What did you accomplish today?

They don't cancel it out, completely...Sometimes they do, but they seem to help considerably. These were $6,000 hearing aids, but luckily my insurance covered the majority...So IDK if cheaper ones would work as well.

I first got tinnitus back 20 years ago, during chemo treatments. But it wasn't terrible and I habituated to it...I hadn't even thought about it it years really, until a few years ago it came back with a vengeance. At first just on occasion then soon it was 24/7, and it was loud. I was seriously thinking I can not live like this!! I have elevated levels of cobalt and chromium from 2 metal on metal hips replacements and that's what I believe is causing it, but who knows!! But if you look up these types of poisonings, tinnitus us usually at the top of the list.

I'm supposed to be getting them both replaced again...then covid hit...and now I need a shoulder replacement too...I'm in no rush to let anyone cut me again anytime soon!
Interesting about the metal theory.. I've got 3 90 mm stainless screws in my hip from a bike accident over 20 years ago now. Wonder if they might have something to do with it.
Interesting about the metal theory.. I've got 3 90 mm stainless screws in my hip from a bike accident over 20 years ago now. Wonder if they might have something to do with it.
From what have read and learned you are probably ok. I asked because they also used some small pieces like that in my rotator cuff repair a few years back.

In my hips case there's 2 metal components rubbing against each other, under a lot of pressure, and supposedly with every step I take over a million metal particles are released. Both hips have been recalled...These are the beauties...

Ten years or so but the last five has really ramped up in intensity. I think it started with too much repeated shooting of high powered rifles but a life time of construction has wrecked havoc. My last hearing screening was bad and the look on the poor technicians face painted a grim picture.
A .22 is loud enough to make my ears hurt.
Oh god I’m fucking doomed.
Shooting big guns without hearing protection in my younger yrs, check.
I’m most likely fucked from the construction though. If I wasn’t shooting powder actuated tools overhead right next to my head with no ear plugs, it was shooting track down to the floor. Cutting metal studs on the chop saw. Screwgun going. And/or everyone else doing the same all around me.

I’m doomed i tell ya.
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I don't find that the hearing aids do very much to mitigate the ringing & they definitely make it tougher to hear people in a restaurant type environment.

PS: The set I have is from the VA, they are digital and are set specifically to my hearing loss.
Hub probably got the same/similar set. I took him to a local audiologist and ENT to see if they can do better but I doubt there's much that can be done.
They don't cancel it out, completely...Sometimes they do, but they seem to help considerably. These were $6,000 hearing aids, but luckily my insurance covered the majority...So IDK if cheaper ones would work as well.

I first got tinnitus back 20 years ago, during chemo treatments. But it wasn't terrible and I habituated to it...I hadn't even thought about it it years really, until a few years ago it came back with a vengeance. At first just on occasion then soon it was 24/7, and it was loud. I was seriously thinking I can not live like this!! I have elevated levels of cobalt and chromium from 2 metal on metal hips replacements and that's what I believe is causing it, but who knows!! But if you look up these types of poisonings, tinnitus us usually at the top of the list.

I'm supposed to be getting them both replaced again...then covid hit...and now I need a shoulder replacement too...I'm in no rush to let anyone cut me again anytime soon!
You need to get those hips done and I am so sorry. I need some surgery and after doing it for many years I'm holding off for as long as I can so I really understand. My hub was poisoned during his USAF career (multiple chemicals TCE, chromium etc...) After a certain amount of time it doesn't go away. I've got a mild case of tinnitus, either from noise or Vancomycin exposure. It's a bit bothersome when it's ringing, like right now. Sadly you can't really unfuck your VIII Cranial Nerve.
Oh god I’m fucking doomed.
Shooting big guns without hearing protection in my younger yrs, check.
I’m most likely fucked from the construction though. If I wasn’t shooting powder actuated tools overhead right next to my head with no ear plugs, it was shooting track down to the floor. Cutting metal studs on the chop saw. Screwgun going. And/or everyone else doing the same all around me.

I’m doomed i tell ya.
Yeah I would think so. Running that damn chop saw inside is fucking murder on the ear drum.

The damn demo saw ..... cutting concrete inside tanks was especially hard on mine, along with the jackhammering.