HIGH IQ society


Active Member
I was looking at high IQ societies such as Mensa and I was thinking it would be neat if there was a high IQ society for people who were actually high. A community for smart people who smoke pot. the standards could be like top 5% or 10% of IQ which would be approximately between 119 - 125. The highest I've ever had my IQ measured as was about 158 so I hope I could get in ;)'
I was looking at high IQ societies such as Mensa and I was thinking it would be neat if there was a high IQ society for people who were actually high. A community for smart people who smoke pot. the standards could be like top 5% or 10% of IQ which would be approximately between 119 - 125. The highest I've ever had my IQ measured as was about 158 so I hope I could get in ;)'

Which scale was used to measure your IQ? When was it measured?
I was looking at high IQ societies such as Mensa and I was thinking it would be neat if there was a high IQ society for people who were actually high. A community for smart people who smoke pot. the standards could be like top 5% or 10% of IQ which would be approximately between 119 - 125. The highest I've ever had my IQ measured as was about 158 so I hope I could get in ;)'
yeah most are a scam, I took some of the free ones online, all with different scores so I went to look for the best most accurate one and started it ...it took over an hour and when done they tried to charge me money.
it was only 10 bux but i was so pissed I sent them a shitty message, nowhere in the first page did they say there was a charge.
only in the fine print and legal disclaimer did it say this...not even geniuses read that crap before starting something...

And you dont want to be in mensa, which requires 150 or higher... so like you said start your own...like Stonersa or potheadsa...only accept potheads with similar test scores (pot heads at 145 get in due to the burnout clause) and go from there...
Mensa wont leave the smart kids alone in high school if you test above 150 or ace you asvab or presat, they send mail like crazy, and they only want you in the club to claim what you become as something they contributed to, Mensas a bunch of douches who need to suck a box of cox...

My sister is in her 3rd year @ Drake and still gets mail from them.
exactly my point so instead of being a bunch of douches we start a society of smart potheads who are cool and more relaxed and into having a good time. Also I'm not sure what IQ test i was tested with the files are at my parents house in a filing cabinet somewhere I was about 13 at the time and I'm 19 now.
yeah new research says IQ is not set from birth neway like we were taught in my day.... Kids who took it at your ages and retested at 20 often tested higher. Some lower...It was originally supposed to be a test to see how smart you could be, not how smart you are.
Ive met people with really high IQs and they were as dumb as a box of rocks...
others who obviously have IQ issues might suprise you with what they know if they have the urge to learn anything.
I myself had to take a special IQ test because im color blind. Most IQ tests have a random sequence wheel of colors where you got to find the next sequence. Easy shit but dont give me a damn color wheel that aint freaking fair...
But when I was 13 or so they didnt think about that...
it wasnt until I was about 20 when they used a number or shape sequence test for colorblind people, I believe my score went up 20% under these fair conditions.
Now shapes and numbers are used more frequently in sequence tests.
So shows how much the people testing us know to begin with...
And sure if it wass up to me any pothead 130 or above would get in...
a pothead IQ of 130 equals or surpasses a geeks genius IQ of 150 when he aint never done anything to kill off some brain cells...
Potheads get the Burnout clause due to brain cell depletion.
smoke is though, or at least deprives it of oxygen, genius.

hahaha, i made a funny

also, i don't know what my IQ is exactly, but i do know that be to in the gifted program I was during junior high and highschool you had to be in the top 99.7%. I was tested once in grade two which led to me being bumped to grade three and then again in grade six which prompted my to join the program. if you think about it, i'm acually in the top 0.3% of people a year older than me. can i join?
smoke is though, or at least deprives it of oxygen, genius.

hahaha, i made a funny

also, i don't know what my IQ is exactly, but i do know that be to in the gifted program I was during junior high and highschool you had to be in the top 99.7%. I was tested once in grade two which led to me being bumped to grade three and then again in grade six which prompted my to join the program. if you think about it, i'm acually in the top 0.3% of people a year older than me. can i join?
Thats funny, I skipped from 3rd to 4th and 5th to 6th too, I was a 16 year old HS grad....Well I should have been. I dropped out.
I should have finished HS instead of dropping out as a straight A senior...I should have went to college instead of trying to do it all on my own with no formal education...mainly self educated which makes you a good jack of all trades over a lot of topics but a master of none...
But at least I make decent money and have no college loans to pay back....haha suckers.
i got 140... but im crazy smart... i dont see myself as being smart but people r always like ur so fin smart... im like yeah... i guess its cuz im online alot and read alot of strange facts online and find out alot of useless info that eventually comes in handy :D
i got 140... but im crazy smart... i dont see myself as being smart but people r always like ur so fin smart... im like yeah... i guess its cuz im online alot and read alot of strange facts online and find out alot of useless info that eventually comes in handy :D
thats kinda how I feel, Ive even been called on knowing some stuff. Like people are like damn how and why do you know that. Im no pro on any subject but know a little about many. So basically I always say im an encycolopedia full of incomplete knowledge. Kinda sums up how my brain works. Like I have no interest in math, none, I could master it but dont even want to. But if I need an equation to figure out something im working on Ill get online find the stuff I need grasp its info and use it.... to never have any interest in actually learning the math involved. Thats just space i can fill with other crap and when I need info on subjects I dont know Ill look them up.
I think someones intelligence is more based on their willingness to learn new things and in return educate others. No matter what any test tells you.
Over 90% of people who claim to know their IQ are full of shit. It is amazing how many average Joes claim to be smarter than Einstein. The funny thing is they generally took the test when they were young (flawed scales) or took some BS online one. If you ever want to know if someone is a liar ask them what their IQ is.
Over 90% of people who claim to know their IQ are full of shit. It is amazing how many average Joes claim to be smarter than Einstein. The funny thing is they generally took the test when they were young (flawed scales) or took some BS online one. If you ever want to know if someone is a liar ask them what their IQ is.
Whats your IQ?
I've never had it tested; what is the point?
Well you said something I thought you were going to elaborate on. When you said to ask someone their IQ to see if someone was a liar you were onto something because I have been tested several times between 12 and 22 and none of the results were the same so I figured thats what you were talking about. If you ask someone their IQ and for example they reply with a very solid fixed number and thats all they have as far as results... then theyre prolly lying or dont really know because that happened in grade school and their momma told them...

Most people who have really been thouroughly tested will have reports as thic as pencils from several academic societies with many different results. And none will really be the same. They then take an average and give a static IQ which can also change...that was the point.

But hey i guess you passed your own test huh, you could have said 177
Ok. Iq scores can mean different things based on the amount of points it takes to make up a standard deviation. Therefore, if you were to get a 130 on a stdev. of 15, that would be higher than a 130 on a stdev. of 16.

If you want a somewhat legit place to take your iq test online is IQtest.dk

I wouldnt be so happy to have such a high iq if you have one, yeah its nice and I wouldnt trade it for the world but it comes at a high cost. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss
Ok. Iq scores can mean different things based on the amount of points it takes to make up a standard deviation. Therefore, if you were to get a 130 on a stdev. of 15, that would be higher than a 130 on a stdev. of 16.

If you want a somewhat legit place to take your iq test online is IQtest.dk

I wouldnt be so happy to have such a high iq if you have one, yeah its nice and I wouldnt trade it for the world but it comes at a high cost. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss
You are so effing right, ignorance is so much easier. You ever wish and pray for someone you can have a conversation with and not feel like saying do you understand what im saying like every 3 minutes because of the look on their face. Easier to find like minds online than in real life sadly...
oh yeah and that link just takes me to a yahoo colored back page, id tell you the color but thats my weakness...lol does the link work 4 u?
You are so effing right, ignorance is so much easier. You ever wish and pray for someone you can have a conversation with and not feel like saying do you understand what im saying like every 3 minutes because of the look on their face. Easier to find like minds online than in real life sadly...
Exactly so instead of having dull conversations all the time you get a group of intelligent stoners together and have great conversation, maybe play some ultimate, and of course talk about and smoke some awesome pot. It wouldn't have to be as exclusive as some high browed ivory tower bullshit, just a network of intelligent cool stoners. Of course we might have to worry about being targeted by some patriot act bullshit for all being genius stoners...just imagine what we would accomplish...or maybe just smoke all day! :):joint:
oh yeah and that link just takes me to a yahoo colored back page, id tell you the color but thats my weakness...lol does the link work 4 u?

yes i clicked it and it works perfectly for me, IQtest.dk

Exactly so instead of having dull conversations all the time you get a group of intelligent stoners together and have great conversation, maybe play some ultimate, and of course talk about and smoke some awesome pot. It wouldn't have to be as exclusive as some high browed ivory tower bullshit, just a network of intelligent cool stoners. Of course we might have to worry about being targeted by some patriot act bullshit for all being genius stoners...just imagine what we would accomplish...or maybe just smoke all day! :):joint:

Im working on assembling such a group, it is SO FREAKING HARD to find people similar or more intelligent than yourself, agh. Its a very lonely world when you are smart :/