Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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When it is approved and we can sue the manufacturers for extreme harm if need be, I will decide to take it. Otherwise my risk profile for the virus is low, and the gene therapy vaccines don't prevent one from catching or passing on the virus, so I won't be baited into feeling like it is a "duty" to get. To each their own.. we can disagree without being nasty and politcal about our health...at least most adults can.
It's not just about you, it's about other people too and being vaccinated protects them too, not being vaccinated because you are afraid based on bullshit is more than nasty, it's deadly to those you might contact. Telling you you were ignorant of science is not an insult, it is a fact, I'm doing you a favor by telling you to take the advice of doctors and experts, since you have no expertise or knowledge. You are merely rationalizing your fear and exposing your ignorance of the facts and even the ability to think clearly and rationally in order to assess the risks. Death from covid is much more common than death from vaccine, especially the mRNA vaccines, as there have been none with tens of millions of doses administered.

Here is a short video to help you understand how the mRNA vaccines work, they only do one thing, cause your body to produce antibodies. In the future these vaccines will produce anti cancer antibodies too and might be a cure, as well as a treatment. If you had terminal cancer would you refuse an mRNA vaccine to treat it?
mRNA Vaccines - Layman’s version (Pfizer/Moderna COVID-19 vaccines), plus some FAQs, Animation.
They don't have FDA approval for any of the 3. They have Emergency Use Authorization. Sounds like a bit of an elixer to me.
Sounds as if nothing will convince you.

So, do you just assume that the CDC is lying when they report that 167 million people have been vaccinated and there were no problems found due to the vaccine? I mean people ARE dying due to covid but none due to the vaccine. Between March 1 2021 to today (April 6), 40,000 people have died due to covid out of 1.5 million people who came down with it.

I realize that this might be hard for you to understand but

0/167,000,000 is much less than 40,000/1,500,000

Do I have to do long division for you? OK

0% <<< 2.7%

But, my bet is you aren't making decisions based upon facts.
It's not just about you, it's about other people too and being vaccinated protects them too, not being vaccinated because you are afraid based on bullshit is more than nasty, it's deadly to those you might contact. Telling you you were ignorant of science is not an insult, it is a fact, I'm doing you a favor by telling you to take the advice of doctors and experts, since you have no expertise or knowledge. You are merely rationalizing your fear and exposing your ignorance of the facts and even the ability to think clearly and rationally in order to assess the risks. Death from covid is much more common than death from vaccine, especially the mRNA vaccines, as there have been none with tens of millions of doses administered.

Here is a short video to help you understand how the mRNA vaccines work, they only do one thing, cause your body to produce antibodies. In the future these vaccines will produce anti cancer antibodies too and might be a cure, as well as a treatment. If you had terminal cancer would you refuse an mRNA vaccine to treat it?
mRNA Vaccines - Layman’s version (Pfizer/Moderna COVID-19 vaccines), plus some FAQs, Animation.
You just lost all credibility saying there have been no deaths associated with mRNA vaccines.
People have died, even very young healthy people within one day of receiving these gene therapy vaccines.

At least 271 deaths, 9,845 adverse events after COVID vaccination so far: CDC data
You just lost all credibility saying there have been no deaths associated with mRNA vaccines.
People have died, even very young healthy people within one day of receiving these gene therapy vaccines.

At least 271 deaths, 9,845 adverse events after COVID vaccination so far: CDC data
lulz Raymond Wolf is an osteopath, I didn't open your trash file. Your kind always do this. A mountain of evidence is refuted by one statement by one person who isn't even an expert in the field. It doesn't work any more.

Here is the CDC statement:

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination
  • FDA requires vaccination providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS.
  • Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.
  • CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.
  • To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.
  • CDC, FDA, and other federal partners will continue to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
Over 167 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through April 5, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,794 reports of death (0.00167%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.
There has been new CDC guidance on covid infection from surfaces, apparently it's not as major a concern as was once thought, though wash yer hands! Flu virus does infect a lot through surface contact, but covid seems to prefer airborne transmission, especially enclosed spaces and especially with those stupid enough not to wear a mask or believe covid is serious etc.

Slacking attitudes and variants along with a slow vaccine roll out is a bitch.
Well I guess the bank didn’t get the memo lol.
lulz Raymond Wolf is an osteopath, I didn't open your trash file. Your kind always do this. A mountain of evidence is refuted by one statement by one person who isn't even an expert in the field. It doesn't work any more.

Here is the CDC statement:

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination
  • FDA requires vaccination providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS.
  • Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.
  • CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.
  • To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.
  • CDC, FDA, and other federal partners will continue to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
Over 167 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through April 5, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,794 reports of death (0.00167%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.
Hey man, have at 'er. Fuck, take three doses, lol.
One question might be: Is there a higher percentage of death relative to any vaccines you've taken, or have chosen for your children?

Basically, are you being consistent?
One question might be: Is there a higher percentage of death relative to any vaccines you've taken, or have chosen for your children?

Basically, are you being consistent?

Those vaccines BTW were adenovirus vaccines and these are gene therapy mRNA or DNA vaccines lolz so no comparison. These new vaccines are basically mass testing and you are the subject.
Hey man, have at 'er. Fuck, take three doses, lol.
Two is plenty. That's what CDC recommends. You are always wrong. Everything you say is impacted by a hard turd of "alternative facts".

Is your problem the inability to read or poor comprehension. Why do you guys even dredge up fake "experts" anyway? You obviously don't use facts to make decisions.
You just lost all credibility saying there have been no deaths associated with mRNA vaccines.
People have died, even very young healthy people within one day of receiving these gene therapy vaccines.

At least 271 deaths, 9,845 adverse events after COVID vaccination so far: CDC data
I said the mRNA vaccines have caused no deaths, when you give 167 million doses, guess what, people are gonna die anyway and it is likely not the vaccine. All the issues of concern are with the Astra Zeneca vaccine and they are not sure if the vaccine is the cause of the clotting incidents, again tens of millions of doses have been administered and 90% of those clotting deaths were among women and the rate appears to be inline with the normal number of people who have this rare and poorly understood and even recognized condition with out a vaccine.

If it's good enough for Fauci, it's good enough for me, I see doctors are the first inline to take it, emergency authorization is normal in such circumstances, it applies to drugs and treatments too, not just vaccines. It's a practical expediency, not a conspiracy, if you are worried about your estate suing someone, guess what, you'll be dead.

Jesus ya had to scour the internet for that link, from Mexico
Those vaccines BTW were adenovirus vaccines and these are gene therapy mRNA or DNA vaccines lolz so no comparison. These new vaccines are basically mass testing and you are the subject.

So what is your ruleset then? You're willing to put more dangerous things in you if....if what? More dangerous things are okay as long as the method of killing you isn't gene related, because you have a disproportionate concern about gene related death?

The CDC says the Covid vaccine doesn't affect or interact with your DNA in any way, but you know of something else?
Two is plenty. That's what CDC recommends. You are always wrong. Everything you say is impacted by a hard turd of "alternative facts".
you dont get jokes, we understand you are crusty.
Is your problem the inability to read or poor comprehension. Why do you guys even dredge up fake "experts" anyway? You obviously don't use facts to make decisions.

At least 271 people have died after being vaccinated for COVID-19 as of January 22, according to U.S. government data released on Friday. The deaths were reported to VAERS, the vaccine injury tracking system for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Anyways, take your doses, love it and don't force other people maaaannnn...what's your damage anyways? People gonna live how they be and you and your lack of understanding of other people's choice will change nothing. Our bodies our choice ...bunch of fake liberals around here?
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So what is your ruleset then? You're willing to put more dangerous things in you if....if what? More dangerous things are okay as long as the method of killing you isn't gene related, because you have a disproportionate concern about gene related death?

The CDC says the Covid vaccine doesn't affect or interact with your DNA in any way, but you know of something else?
As long as they get me high, they are worth what I paid. If they protect me from illness they better have some solid claims and science. Which none of these vaccines do.
Those vaccines BTW were adenovirus vaccines and these are gene therapy mRNA or DNA vaccines lolz so no comparison. These new vaccines are basically mass testing and you are the subject.
No they are not gene therapy, they are mRNA vaccines and cannot alter DNA, they only use the shit in the cytoplasm to do their thing, produce spike proteins to train the immune response. Look at the video I posted to get informed and start listening to actual experts. Conspiracies are for losers.
you dont get jokes, we understand you are crusty.

A total of 9,845 adverse events possibly linked to the COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna have been recorded by VAERS so far.

Anyways, take your doses, love it and don't force other people maaaannnn...what's your damage anyways? People gonna live how they be and you and your lack of understanding of other people's choice will change nothing. Our bodies our choice ...bunch of fake liberals around here?

Yeahhh please don't confuse him with everyone. Everything is binary to that guy. Nuance isn't comprehendable.
Those vaccines BTW were adenovirus vaccines and these are gene therapy mRNA or DNA vaccines lolz so no comparison. These new vaccines are basically mass testing and you are the subject.
I'll try it again. The facts. And I won't use numbers, clearly you can't understand them.

Nobody has died due to the vaccine while enough have died since Jan 1 to completely depopulate a city.

Perhaps you are a visual learner?

This is what a city sidewalk looks like when people live there:


This is what a sidewalk looks like when everybody is dead or gone.

As long as they get me high, they are worth what I paid. If they protect me from illness they better have some solid claims and science. Which none of these vaccines do.

You don't want to take it, that's your right. All I want to do is see if you're consistent and if you're not, it's not like I'm gonna give the "LOL UR A POS" response. I find myself being inconsistent sometimes and that's the trigger to reevaluate my thoughts, so I actually kind like it when I'm caught in conflict. Self-improvement and all that.

What I'd like to know is...

1. Do you consume any other products that are not FDA regulated and, if so, what research did you do to satisfy your concerns?

2. Do you disagree with the CDC about the gene affectivity and, if so, what is your support for that?
you dont get jokes, we understand you are crusty.

A total of 9,845 adverse events possibly linked to the COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna have been recorded by VAERS so far.

Anyways, take your doses, love it and don't force other people maaaannnn...what's your damage anyways? People gonna live how they be and you and your lack of understanding of other people's choice will change nothing. Our bodies our choice ...bunch of fake liberals around here?
I know that numbers are hard for you to grasp.

9,845 adverse effects and no deaths compared to millions infected and 200,000 deaths due to Covid during the same time frame indicates that a person is much, much safer when they are vaccinated. But I get it, nothing I say, no matter the source, will convince a person like you.
You don't want to take it, that's your right. All I want to do is see if you're consistent and if you're not, it's not like I'm gonna give the "LOL UR A POS" response. I find myself being inconsistent sometimes and that's the trigger to reevaluate my thoughts, so I actually kind like it when I'm caught in conflict. Self-improvement and all that.

So, what I'd like to know is two things, please.

1. Do you consume any other products that are not FDA regulated and, if so, what research did you do to satisfy your concerns?

2. Do you disagree with the CDC about the gene affectivity and, if so, what is your support for that?

1. Wow this is cool, a thinker. I like you already. So let me try and answer your question.

a) yes many the list is endless but I do my research beforehand and this is impossible with gene therapy BTW
b) the necessary research in a timely fashion to satisfy my standard of research, including imbibing

2. Yes. The fact is the research is limited due to the ceiling on any liability.