I was looking at high IQ societies such as Mensa and I was thinking it would be neat if there was a high IQ society for people who were actually high. A community for smart people who smoke pot. the standards could be like top 5% or 10% of IQ which would be approximately between 119 - 125. The highest I've ever had my IQ measured as was about 158 so I hope I could get in
yeah most are a scam, I took some of the free ones online, all with different scores so I went to look for the best most accurate one and started it ...it took over an hour and when done they tried to charge me money.
it was only 10 bux but i was so pissed I sent them a shitty message, nowhere in the first page did they say there was a charge.
only in the fine print and legal disclaimer did it say this...not even geniuses read that crap before starting something...
And you dont want to be in mensa, which requires 150 or higher... so like you said start your own...like Stonersa or potheadsa...only accept potheads with similar test scores (pot heads at 145 get in due to the burnout clause) and go from there...
Mensa wont leave the smart kids alone in high school if you test above 150 or ace you asvab or presat, they send mail like crazy, and they only want you in the club to claim what you become as something they contributed to, Mensas a bunch of douches who need to suck a box of cox...
My sister is in her 3rd year @ Drake and still gets mail from them.