I’ll call it Marx Mix. Guy’s private. He’s a head grower for several large operations here plus his own operation. 35-40 strains going at any time.

His home mix

1/3 Pro Mix
1/3 Perlite
1/3 Coco

He emphasized no more than 1/3 coco. He rinses all coco well even if it says it doesn’t need it. Soak it in cal mag solution overnight 10-15 ml/gallon of water. Drain and go to town mixing when the coco is dry enough.

We go fishing and hunting and morel picking and everything else all year. It’s nice to not have to babysit and spoon feed twice a day for sure.
I’ll call it Marx Mix. Guy’s private. He’s a head grower for several large operations here plus his own operation. 35-40 strains going at any time.

His home mix

1/3 Pro Mix
1/3 Perlite
1/3 Coco

He emphasized no more than 1/3 coco. He rinses all coco well even if it says it doesn’t need it. Soak it in cal mag solution overnight 10-15 ml/gallon of water. Drain and go to town mixing when the coco is dry enough.

We go fishing and hunting and morel picking and everything else all year. It’s nice to not have to babysit and spoon feed twice a day for sure.
Ok well what nutrients does he use later in veg. and late bloom?
I’ll call it Marx Mix. Guy’s private. He’s a head grower for several large operations here plus his own operation. 35-40 strains going at any time.

His home mix

1/3 Pro Mix
1/3 Perlite
1/3 Coco

He emphasized no more than 1/3 coco. He rinses all coco well even if it says it doesn’t need it. Soak it in cal mag solution overnight 10-15 ml/gallon of water. Drain and go to town mixing when the coco is dry enough.

We go fishing and hunting and morel picking and everything else all year. It’s nice to not have to babysit and spoon feed twice a day for sure.
That sounds like a soilless mix. Doesn't Pro-Mix have nothing in it?
I use chicken manure, seaweed meal, garden lime, fish blood and bone, bonemeal, Epson salts.
Just cheap basic dry food from my local garden center. (Some available in 10ltr buckets and they last years )
I Start off light with young plants ( some seaweed meal)

Verve Multi-purpose Compost(125L £10) and 10% perlite and 20% gro-sure seedling and cutting.
I use chicken manure, seaweed meal, garden lime, fish blood and bone, bonemeal, Epson salts.
Just cheap basic dry food from my local garden center. (Some available in 10ltr buckets and they last years )
I Start off light with young plants ( some seaweed meal)

Verve Multi-purpose Compost(125L £10) and 10% perlite and 20% gro-sure seedling and cutting.
Dog food?
Ok well what nutrients does he use later in veg. and late bloom?
Didn’t ask him that but I will. I just asked about grow medium using coco. He said he personally wouldn’t use more than 30% and you couldn’t force him to use anything Fox Farms. None of their soils. Or whatever it is. I run straight Pro Mix HP and Perlite.
Just as the title says .... simple or mildly ammended mixes. No Cooking just your go to soil mixes for your containers and garden. Feel free to add your recipes to share . What were the pros and cons of your mix ? ..... How long before it exhausted ? ..... How do you “ recharge “ it ?

And whatever curious questions you may have about the growers impressions and or improvements.

Give us your “ water only “ , tea feeders, dry top dressing , soil top dressing and whatever clever thing you did to save the drama. I have worked on “ layered “ container mixes ... shooting at “ water only “ grows with mild amendments.... or top dress.

For autos , it was an easy , clean method that could run 90 days + and need minor bump . No bottles or other synth shit. No boosters either .... tried MOAB , Beastie ( crap ) , Koolbloom , Cha Ching and a few others ..... Actually the only one that seemed to harden them up was Hydroplex. But now only “ water “ with a Kelp / Seaweed solution. From start to finish .... autos kick in gear with the properties of kelp during its short VEG STAGE ( recommend running autos at least 20/4 upfront ) this will give that auto more light energy ( longer ) during the critical rooting and structure . Thats why I do not transplant autos .... I condition them by allowing plant to acclimate ( without anything else added ) to that host medium. No drama.

For Photos , I easily do some minor tweaking with mag sulfate ( keep em green ) and calcium ( to water ). The Mag is Epsom I scratch into top soil layer at various stages after about 5 weeks on medium. Kelp will aid flowering , too many benefits to list.

Anyways ... Here is one of the mixes I use .

MYCO ( Extreme / DYNOMYCO / great white or your choice )

Feeding :

Top Dress MORE FFOF to recharge medium ( watered in ) or steeped in cheesecloth for a Soil Drench / Tea.

Pretty damn simple.

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Great thread!
Dog food?
£136 of electric to flower off my plants for 60 days using 1kw per hour (600w HPS, heater fans etc) about £800 year in electric

Bulbs, hood and ballast cost under £100
Per year on average
Dry food could about £50 for the year (don't use EC, PH or any other equipment like this.

Soil is about £30 for 375ltrs and perlite what £30 for 100ltrs
Seedling and cutting soil is 30ltrs for £10
So that's another £30

Extra £550 for the veg room and towards a filter and equipment as they break.

Less than £1,600 for 6 crops a year, on average 14oz's per crop
Maximum of £19 per oz of high quality bud.
Could even be as low as £15 per oz and my friends have said I would easily get £150 per oz.

I don't care about how other people grow but always want to help growers that want my help, I just want the Maximum amount of highest quality bud I can grow for the lowest cost per oz

My run without removing many fan leaves
The light didn't penetrate the canopy very well and the buds where a little too stretched.

I have been a growing non stop for the last 20 years.
Hay I have been really chomping at the bit, like a race horse to see how much more actually biochar is beneficial to a living soil??? I am on the fence about buying some and amending my outdoor summer crop wi it. Please I could use another growers insight on biochar. I can't seem to find a direct answer on the internet.
It’s beneficial. Especially in a long term bed.
containers... that’s up for debate.
Be sure to properly “charge” your biochar.
mans don’t go crazy. 5% globally with charged biochar can help Cation exchange and promote microbe life.

charge the char. If you don’t your soil will charge it and suck available nutrients right out of plants reach.