Pandemic 2020

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The wife got her 2nd shot this afternoon. The operation in the parking lot at the health department was smooth and easy. There were two cars waiting the 15 minutes post shot when we go there. There were two more who came after us while we were waiting. That's a pretty good flow for our little town.
My wife arm hurt pretty bad and she felt flu-ey starting about a day after the shot for 2 days and on the 3-4 she felt decent but still gross.

Then it was gone and she hasn't had any issues since.

Best of luck! That is great news.
My wife arm hurt pretty bad and she felt flu-ey starting about a day after the shot for 2 days and on the 3-4 she felt decent but still gross.

Then it was gone and she hasn't had any issues since.

Best of luck! That is great news.
My wife had injection site pain for several days after the first shot. She also had some fever in her arm. So far no issues after the 2nd shot. Other than sleeping in front of the TV, but she does that every night. . . . .

I'm excited about her being able to go to the grocery story in a couple of weeks. Sister has been doing a goodly amount of our shopping, but she will be going to Denver as soon as spring gets here. We've been taking advantage of the free shipping at Walmart for dry goods, but there are still things you have to buy in person. I'm going into work half a day a week, so I hit the local grocer then. But the choices suck, as well as the prices. About once a month I go to the bigger town and do Walmart (and my thrift stores).

Thanks for the well wishes.
I get my first vaccination shot tomorrow morning. :clap:
Congratulation. I'm only 60, but I'm already putting my name in the hat at the health department. I want to be among the first to get it when they open up to the under 65 crowd. It doesn't hurt that those guys have been customers of mine for years.
I have a slightly askew sense of humor. Perhaps for this reason, I have acquired a supply of things that sometimes just sit around for a few decades before being used. You know, things like smoke bombs, German stink bombs (in lovely glass ampules), etc. I mean, there is no downside to having them just sitting around for when you might need them.

Well, I have a nice pack of French blood capsules that I have literally had for decades and it recently occurred to me that masks make these thing particularly useful for a couple of reasons. First, you don't really have to spend much time practicing a convincing death-grimace due to the mask, second, because the blood soaking through the mask will broadcast much, much better than just a trickle out of the corner of your mouth.

So, what opportunities are there? I could use it at work, wait for somebody to bump into me, bite down and fall to the floor writhing. But we take safety very seriously as the possibility of real injury exists. It would be terribly unfair to my co-workers and would probably get me fired for good reason. Or maybe at the Walmer, where I could get in an argument with a non-mask wearing shopper and make sure things get a little heated before letting loose.

Probably the most horrible idea I have had would be to wait until I get the Covid-vaccine and issue a mask-full of blood. Of course you would have to be filming it so you could capture the look of confusion and horror on the nurse's face as she tries to process how an injection could be responsible for such an injury. It might even go viral if I posted it to TikTok.

But I would never do this - and this is why I could never be an "influencer". Its a truly bad idea. You can hold me responsible for for even thinking about it - I wouldn't blame you. My feelings on it are a mixture of amusement at the thought-concept and revulsion that I came up with it.

I'll probably have these blood capsules for another ten years. Its just so hard to figure out a good use for them.
I have a slightly askew sense of humor. Perhaps for this reason, I have acquired a supply of things that sometimes just sit around for a few decades before being used. You know, things like smoke bombs, German stink bombs (in lovely glass ampules), etc. I mean, there is no downside to having them just sitting around for when you might need them.

Well, I have a nice pack of French blood capsules that I have literally had for decades and it recently occurred to me that masks make these thing particularly useful for a couple of reasons. First, you don't really have to spend much time practicing a convincing death-grimace due to the mask, second, because the blood soaking through the mask will broadcast much, much better than just a trickle out of the corner of your mouth.

So, what opportunities are there? I could use it at work, wait for somebody to bump into me, bite down and fall to the floor writhing. But we take safety very seriously as the possibility of real injury exists. It would be terribly unfair to my co-workers and would probably get me fired for good reason. Or maybe at the Walmer, where I could get in an argument with a non-mask wearing shopper and make sure things get a little heated before letting loose.

Probably the most horrible idea I have had would be to wait until I get the Covid-vaccine and issue a mask-full of blood. Of course you would have to be filming it so you could capture the look of confusion and horror on the nurse's face as she tries to process how an injection could be responsible for such an injury. It might even go viral if I posted it to TikTok.

But I would never do this - and this is why I could never be an "influencer". Its a truly bad idea. You can hold me responsible for for even thinking about it - I wouldn't blame you. My feelings on it are a mixture of amusement at the thought-concept and revulsion that I came up with it.

I'll probably have these blood capsules for another ten years. Its just so hard to figure out a good use for them.
There is an April Fools joke in those capsules, I'm sure of it. Maybe you could enlist the help of your little one to play a joke on mama?
There is an April Fools joke in those capsules, I'm sure of it. Maybe you could enlist the help of your little one to play a joke on mama?
She knows me far too well.

Kind of reminds me of Dick Shawn, a great comic - he played Lorenzo St. DuBois in the original film of The Producers.

On April 17, 1987, during a performance at University of California, San Diego's Mandeville Hall, Shawn suffered a heart attack and collapsed face-down on the stage. The audience initially assumed that it was part of his act; but after he had remained motionless on the stage for several minutes, a stage hand examined him and asked if a physician was present.

According to the LA Times:

Witnesses said Shawn, 57, was left lying on the stage for nearly five minutes before the audience realized it was not part of his act, and an ambulance was called. Hospital spokeswoman Diane Yohe said he received cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the Scripps emergency room, but was pronounced dead at 9:55 p.m.

“He literally was probably on the stage five minutes until it was realized that it was serious,” said Tom Wartelle of San Diego, a member of the audience of about 500. “The stagehand came out several times and obviously thought it was part of the act.

“It all blended in very well,” Wartelle added. “There were comments from the audience like, ‘Take his wallet!’ Finally a doctor came from back of the wings, felt for his pulse and realized something had happened. He flipped him over. The audience reaction by then was, ‘Boy, this is out of taste.’ ”

University officials said Shawn’s son Adam had attended the performance.
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There is an April Fools joke in those capsules, I'm sure of it. Maybe you could enlist the help of your little one to play a joke on mama?
I'll probably be looking for a Trump rally to celebrate his March 4th inauguration as the 19th President. It won't be hard to provoke one of the local mouth breathers to initiate contact.

I'll be needing a cameraman.
I'll probably be looking for a Trump rally to celebrate his March 4th inauguration as the 19th President. It won't be hard to provoke one of the local mouth breathers to initiate contact.

I'll be needing a cameraman.
They will hold "free Donald" (Free Willy the Killer Whale) rallies when the courts convict him, there's your chance. Perhaps you could set up a crowd funding page for his legal defense, after paying yourself expenses of course! Why not, his base have been marked as marks and better you get the money than Donald! :lol: Make stupid pay Baldrick.
this person crossed me in business (personally) and i'm glad to see he got what he deserved though it took a few years but then again cancer takes a little while- it was a surprise..surprise Arne!

When I started my present job 30 years ago, part of my duties was walking over to the grade school and collecting the boss's kids. Lots of times their friend Jack was included since he lived in their neighborhood and was on the baseball team with them. (and I had replaced his dad at my work) They would hang out in my office until the boss knocked off for the day. Jack was the same age as the boss's son, about 7 or 8 at the time. This week Jack died of Covid-19. I can't say I have thought of him much in the years in between, but it hit me hard when I heard he had died. Too damn young.
When I started my present job 30 years ago, part of my duties was walking over to the grade school and collecting the boss's kids. Lots of times their friend Jack was included since he lived in their neighborhood and was on the baseball team with them. (and I had replaced his dad at my work) They would hang out in my office until the boss knocked off for the day. Jack was the same age as the boss's son, about 7 or 8 at the time. This week Jack died of Covid-19. I can't say I have thought of him much in the years in between, but it hit me hard when I heard he had died. Too damn young.

have you gotten Covid 19? (rhetorical)

everyone has choices.
No, I have not. I'm staying home, ie, in the woods, most of the time. can choose reality or an alternate version because someone said so. it cost that person his life and half a million others.

the truth is it's contracted through respiration but it's a circulatory disease. a doctor recently bled out after getting vaccine because he had thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet disorder)..his blood literally seeped through his veins and the telltale rash and he was dead.
Global COVID-19 cases have dropped by half, and experts are looking for explanations

Stronger public-health measures, adherence to rules borne out of fear of faster-spreading variants, and the natural seasonality of coronaviruses could all be playing a part, observers say

Read in The Globe and Mail:
Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 6.51.10 AM.png

All those super spreading events Trump was throwing must have had a bigger impact than I thought.
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