Manganese def? Organic soil grow

dull slob, not political your words smell like the ignorant shit that you're all about. Youre a f'en ignorant buffoon, it's plain AF
That’s my point move along ass wipe. We’re talking about plants. Save your shitty comedy routine for your politics section.
“Generally soil tests cost $7 to $10.00 per sample.”

About to start putting a soil business here with another retired coot. Even as slow as Jeff is even he said first order of business a soil analysis. Check your state ag colleges first. It’s definitely not thousands.
When i said thousands, i was talknig about over a long period of time trying to build your own with no help from the net. You would have to have hundreds of tests to finally get it down to a basic supersoil recipe thats already posted on here.
When i said thousands, i was talknig about over a long period of time trying to build your own with no help from the net. You would have to have hundreds of tests to finally get it down to a basic supersoil recipe thats already posted on here.
NO gtfoh you ludicrous f'en slob
hey that's eloquent. the ellipsis is classic Straight up Struggleville poetry.

3 weeks flowering

View attachment 4855837
very tiny and healthy...i cant say anything bad about that , im not that dummy you are. Im not here to prove shit , im here to help someone and that someone should be you instead of the op. you need more help then he does , clearly.
Did a soil test get you where you are today ?