What has Trump done to this country?

How much you file on taxes bro? You filing single or married bro?
You:How many dollars you has bro duh uh limpidity dipitty trump a devil uh keyboard fingers pain hurt protein.
This is actually “literally” what i said.

And all we do is print money. Period that shit hasn’t changed and won’t change. Trump didn’t put us in trillions of dollars of debt. That has been accumulated. Accumulated is a big word I know but it means that the debt was built up over time. Hmm past president admins. Hmm”
Bullshit man, Trump had a great opportunity to reduce the countries debt, and Clinton would have. Obama left him in a very strong position and he wasted it.

Instead he threw stupid temper tantrums with our allies, costing us trillions and increasing debt with things like shutting down the government and having to pay off farmers who were losing their asses due to his stupidity.

And then when a actual emergency hit, it tanked us because he made us very unstable economically.

Seriously give me time and I’ll be able to respond quicker. Just a couple of hours. I’ll be back but I don’t want a bombardment of posts to respond to that I can get equally interrogated on.

Get your shit done, this forum is not going anywhere. Real life first, trolling for Dear Leader second.
Bullshit man, Trump had a great opportunity to reduce the countries debt, and Clinton would have. Obama left him in a very strong position and he wasted it.

Instead he threw stupid temper tantrums with our allies, costing us trillions and increasing debt with things like shutting down the government and having to pay off farmers who were losing their asses due to his stupidity.

And then when a actual emergency hit, it tanked us because he made us very unstable economically.

Get your shit done, this forum is not going anywhere. Real life first, trolling for Dear Leader second.
You proved my point for me.
45 started his term with a healthy and growing economy and he wrecked it. He absolutely trashed this country's economy. And that doesn't even begin to address the people who died because Trump was not up to the task of the job when coronavirus hit us.

The US has 5% of the world's population and 25% of deaths worldwide due to Covid.

Then, after the people of this country voted him out of office he tried to overthrow the government and murder his political enemies. People died because of that crime too.

So, just stop it with the lies. We saw. It can be summed up in four words.

Trump lied, people died.
45 started his term with a healthy and growing economy and he wrecked it. He absolutely trashed this country's economy. And that doesn't even begin to address the people who died because Trump was not up to the task of the job when coronavirus hit us.

The US has 5% of the world's population and 25% of deaths worldwide due to Covid.

Then, after the people of this country voted him out of office he tried to overthrow the government and murder his political enemies. People died because of that crime too.

So, just stop it with the lies. We saw. It can be summed up in four words.

Trump lied, people died.
Here’s what I will say to that. That is who the republicans said was their best guy. So if that’s their best guy, they need to reevaluate their party. Cause that’s pretty sad. Truth is Trump IS the Republican Party. They are him.
Here’s what I will say to that. That is who the republicans said was their best guy. So if that’s their best guy, they need to reevaluate their party. Cause that’s pretty sad. Truth is Trump IS the Republican Party. They are him.
I keep hearing about how he's "dividing" the GOP. As you say, the GOP isn't "divided", it is transformed into Trump's party. But we can take heart that about 1/3 of those who voted for Trump in November are finally admitting that he is a piece of shit.


The shift was drastic and if only half of Trump's support return to the fold, it still means they will not win in upcoming elections. Not if the election is fairly run. So, we all know where this is heading. Trump's GOP cannot survive if our democracy lives.