What did you accomplish today?

'Flew into a bit of a premature rage this arvo looking for my seeds stash, which I presumed the Missus had chucked out in a fit of pique during an argument...

Rummage....rummage.....rummage through multiple fridges & found them secreted amongst packs of vac-sealed hops.

My own stealth measures obviously eluded me for a time......:wall:
Did that help your tinnitus and what's TMJ? I've got a little white noise machine to deal with mine while sleeping but its starting to get worse. Sucks!
No it did not help at all...TMJ is some kind of jaw disorder. I was trying everything and anything I could to deal with the tinnitus because it got severe and was destroying me....Causing severe severe anxiety!! What finally did help, is really good hearing aids. And this was after 2 ENT doctors told me there was no help for tinnitus and to live with it.

My ears are ringing off the hook right now, like they most always are in the a.m....plus I just hit the oil cart and I'm thinking about it, both of which make it worse. But as soon as i take a shower and put my Widex hearing aids in, it will, for the most part, stop...thank God! Stress makes it worse...I've had to change my life!

No it did not help at all...TMJ is some kind of jaw disorder. I was trying everything and anything I could to deal with the tinnitus because it got severe and was destroying me....Causing severe severe anxiety!! What finally did help, is really good hearing aids. And this was after 2 ENT doctors told me there was no help for tinnitus and to live with it.

My ears are ringing off the hook right now, like they most always are in the a.m....plus I just hit the oil cart and I'm thinking about it, both of which make it worse. But as soon as i take a shower and put my Widex hearing aids in, it will, for the most part, stop...thank God! Stress makes it worse...I've had to change my life!

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

No it did not help at all...TMJ is some kind of jaw disorder. I was trying everything and anything I could to deal with the tinnitus because it got severe and was destroying me....Causing severe severe anxiety!! What finally did help, is really good hearing aids. And this was after 2 ENT doctors told me there was no help for tinnitus and to live with it.

My ears are ringing off the hook right now, like they most always are in the a.m....plus I just hit the oil cart and I'm thinking about it, both of which make it worse. But as soon as i take a shower and put my Widex hearing aids in, it will, for the most part, stop...thank God! Stress makes it worse...I've had to change my life!

Do the hearing aids cancel out the ringing then? I know what you mean about stress adding to it. I was up all night coughing (please not covid) hard and after finally getting a little sleep I awoke to a sore chest and a pounding headache with ringing to match. Shit sucks.
Do the hearing aids cancel out the ringing then? I know what you mean about stress adding to it. I was up all night coughing (please not covid) hard and after finally getting a little sleep I awoke to a sore chest and a pounding headache with ringing to match. Shit sucks.
They don't cancel it out, completely...Sometimes they do, but they seem to help considerably. These were $6,000 hearing aids, but luckily my insurance covered the majority...So IDK if cheaper ones would work as well.

I first got tinnitus back 20 years ago, during chemo treatments. But it wasn't terrible and I habituated to it...I hadn't even thought about it it years really, until a few years ago it came back with a vengeance. At first just on occasion then soon it was 24/7, and it was loud. I was seriously thinking I can not live like this!! I have elevated levels of cobalt and chromium from 2 metal on metal hips replacements and that's what I believe is causing it, but who knows!! But if you look up these types of poisonings, tinnitus us usually at the top of the list.

I'm supposed to be getting them both replaced again...then covid hit...and now I need a shoulder replacement too...I'm in no rush to let anyone cut me again anytime soon!