Oh it'd be a lot of fun for sure, but disrupting a church service seems to be more frowned upon than them congregating mask less during a pandemic. My lifelong disdain for religion is valid for many reasons. But hatred is too powerful of an emotion to waste on somebody you really don't like. I'd prefer he bored a hole in himself and let the sap run out - a public service of sorts. Hell, I'd even invite you to try out a stiletto on his jugular.
In my early days, circuit boards were made using fingernail polish for the traces then etched to remove unwanted copper. Built an in-line FM transmitter for landlines nearly 40 years ago that used the phone line for its power - virtually undetectable. Riding the bus in high school, I jammed the AM radio because the music sucked.
Electronics has always been my passion. Starting with vacuum tubes before the age of ten, to (re)configuring 40 different wavelengths, each carrying 400Gbps of data over a piece of glass only 9 micron in diameter - aka fibre optics. Loving life long learning.
what would the flavor be?
AM did and does suck.
are you doing anything these days with your skill?
you could always jam selectively; like when he speaking and getting to the point..? jam then unjam; jam then unjam again..i'd do it once to say i did it..look at glitter bomb guy.