What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Lucky that the Iranian missle at the base in response of killing their general did not kill anyone. Just one step away from war. I remember watching information come in minute by minute hoping the whole thing would not blow up.


Well-Known Member
Frankly my friend I think we came out of those four years surprisingly well. Even with the damage done to every facet of the gem we call the world I can imagine how badly things could have gone. The damage done is painful but anything he did is reparable. I can envision scenarios in which that f****** madman was capable of inflicting permanent damage. I just thank God that our military leadership essentially said that they followed the Constitution and not simply the orders of the president. I wonder why they came out and said that when Trump was the president. I'll bet you Trump was provided with a fake football to follow him everywhere. He would have been pushing buttons to try to make a phone call
I'm actually glad that we paid him to golf so much.


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White Supremacist Propaganda Surged In 2020, According To Report

The Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism finds in a new report that white supremacist propaganda surged in 2020. Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL joins Morning Joe to discuss.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty funny. I guess if you subtract the four days a week he goofed off playing golf it gave him far less of an opportunity to wreak havoc.
Of the 1,460 days of Trumps presidency, he spent 288 on the golf course.

So, Trump spent 20% of his time as president playing golf.


Well-Known Member
Glenn Kirshner has been talking shit for years. To date, not one single thing he's said has ever come to pass.


Well-Known Member
As Jefferson said: "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of tyrants". The tree should flourish as Trump's mountain of bullshit breaks down to compost in the courts. The poisoned corpse of the elephant thrashing around at it's base should provide nourishment as it dies and breaks down too.

Let's see, add Asian Americans to the enemies list now, they can join the native Americans, Indian Americans, the brown Americans and Black Americans. They keep making enemies and the democrats keep making friends, sooner or later they will be overwhelmed by enemies.


Well-Known Member
When young people vote, their voice will be heard, if they don't, then don't complain, it works like that for everybody. People pay attention to Trumpers because they vote and they vote in primaries, they might be stupid racists, but they vote. They are gonna, whine and complain, but they vote, but they will be in the streets now, not at the seat of power.

Make access to the polls easier and more convenient for them and young people might vote more, but perhaps Trump and covid have left their mark on a generation, at least until 2022.
After Trump Failed Them, 'Generation P' Fights Back

A year into the coronavirus pandemic, and the response to the virus has exposed a huge generational divide in America. In this special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber explores this divide and explains how this crisis has particularly upended the lives of younger Americans who already face crippling student debt, low wages, and a tough job market. The report also notes a range of factors that contribute to the obstacles this generation faces, including the Trump administration.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
the democrats keep making friends,
It's easy to make new friends when you spend money on them that isn't yours.

You can't possibly know what a "tree of liberty" is if you support forcible reallocation of other peoples property.

Have you been drinking cough syrup again ?


Well-Known Member
It's easy to make new friends when you spend money on them that isn't yours.

You can't possibly know what a "tree of liberty" is if you support forcible reallocation of other peoples property.

Have you been drinking cough syrup again ?
Thomas Jefferson said it, argue with him. The founders would have no problem confiscating your property for the state and George Washington would have inoculated you with cowpox, even if he had to have ya held down while they sliced open yer arm and applied the puss to the open wound. George believed in public health measures and vaccines!
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Thomas Jefferson said it, argue with him. The founders would have no problem confiscating your property for the state and George Washington would have inoculated you with cowpox, even if he had to have ya held down while they sliced open yer arm and the applied the puss to the open wound. George believed in public health measures and vaccines!

George Washington had lousy teeth.

Vermin Supreme coulda fixed that foul mouthed miscreant!
