Pandemic 2020

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The UP of Michigan is a completely different world, I used to spend time in Marquette in my younger days and I've met people from the area that lived without running water or electricity out in the woods.
The UP of Michigan is a completely different world, I used to spend time in Marquette in my younger days and I've met people from the area that lived without running water or electricity out in the woods.

yeah, Unabomber living quarters..Ted would do just fine up there if they'd let him go.

Did you see my recipe for Upper Peninsula Pasties?
Back to normal, 2nd Pfizer Sat,Apr.3 2:00pm est. Sun Apr.4 no outright reaction (fever,aches,nausea,or diarrea) just a feeling of lethargy in general, another bro. same reaction, but another said he got sick as a MF, so I guess it's a dice roll people.ccguns
I think it reacts differently according to everyone's immune system.
Once the world gets a stranglehold on Covid-19 whenever that occurs,What will be the next health related issue. Bet it's not 100 yrs later as was case w/Spanish Flu(unusually deadly influenza strain)1918 to Covid-19(new and deadly coronavirus).Are we talking another airborne viral pathogen, a known disease that mutates where existing treatments no longer work. My bet is a new bacteria or fungus that no known antibiotics can counter. A fungus called e candida auris made some news a couple years ago. IT was super resistant to all but the most powerful antibiotics in modern medicine's arsenal and even then it was highly resistant. Any patient in hospital w/this fungus, had to be isolated and to sanitize the room was a nightmare, spores were in the plumbing and even the ceiling tiles. e candida was only in news briefly then went away,really don't know if or when or how this was resolved as once Covid came upon the scene all news was centered around it. That is the type of thing that could be next as drug co's don't have a ton of incentive to dev. new and powerful antibiotics as these are not as profitable as the drugs that are prescribed for chronic use. Hence not many new antibiotics have been dev. recently while all afflictions that they treat are developing resistance to the ones that are now being used this is a major concern in the future.ccguns
This is troubling, Chile is top 5 in vaccinations, 30% of the population is vaccinated, they have had closed borders and strict lock downs yet their numbers are higher now than the last wave. They are using the Chinese vaccine so maybe that's the reason, if not it's a bad sign.

This is troubling, Chile is top 5 in vaccinations, 30% of the population is vaccinated, they have had closed borders and strict lock downs yet their numbers are higher now than the last wave. They are using the Chinese vaccine so maybe that's the reason, if not it's a bad sign.

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That is terrible! They are using the China vaccine? What the fuck? It obviously does not work. They must be sooo pissed. Maybe they will want to go to war with them now. This is very sad.
This is troubling, Chile is top 5 in vaccinations, 30% of the population is vaccinated, they have had closed borders and strict lock downs yet their numbers are higher now than the last wave. They are using the Chinese vaccine so maybe that's the reason, if not it's a bad sign.
Says little without seeing the infectiions per different age groups. What’s going on in a lot of countries is that the number of infections in vaccinated older age groups is dropping significantly, while partly due to new variants more young people get infected. Due the higher R rate of the british variant this scenario was already projected months agp. Maybe they bred their own more contagious variant but then still, how many of the new infections are people of that 30% that got vaccinated?
Says little without seeing the infectiions per different age groups. What’s going on in a lot of countries is that the number of infections in vaccinated older age groups is dropping significantly, while partly due to new variants more young people get infected. Due the higher R rate of the british variant this scenario was already projected months agp. Maybe they bred their own more contagious variant but then still, how many of the new infections are people of that 30% that got vaccinated?

Chile is dealing with the Brazilian variant also, the closed border didn't stop it.
The virus is spreading the worst in areas of high tRUmp support and under served minority areas, so it's the stupid and the poor driving this wave, plus the UK variant taking over.
Chile is dealing with the Brazilian variant also, the closed border didn't stop it.
They're going through the same thing in Canada as well. According to my resident Canadian, Ontario and Quebec are the hot spots going through the same thing that Chile is going through.
30 to 50 year olds are getting hammered in Michigan, they say schools and school athletics are driving the spread also, the GOP has taken away some of the governors authority for lockdowns so you can thank the GOP for opening the schools and everything else too soon.
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