
You know, I'm going with their explanation of events on Jan 6. True patriots were invited into the Capitol building and fraidy cat Democrats ran and hid. It's their fault that some furniture was damaged. Patriots were there to protect this country from tyranny by stopping the fraudulent EC votes from being recorded. Antifa, who are sneaky cowards, disguised themselves to look like patriots and they did all the pissing, shitting, attempted murder and so forth.

What we see and what we read (from liberal media) is not true. It's all so clear now.
[talking to cnn camera] my name is richard turley I’m from Bangor Maine and I’m 37 years old. before I show you the box of pens I stole from Adam schiff’s office let me write my social security number on a big sign for you
I’m in the construction industry, specifically medical centers, and get screened multiple times a day upon entry or leaving and re-entering said medical centers. I have yet to get Covid, been tested multiple times, and screened probably 5-600 times in a year. We share the same hobby and fondness of this site, pretty like minded. One could assume we have similar mindset on multiple topics instead of just assuming I’m traveling around spreading a virus. I’m Libertarian and find both the Left and Right to have laughable stances.
Sorry got to the last sentence and couldn't help but laugh.

The Paul's are lying sacks of shit.
You seem to have the thought processes of a 12 yr old.

Leave the critical thinking to the experts please, you might hurt yourself or someone else.
On a different note, can someone explain the other side to me? What is wrong with a Trans athlete playing as gender at birth?
On a different note, can someone explain the other side to me? What is wrong with a Trans athlete playing as gender at birth?
Just spitballing here, but I would think of it as a spectrum.

On one side you have parents that as soon as their kid mentions that they might want to play football is signing them up with personal trainers and dialing in their diets and playing them tape of their glory days. And on the other you have a parent that says something like 'that's nice, is your homework done?'.

Most sports teams have kids from the entire spectrum of parental involvement and take on a view that sports should be for the kids, and that means that they should play with their friends and people that they are comfortable with to develop some kind of social bonds.

It would be wrong to force kids into uncomfortable situations or sit out of doing something that they would otherwise be welcome to if not for the decisions of narrow minded mostly Republican politicians. Who have if nothing else, proven over the last couple hundred years to make shit decisions for anyone that is not a white male.
Just spitballing here, but I would think of it as a spectrum.

On one side you have parents that as soon as their kid mentions that they might want to play football is signing them up with personal trainers and dialing in their diets and playing them tape of their glory days. And on the other you have a parent that says something like 'that's nice, is your homework done?'.

Most sports teams have kids from the entire spectrum of parental involvement and take on a view that sports should be for the kids, and that means that they should play with their friends and people that they are comfortable with to develop some kind of social bonds.

It would be wrong to force kids into uncomfortable situations or sit out of doing something that they would otherwise be welcome to if not for the decisions of narrow minded mostly Republican politicians. Who have if nothing else, proven over the last couple hundred years to make shit decisions for anyone that is not a white male.

I feel as if in a noncompetitive league it wouldn't matter but if it is a competitive league, where some people are there for other reasons than simply fun, the difference can matter. The leagues are typically well stated if it is competitive or recreational (high school sports would be competitive)

Did you know that California spends much more on its prison system than they do on education?
I didn't know that. That is unsurprising but really unfortunate.
I feel as if in a noncompetitive league it wouldn't matter but if it is a competitive league, where some people are there for other reasons than simply fun, the difference can matter. The leagues are typically well stated if it is competitive or recreational (high school sports would be competitive)

I didn't know that. That is unsurprising but really unfortunate.
yeah, outrageous, isn't it?
Can't really have male at birth trans out there beating up girls, but as the OP implies, we have bigger fish to pun intended.
I feel as if in a noncompetitive league it wouldn't matter but if it is a competitive league, where some people are there for other reasons than simply fun, the difference can matter. The leagues are typically well stated if it is competitive or recreational (high school sports would be competitive)

I didn't know that. That is unsurprising but really unfortunate.
I loved playing sports in high school, but I really think that sports have nothing to do with school and they should be done through the community separate from schools.

But I don't make the rules and sports are tied to schools, meaning that friends of the kids are also their teammates so calling high school sports somehow special so these kids can't participate with their friends, is a shitty thing to do because some folks are worried about a non problem that the right wing hate mongers use to rile up their cults.
California needs to spend more on its prisons. Obviously.
It would fund the places, since they are determined to keep them full. A good start might be a different path for non violent offenders, taking out the mentally ill to more appropriate places, decriminalizing all drugs and treating it as a medical issue. Also start by not just reducing the total population, but by replacing many of the black inmates with white trumper ones! An annual tax on guns would do that rather nicely too... ;)
It would fund the places, since they are determined to keep them full. A good start might be a different path for non violent offenders, taking out the mentally ill to more appropriate places, decriminalizing all drugs and treating it as a medical issue. Also start by not just reducing the total population, but by replacing many of the black inmates with white trumper ones! An annual tax on guns would do that rather nicely too... ;)
People need to be punished if they illegally consume a controlled substance. How else can we stop the flood of drugs smuggled across our borders by rapist Mexicans?
People need to be punished if they illegally consume a controlled substance. How else can we stop the flood of drugs smuggled across our borders by rapist Mexicans?
Remove or reduce the demand and you remove the market and money. The experience of other countries and numerous studies have demonstrated the feasibility of such an approach. But there are republicans, the same folks who are holding America back, the country no longer has the "luxury" of racism, bigotry, greed and stupidity dictating policy, China is breathing down your (our) necks.