Those ecosystems had eons to get it right and we are trying to artificially create environments that echo that same simpatico.
Yeah but luckily unlike eons ago, we don't have to start with bare granite scraped clean by glaciers during the last glacial period. We can cheat a little bit. Lol
The issue is what to do when you have a situation like mine.
Hmm... I know what I would do. I'd stop doing whatever I was doing with my plants that might have made them that way. Since I don't know what you've put into your soil, I'd just stop putting anything into it now and just add pH'd water (just in case that's your issue as you mentioned). If pH is an issue, the biology in your soil might also be affected thus lowering the rate of mineralization in your soil. I'm not sure pH is your issue though since I haven't heard how quickly things decompose and disappear when added as a top dressing/mulch to your soil. If organic material tends to stick around for a long time, there's likely something inhibiting your biology and it could very well be pH. This is especially true if you added lots of soluble calcium sources to your initial soil mix to a peat-based medium that was already buffered by the producer.