the fuck the government is doing. All we know for sure is that the government doesn’t know what it’s doing.

My wife is writing nasty emails to our representative. I told her to choose both because when it’s safe (even if it’s November) our daughter will be going to in person school.
Told ya you should have changed yer avatar to the Doug Ford Bubbles fusion!

I've been practicing more these past few weeks and the effects are starting to take hold more in my mind. I find I can't watch American news too much these days because I realize how much the stupid pisses me off. I'm on the breath and then I'm on to politics for 5 fucking minutes before I catch myself! Canadian news and politics ain't much better either! I'm not "distressed", just pissed, and pissed and meditation are not compatible at all! :lol: Traditionally those on the path to peace eschew politics for this reason and I guess I need more lumps than average, but I'm trying to keep my distance for now. Perhaps focus on my more immediate surroundings and clean up the yard etc, turn off the TV and just read about it every now and again. Other than that things are going great here in CB.
Told ya you should have changed yer avatar to the Doug Ford Bubbles fusion!

I've been practicing more these past few weeks and the effects are starting to take hold more in my mind. I find I can't watch American news too much these days because I realize how much the stupid pisses me off. I'm on the breath and then I'm on to politics for 5 fucking minutes before I catch myself! Canadian news and politics ain't much better either! I'm not "distressed", just pissed, and pissed and meditation are not compatible at all! :lol: Traditionally those on the path to peace eschew politics for this reason and I guess I need more lumps than average, but I'm trying to keep my distance for now. Perhaps focus on my more immediate surroundings and clean up the yard etc, turn off the TV and just read about it every now and again. Other than that things are going great here in CB.
I should give meditation a try cause I’ve been cranky as hell lately.
I should give meditation a try cause I’ve been cranky as hell lately.
I should clarify a bit, I'm trying to get back into deep concentration practice and it takes a cleaner mind than I currently posses! There are two kinds of practice, concentration that makes ya bliss out and a lighter practice where you examine the contents of your mind without judging (mindfulness). Concentration practices lead to jhana states and mindfulness practices drop yer baggage but give you a more sensitive conscience, a balance is required IMHO. Beginners only need to worry about putting their attention on the sensations of the breath and putting it back there when they catch their mind wandering. Try counting your breaths while attending to them and see how far ya get before being blown out of the water! What blows ya out of the water the most, is what's driving yer ass around and working yer pie hole! :lol:
what would the flavor be?

AM did and does suck.

are you doing anything these days with your skill?

you could always jam selectively; like when he speaking and getting to the point..? jam then unjam; jam then unjam again..i'd do it once to say i did it..look at glitter bomb guy.

The flavour would be apple caramel - achieved by mixing maple syrup with vanilla in a 9:1 ratio, diced apples slightly poached, on oatmeal is a fantastic breakfast with cinnamon and oat milk.

My long wire antenna was for shortwave reception on my Philco Model 38-3, which still works. Even if it was just the time station for GMT, it was cool to receive signals from so far away. My watch was always accurate. Damn OCD.

Gladly, I'm a bit of a wasted resource these days in the technical realm. Admittedly I sleep in too often. I stay busy with gardening, exercise, 11 chickens, 4 outdoor cats and looking after Mom's needs. Somehow I don't envision ever working for someone again - too many rules. Inanimate, electronic components are predictable and consistent in how they behave - that's why they fascinate me. Humans on the hand are complicated, as I'm learning here.

Finally have an appointment for the vaçcine first week of May. It'll be great to see the Gkids again - go camping, adventure hikes, fishing, burnt hot dogs/marshmallows, etc. Optimistic for a great future, while reminiscing about what technological advances I've been fortunate to participate in.
New more contagious variants and politically driven policy that pandered to religious interests, they recently had a big crowded Hindu festival and big political rallies.
Coronavirus Ravages India as Cases Rise Exponentially | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Rep. Ro Khanna and Dr. Ashish Jha help Mehdi understand the global public health threat and geopolitical risk posed by India's Covid crisis, and why the U.S. could be playing a larger role in helping the nation get the outbreak under control.
The fact that covid can turn you into a retard, will have little effect on the retards who won't wear masks or get vaccinated because they believe bullshit or want to make some dumb ass point.

I believe the last statistic I saw on this and posted on vaccine thread, was about 30% of covid victims experience neurological difficulties. Since the brain controls the body and may of it's autonomic functions, perhaps some of the physical difficulties of long haul or recovered covid patients could be neurological in origin, though covid attacks many organs in the body and damages them. One day they might find out, on average it will take years off the life expectancy of many people.
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