January 6th, 2021


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After the lawsuits, all the right wing news outlets read a statement saying there was no evidence of machines switching votes. Looked like a hostage video. lol
It has nothing to do with the Civil suits filed by Dominion.

Dominion sent them cease and desist orders. That puts them on legal notice that any mention of those bogus claims carried by them again will result in legal action.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the attack on the US Capital has implications in Canada and for the Proud Boys too. I wonder if they will add the republican party to the list? :lol:
New additions coming to terrorist list, say sources | CBC News

New additions coming to terrorist list, say sources
Federal government giving update on 'ideologically motivated violent extremism' tomorrow

The federal government will announce new additions to its list of terrorist organizations Wednesday, CBC News has learned.

Sources, who CBC is not naming because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the announcement, said a number of entities will be added to the list, which comes with financial and legal ramifications.

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair is set to make the announcement public at 12:30 p.m ET, Wednesday.

Before his remarks, reporters have been invited to a background briefing on ideologically motivated violent extremism.

The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) defines the term as extremism driven by a range of grievances and ideas from across the traditional ideological spectrum.

"The resulting worldview consists of a personalized narrative which centres on an extremist's willingness to incite, enable and or mobilize to violence," notes their 2019 public report.

"Extremists draw inspiration from a variety of sources including books, images, lectures, music, online discussions, videos and conversations."

It is not a crime to be listed, but groups on the list may have their assets seized, and there are serious criminal penalties for helping them carry out extremist activities.

Calls for Proud Boys to be listed
The government has faced calls in recent weeks to add the Proud Boys as a terrorist entity. Last month MPs voted unanimously to call on government to add the group to the terror list following the storming of Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. The non-binding and controversial motion was introduced by NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.

Blair said he will listen to the intelligence collected by the country's security agencies before deciding on next steps.

Multiple media reports have linked Proud Boys members to those who stormed Capitol Hill after a speech by then-U.S. president Donald Trump on Jan. 6. A self-described organizer for the Proud Boys has been arrested for taking part in the siege.

CBC has not confirmed if the Proud Boys will be listed tomorrow.

Public Safety oversees the process of designating terrorist groups, based on reports from the RCMP and CSIS detailing "reasonable grounds to believe that the entity has knowingly carried out, attempted to carry out, participated in or facilitated a terrorist activity; or the entity is knowingly acting on behalf of, at the direction of, or in association with, an entity involved in a terrorist activity."

If the minister has reasonable grounds to believe that the group in question meets the threshold, the minister makes a recommendation to cabinet to place the entity on the list.

Many of the listed organizations are religiously-motivated terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hezbollah and ISIS, but two far-right groups — Blood & Honour, an international neo-Nazi network, and its armed wing, Combat 18 — were added in June 2019.

Every two years the government undergoes a statutory review of the Criminal Code list of terrorist entities to confirm whether those listed continue to meet the legal threshold for listing.

New entities are added once it has been determined that they meet the legal threshold.


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Use of Clearview AI facial recognition tech spiked as law enforcement seeks to identify Capitol mob - The Verge

Use of Clearview AI facial recognition tech spiked as law enforcement seeks to identify Capitol mob
The company’s CEO said use of its tech was up 26 percent the day after the January 6th attack

Clearview AI’s CEO says that use of his company’s facial recognition technology among law enforcement spiked 26 percent the day after a mob of pro-Trump rioters attacked the US Capitol. First reported by the New York Times, Hoan Ton-That confirmed to The Verge that Clearview saw a sharp increase in use on January 7th, compared to its usual weekday search volume.

The January 6th attack was broadcast live on cable news, and captured in hundreds of images and live streams that showed the faces of rioters breaching the Capitol building. The FBI and other agencies have asked for the public’s help to identify participants. According to the Times, the Miami Police Department is using Clearview to identify some of the rioters, sending possible matches to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force. And The Wall Street Journal reported that an Alabama police department was also using Clearview to identify faces in images from the riot and sending information to the FBI.

Unlike other facial recognition used by authorities, which use images such as driver’s license photos and mug shot photos, Clearview’s database of some 3 billion images was scraped from social media and other websites, as revealed in a Times investigation last year. In addition to raising serious concerns about privacy, the practice of taking images from social media violated the platforms’ rules, and tech companies sent numerous cease and desist orders to Clearview in the wake of the investigation.

Nathan Freed Wessler, deputy director of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project said in an email to The Verge that while facial recognition tech is not regulated by federal law, its potential for mass surveillance of communities of color have rightly led state and local governments across the country to ban its use by law enforcement.” Wessler argued that if use of the technology by police departments is normalized, “we know who it will be used against most: members of Black and Brown communities who already suffer under a racist criminal enforcement system.”

Clearview AI said in May it would stop selling its technology to private companies and instead provide it for use by law enforcement only. Some 2,400 law enforcement agencies across the US use Clearview’s software, according to the company.


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Washington Post: Manhattan DA considering prosecuting Steve Bannon after Trump pardon
The Manhattan District Attorney's Office is considering bringing state charges against Steve Bannon related to the same border wall fundraising campaign fraud scheme for which he was federally charged and then granted a presidential pardon, according to The Washington Post.
Discussions on whether a state case can be brought against Bannon for his role in the scheme are in the early stages by investigators in Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance's Major Economic Crimes Bureau office, the Post reported, citing people with knowledge of the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the office's deliberations.


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It remains to be seen if the State of New York has any standing. I'm at a loss as to how they could. I would think if anything it would be Florida who prosecuted him (Florida started it's own investigation in 2019 as that is where the We Build the Wall non-profit is based).

The only other standing I can think of would be California. That would be due to the original GoFundMe that led to the We Build the Wall nonprofit and they're based in California.


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Trump lawyers call impeachment trial unconstitutional in laying out defense
Lawyers representing former President Trump on Tuesday detailed the defense they’ll lay out at next week’s impeachment trial, arguing that it is unconstitutional to impeach a former president and that Trump’s speech did not directly lead to the deadly siege on the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6. The filing from Trump’s attorneys David Schoen and Bruce Castor is in response to the article of impeachment passed last month by the House accusing Trump of “incitement of insurrection against the Republic he swore to protect.”

“It is denied that the 45the president of the United States ever engaged in a violation of his oath of office,” the defense attorneys wrote. “To the contrary, at all times Donald J. Trump fully and faithfully executed his duties as the president of the United States and at all times acted to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States while never engaging in any high crimes or misdemeanors.” The briefing also argues that the Senate has no jurisdiction to impeach Trump since he is out of office. “The constitutional provision requires that a person actually hold office to be impeached,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

Earlier on Tuesday, House Democrats outlined the case they intend to make against Trump, drawing a direct line from the president’s speech to a group of his supporters in Washington to the violent mob that later led the violent assault on the Capitol. The Democrats said Trump’s speech pointed a “loaded cannon” at the Capitol building and that his behavior “requires” he be convicted and barred from ever holding office again.

“President Trump’s conduct must be declared unacceptable in the clearest and most unequivocal terms,” the Democratic brief states. “This is not a partisan matter. His actions directly threatened the very foundation on which all other political debates and disagreements unfold. They also threatened the constitutional system that protects the fundamental freedoms we cherish.”

Democrats insist they have jurisdiction to impeach Trump again, saying the Constitution “vests the Senate with full jurisdiction to hear any valid impeachment case brought by the House for high crimes and misdemeanors.” In his rally speech on Jan. 6, Trump ticked through a litany of false or unproven claims about how the Democrats stole the election from him. In the brief, Trump’s lawyers denied that he made false election claims, stating that state election laws that were changed amid the pandemic justify some of his claims that the election was rigged against him.

"Insufficient evidence exists upon which a reasonable jurist could conclude that the 45th President’s statements were accurate or not, and he therefore denies they were false,” Trump’s lawyers wrote. The former president urged his supporters to march on the Capitol to protest the Electoral College vote that was going on, though Trump’s attorneys insist his rhetoric was peaceful and that he did not directly call for any illegal activity.

The rioters killed a police officer, vandalized the Capitol and terrorized lawmakers, sending them into hiding and fearing for their lives. As the mayhem developed and Vice President Pence sought refuge, Trump tweeted his anger at Pence for not stopping the vote count. Hours later, Trump called for calm but also praised the rioters as “very special” people.” The Democratic impeachment managers accused Trump of violating his oath of office, attacking the democratic process, imperiling Congress and undermining national security.

“The Nation will indeed remember January 6, 2021—and President Trump’s singular responsibility for that tragedy,” they wrote. “It is impossible to imagine the events of January 6 occurring without President Trump creating a powder keg, striking a match, and then seeking personal advantage from the ensuing havoc.”
Here’s my response: there are fundamental misunderstandings regarding impeachment at large, but two come into play immediately. The first is that Trump hasn’t been impeached *YET*; from my research, there is no basis for their assertion, as THE HOUSE DECIDES. Trump is ALREADY IMPEACHED. What he has NOT been is punished: *THAT* is the Senate’s role - to remove from office or not, to bar from holding office or not.

The House does not need the Senate’s “approval” for impeachment to happen, it’s already happened. The Senate is ON TRIAL more than Trump is, because they have universally refused to hold Trump accountable in any way for any word or action...and unlike their first shameful response to impeachment, this time Trump was ON TELEVISION with his henchmen & henchwomen. His perfidy - his rhetoric - captured on a hundred cameras and thousands of phones; posted and reposted by Trump’s ‘faithful’ actors in the crowd...as well as by virtually every participant in media.

The Senate GOP has already shamed itself with its choices and direction under McConnell, culminating with Trump’s original impeachment and their summary refusal to hold him to account; the stage seems set for them to repeat the errors of the past (their fundamental pattern), and to imagine their denials are ‘plausible’ enough to gain them the benefit of the doubt when THERE *IS* NO DOUBT.

The proceedings may be court-like, but this is not a court, and this is not a trial. It may seem ‘political’ when only one party has the guts and integrity to do their job, but the House fulfills its role by determining whether or not the discredited individual has in fact committed the offenses & the reprehensibility of those offense rise to the level of removal and disgrace. Having done so, it’s not really the job of the House to *convince* the Senate that it’s in the hot seat...if the senators themselves can’t tell - or don’t care.

this is one of those times when the founders were CERTAIN that the voters would bring down any senators corrupt enough, complicit enough to withhold the proper action...but they never imagined a horde of brainwashed proud know-nothings actively KEEPING such a person in the office - and fighting to overturn a due and proper election.

TL;DR == the GOP, especially in the Senate, are pissing on George Washington’s grave - and Jefferson’s, and they tell themselves it doesn’t matter...if they win. And of course, to the victors go the spoils - and their agents hope for a share of those spoils.

Ah, yes: so, THE SENATE (McConnell) asked to delay their hearing on the matter, ensuring no action *could* be taken while Trump was still in office; that they now claim they CAN DO NOTHING be cause “he’s out of office now” is just literally as corrupt, as dishonest, as unethical, as anything I’ve ever even heard of.


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Woman charged in Capitol riot asks judge to let her take vacation in Mexico - CNNPolitics

Woman charged in Capitol riot asks judge to let her take vacation in Mexico

(CNN)A Texas woman charged in connection with the Capitol insurrection has asked a federal judge to let her travel to Mexico for a "work-related bonding retreat," according to court records.

Jenny Cudd, a flower shop owner and unsuccessful mayoral candidate from Midland, wrote to a federal judge on Monday asking for permission to visit Riviera Maya, Mexico, for a four-day retreat this month. The court docket for her case doesn't yet show a response from the judge.

She was charged with two misdemeanors -- knowingly entering a restricted building and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds -- and was released shortly after her arrest in January. The Justice Department didn't try to keep her jail before trial, an aggressive move they've reserved for the handful of riot-related defendants accused of violent crimes and conspiracies.

A lawyer representing Cudd previously told CNN she plans to plead not guilty. Her lawyers have also said in court filings that she is complying with all the court-ordered conditions of release.

Cudd's lawyers did not response to emails and calls on Wednesday seeking comment about her trip to Mexico. They said in court filings that even before the Capitol attack, she was planning to visit Riviera Maya, a tourist hotspot near Cancun that has stayed busy during the pandemic.

In court filings, the Justice Department has described Cudd as unrepentant for her role in the insurrection, citing her comments in Facebook posts and interviews shortly after the riot.

"F--- yes, I am proud of my actions, I f---ing charged the Capitol today with patriots today. Hell, yes, I am proud of my actions," Cudd said in the Facebook video, according to court records.

In the livestream, Cudd allegedly detailed how she "pushed and pushed" and "got up to the top of the Capitol." She claimed, "there was a door open and we went inside," and later was able to "break down the Nancy Pelosi's office door," referring to the Democratic speaker of the House.

"I would absolutely do it again," Cudd said in a local news interview two days after the insurrection, according to court documents, referring to the storming of the Capitol building.


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Trump's Lawyers Mocked for Misspelling 'United States' in Impeachment Trial Filing (newsweek.com)

Trump's Lawyers Mocked for Misspelling 'United States' in Impeachment Trial Filing

Lawyers representing Donald Trump are facing fierce ridicule over a slew of mistakes made in their initial filings in defense of the former president for his upcoming impeachment trial.

On Tuesday, attorneys David Schoen and Bruce Castor responded to the House's filing that Trump incited the January 6 Capitol insurrection and argued he shouldn't face impeachment now that he is out of office.

However, it was a raft of typos that became a major talking point after astute readers were quick to notice an error in the first few lines of the documents' address to the U.S. Senate.

The filing, which intends to address members of the United States Senate, instead misspells the recipients as members of the "Unites States."

Trump legal filings

Lawyers representing Trump made their initial filings on Tuesday. THE OFFICE OF DONALD TRUMP


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Trump's Lawyers Mocked for Misspelling 'United States' in Impeachment Trial Filing (newsweek.com)

Trump's Lawyers Mocked for Misspelling 'United States' in Impeachment Trial Filing

Lawyers representing Donald Trump are facing fierce ridicule over a slew of mistakes made in their initial filings in defense of the former president for his upcoming impeachment trial.

On Tuesday, attorneys David Schoen and Bruce Castor responded to the House's filing that Trump incited the January 6 Capitol insurrection and argued he shouldn't face impeachment now that he is out of office.

However, it was a raft of typos that became a major talking point after astute readers were quick to notice an error in the first few lines of the documents' address to the U.S. Senate.

The filing, which intends to address members of the United States Senate, instead misspells the recipients as members of the "Unites States."

Trump legal filings

Lawyers representing Trump made their initial filings on Tuesday. THE OFFICE OF DONALD TRUMP
we already made fun of it



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House Democrat cheers Gaetz's offer to resign, help Trump with trial
Democratic Rep. Brendan Boyle (Pa.) poked at GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.) on Wednesday, saying he backed Gaetz's offer to resign his seat to defend former President Trump in his Senate trial.

“I strongly support my colleague Matt Gaetz doing this,” Boyle tweeted, sharing a tweet about Gaetz's remarks.
The Democrat weighed in after Gaetz said during an appearance on Trump ally Stephen Bannon's radio show that he would step down from Congress to defend Trump in his upcoming impeachment trial if asked to do so.

“Absolutely. If the president called me and wanted me to go defend him on the floor of the Senate, that would be the top priority in my life. I would leave my House seat, I would leave my home,” Gaetz said.


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Eric Trump Slams Scottish Proposal to Probe His Father's Golf Courses
Former President Donald Trump’s son Eric has criticized Scottish politicians ahead of a debate in Parliament on Wednesday whether to initiate a probe into the financing of his father’s resorts, Politico reported.

The debate was requested by Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie, who wants the government to seek an “unexplained wealth order” (UWO), which is part of British criminal legislation, against the Trump Organization’s two golf courses in the country.

A UWO requires the subject to explain how their assets were acquired, and if the answer is not considered to be satisfactory the assets can be seized as “presumed to be recoverable property.”

Harvie explained to The Scotsman that it should be closely examined how the two local resorts were funded, because the former president's business dealing were under investigation in the U.S.

Read more: Eric Trump Slams Scottish Proposal to Probe His Father's Golf Courses | Newsmax.com


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Eric Trump Slams Scottish Proposal to Probe His Father's Golf Courses
Former President Donald Trump’s son Eric has criticized Scottish politicians ahead of a debate in Parliament on Wednesday whether to initiate a probe into the financing of his father’s resorts, Politico reported.

The debate was requested by Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie, who wants the government to seek an “unexplained wealth order” (UWO), which is part of British criminal legislation, against the Trump Organization’s two golf courses in the country.

A UWO requires the subject to explain how their assets were acquired, and if the answer is not considered to be satisfactory the assets can be seized as “presumed to be recoverable property.”

Harvie explained to The Scotsman that it should be closely examined how the two local resorts were funded, because the former president's business dealing were under investigation in the U.S.

Read more: Eric Trump Slams Scottish Proposal to Probe His Father's Golf Courses | Newsmax.com
That's actually been in the works ever since Trump bought the golf club. On paper, Trump didn't have anywhere near the funds to buy it. Yet, he bought it.

There have been calls not only in Scotland but from across the UK as a whole to get to the bottom of exactly how that happened.


Well-Known Member
Eric Trump Slams Scottish Proposal to Probe His Father's Golf Courses
Former President Donald Trump’s son Eric has criticized Scottish politicians ahead of a debate in Parliament on Wednesday whether to initiate a probe into the financing of his father’s resorts, Politico reported.

The debate was requested by Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie, who wants the government to seek an “unexplained wealth order” (UWO), which is part of British criminal legislation, against the Trump Organization’s two golf courses in the country.

A UWO requires the subject to explain how their assets were acquired, and if the answer is not considered to be satisfactory the assets can be seized as “presumed to be recoverable property.”

Harvie explained to The Scotsman that it should be closely examined how the two local resorts were funded, because the former president's business dealing were under investigation in the U.S.

Read more: Eric Trump Slams Scottish Proposal to Probe His Father's Golf Courses | Newsmax.com
Didn't read it because, newsmax isn't a news site. Also fxck Eric Trump. (figuratively speaking)

Real news sites are less histrionic on the subject.

Scotland's Parliament rejects call for government to seek probe into Trump's golf course financing


Well-Known Member
Didn't read it because, newsmax isn't a news site. Also fxck Eric Trump. (figuratively speaking)

Real news sites are less histrionic on the subject.

Scotland's Parliament rejects call for government to seek probe into Trump's golf course financing
They used to reprint news articles from real news sources. Something that their readership found irritating. Mind you they tended to do a little editing to change the context of the stories to rial up the followers. Sometimes it is good to know what the other side is spinning.


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Canada labels the Proud Boys, other neo-Nazi groups as terrorists | CBC News

Canada labels the Proud Boys, other neo-Nazi groups as terrorists
Move comes after media reports linked Proud Boys members to those who stormed U.S. Capitol last month
Public Safety Minister Bill Blair announced today that the federal government will designate 13 groups as terrorist entities, adding some white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups to a list already populated with militant Islamist organizations.

The federal government will now classify the Proud Boys (a neo-fascist organization with chapters in Canada and the U.S.), the Atomwaffen Division, AWD (a group that calls for acts of violence against racial, religious and ethnic groups), and the Base (another neo-Nazi organization that advocates for violence to incite a race war), as terrorist entities under the Criminal Code.

The government considers these three groups, along with another new addition, the Russian Imperial Movement (a Russian paramilitary group with ties to neo-Nazi groups worldwide), as "ideologically motivated violent extremists."

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) defines the term as extremism driven by a range of grievances and ideas from across the traditional ideological spectrum.

"No matter the ideological motivation, they're all hateful, intolerant and, as we've seen, they can be highly dangerous," Blair said Wednesday, adding that he hopes expanding the terrorist list will send a message to groups intent on sowing division and hate and causing harm, that their actions will not be tolerated by law enforcement.

"Their violent actions and rhetoric are fueled by white supremacy, anti-Semitism, racism, homophobia, Islamophobia and misogyny, and unfortunately, often in combination of all of the above. On several different occasions we have seen the tragic results that this type of extremism can bring to Canadian soil, Blair said referencing the 2017 Quebec City mosque attack and the 2018 Toronto van attack.

A group is added to the terrorist list if Canada's security and intelligence agencies, after an "extremely rigorous" probe, find "reasonable grounds to believe that an entity has knowingly participated in or facilitated a terrorist activity," the government said in announcing the new designations.

It is not necessarily a crime to be a member of these groups, but designating an organization as a terrorist entity can have serious criminal and financial consequences.