What has Trump done to this country?

Chris Hayes: GOP Offers No Policy Ideas, Just Obstruction And Trolling

“Republicans understand they have no power right now—except to delay, and troll, and make things difficult for the Biden administration,” says Chris Hayes on bad faith obstruction from senators like Tom Cotton and Ron Johnson.
FUCK REPUBLCANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are an abomination
Dispute it
I dare you
Politics was a shit show long before white trash Trump arrived. How desperate were the American people to believe that a corrupt, racist, misogynistic snake oil salesmen was somehow going to fix all these problems.

You want to know how to fix things. It's simple, stop wanting crap you don't need. Politics is controlled by the corporation's and the corporation's are controlled by the dollar that you spend. And most of us are controlled by the 24/7 marketing the corporations feed to us. Keep the tv and the car you bought for 20 years instead of 2 and take away their blood supply.
Politics was a shit show long before white trash Trump arrived. How desperate were the American people to believe that a corrupt, racist, misogynistic snake oil salesmen was somehow going to fix all these problems.

You want to know how to fix things. It's simple, stop wanting crap you don't need. Politics is controlled by the corporation's and the corporation's are controlled by the dollar that you spend. And most of us are controlled by the 24/7 marketing the corporations feed to us. Keep the tv and the car you bought for 20 years instead of 2 and take away their blood supply.
I need the newest gadgets and all the popcorn I can eat. What can I do to break my habits?
Missouri pastor faces backlash after suggesting wives should lose weight, strive to look like Melania Trump
Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark of Missouri's Malden First General Baptist Church said in his Sunday sermon that women should look to maintain their figures and lose weight in order to keep their husband's attention. He also used a photo of former first Lady Melania Trump as an example of what women should aspire to.

“Now look, I’m not saying every woman can be the epic, epic trophy wife of all time like Melania Trump. I’m not saying that at all," Clark said as a photo of Trump was displayed on screen. "Most women can’t be trophy wives, but you know, maybe you’re a participation trophy. I don’t know, but all I can say is not everybody looks like that. Amen! Not everybody looks like that. But you don’t need to look like a butch either.”

“Ladies, it’s the way God made us. It’s the way we are. Men are going to look. He made us to look. You want them to be looking at you. Don’t let yourself go,” Clark said.

Doesn't the pastor know it is real hard to keep your figure if you are always barefoot and pregnant?
People have to realize that a third party doesn't somehow create better people, it's just more of the same. Even worse, a new party wouldn't have the negative history behind it which causes people to lose trust, so a third party gains trust by simply being new, plus being new always creates iPhone fanaticism, compounding the issue of meritless trust and dedication. If anything, there should be no party's. Since this is a nation founded on the individual, perhaps an individual should simply tell us what they stand for, then we can maybe focus on the content and not the football team politicking.
People have to realize that a third party doesn't somehow create better people, it's just more of the same. Even worse, a new party wouldn't have the negative history behind it which causes people to lose trust, so a third party gains trust by simply being new, plus being new always creates iPhone fanaticism, compounding the issue of meritless trust and dedication. If anything, there should be no party's. Since this is a nation founded on the individual, perhaps an individual should simply tell us what they stand for, then we can maybe focus on the content and not the football team politicking.
It can divide the right and keep them out of power, if Donald's fortunes go downhill along with his legal problems like prison, he could lose enough of the GOP to take his own people out to form his own party. Though Donald's party will be dedicated to getting him out of prison and lining his pockets. That's the key issue now, money, Donald wants it all and is telling his supporters to just send his new PAC money. Donald is looking to take control of the republicans finances and we all know what happens then, so does Mitch. The faster Donald is put in prison, the better it is for the republicans like McConnell, if they don't get rid of him he will destroy them and the party.
Well, they're opportunists, so they're simply pandering to the current situations. Let's see Trump get the nomination in '24 and they'll drop to their knees and dislocate their jaws for him all over again.
Well, they're opportunists, so they're simply pandering to the current situations. Let's see Trump get the nomination in '24 and they'll drop to their knees and dislocate their jaws for him all over again.
Trump could get the nomination from prison and if he doesn't he will pull his support, but he is muzzled in prison. If they convict him of insurrection they should use the 14th amendment to disqualify him from office, it only requires a majority vote and a few republicans in the senate would go for it.

Donald is gonna go to prison and his days in court could start soon, his days before a grand jury will start earlier. A lot can change in a year and Donald is in for the ride of his life and might just go completely nuts during the process. He will be arranged before a judge to plea and be slapped with a gag order in the next month by someone, state or federal and that will be just the beginning, the hits will keep coming.
I certainly appreciate the optimism, but at least half the country are morally fine with the concept of people they like being above the law. I hope you're right, but I've been let down too many times by people with money and power finding justice in the US.
I certainly appreciate the optimism, but at least half the country are morally fine with the concept of people they like being above the law. I hope you're right, but I've been let down too many times by people with money and power finding justice in the US.
Donald made too many powerful enemies and the political situation has become dire, he needs to go away and fortunately committed more than enough crimes to make that happen. A lot of other assholes are gonna go down with Donald, this is just the calm before the storm, the Trumpers are not the only people pissed off in America, when they stormed the capital they made deadly enemies.