Pandemic 2020

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A while back I posted a 30 year study of the known corona virus before SARS, immunity in those viruses never lasted more than a year. They used a group that was blood tested for antibodies yearly for over 30 years.
Looks like future annual flu shots are gonna be mRNA based and have multiple strains of mRNA packaged in them for covid and the flu. mRNA vaccines are important to quickly address pandemics and mutations, once the technology is developed further, most industrialized countries can have fairly modest vaccination production facilities for a reasonable cost.
Remember last spring when it was all a hoax and yahoo's flaunted measures to stop the spread? Scenes of idiots flocking to the beaches of Florida for spring break and then going home to spread the virus all across the country.

These are the yahoo's I'm talking about. I wonder how this spring is going to turn out and if we'll see people doing the right thing. I wonder how many of these fools took the virus back home and got family members sick.

Remember last spring when it was all a hoax and yahoo's flaunted measures to stop the spread? Scenes of idiots flocking to the beaches of Florida for spring break and then going home to spread the virus all across the country.

These are the yahoo's I'm talking about. I wonder how this spring is going to turn out and if we'll see people doing the right thing. I wonder how many of these fools took the virus back home and got family members sick.


It shouldn't be too hard if you can get raw data. Not selected data but raw data. Right now raw data tends to be hard to find.

The number of people would help, or count heads in pic and double?

Then you need the death rate for the first wave of the virus. Again based on real raw data. be careful to classify people who are already very ill or on death doorstep in a separate category.

You could expand a little and assume the rate of transmission of the first wave would also help get you a "real" hypothesis of your infected baseline.

Then take the number of hypothesized people and apply the rate of death and even "long haulers" if you wish.

The chances are you would be close but not "right" or exact.

Whatever you do dont use fact checker data becasue right now the ability to get actual facts outside of bias is impossible. " they" are currently only offering bias facts and controlling narratives for a desired outcome, usually people would be upset but for now most people are terrified like a rabbit.

I am going to broad stroke guess that these young people were used to freedom and trusted their government and government agents as far as they could throw them. Most of these people probably did alot of preserving their rights and standing up for a constitution. Many of them probably voted to legalize weed becasue we all know the government and doctors were right and honest when they fact checked US citizens about reefer madness.

When Microsoft told them to follow orders they more than likely failed to as Microsoft reminded them of their parents, not a unbiased doctor that can be trusted.

A reminder about kids and young adults, if they did not rebel and fight their parents they would never leave home. They would never grow or add their unique perspectives to the dynamic whole of humanity. Kids that follow "orders" would just stand around eating your food agreeing with you like a dog.

The truth is people make mistakes and usually always learn through experience. The world will never ever be safe or ideal for everyone. Attempts to protect humanity from this pandemic has killed more people globally than the pandemic has. Its how we learn, by failing and hurting ourselves. The pain response is a great teacher within a lifetime. Right now we are experiencing the next learning of a whole new generation, repeating their parents and grandparents mistakes. Nothing can be done and the human reality will always remain the same. Even AI is tainted with human failings that will lead it down the same path.

How long did reefer madness go on? You knew the fact checkers to be correct and followed their rules and guidance, right? Whats that?? they lied to you and even imprisoned people over a lie, fascinating. Good thing the fact checkers are not like that anymore. Good thing people have learned from the past , good thing.

It shouldn't be too hard if you can get raw data. Not selected data but raw data. Right now raw data tends to be hard to find.

The number of people would help, or count heads in pic and double?

Then you need the death rate for the first wave of the virus. Again based on real raw data. be careful to classify people who are already very ill or on death doorstep in a separate category.

You could expand a little and assume the rate of transmission of the first wave would also help get you a "real" hypothesis of your infected baseline.

Then take the number of hypothesized people and apply the rate of death and even "long haulers" if you wish.

The chances are you would be close but not "right" or exact.

Whatever you do dont use fact checker data becasue right now the ability to get actual facts outside of bias is impossible. " they" are currently only offering bias facts and controlling narratives for a desired outcome, usually people would be upset but for now most people are terrified like a rabbit.

I am going to broad stroke guess that these young people were used to freedom and trusted their government and government agents as far as they could throw them. Most of these people probably did alot of preserving their rights and standing up for a constitution. Many of them probably voted to legalize weed becasue we all know the government and doctors were right and honest when they fact checked US citizens about reefer madness.

When Microsoft told them to follow orders they more than likely failed to as Microsoft reminded them of their parents, not a unbiased doctor that can be trusted.

A reminder about kids and young adults, if they did not rebel and fight their parents they would never leave home. They would never grow or add their unique perspectives to the dynamic whole of humanity. Kids that follow "orders" would just stand around eating your food agreeing with you like a dog.

The truth is people make mistakes and usually always learn through experience. The world will never ever be safe or ideal for everyone. Attempts to protect humanity from this pandemic has killed more people globally than the pandemic has. Its how we learn, by failing and hurting ourselves. The pain response is a great teacher within a lifetime. Right now we are experiencing the next learning of a whole new generation, repeating their parents and grandparents mistakes. Nothing can be done and the human reality will always remain the same. Even AI is tainted with human failings that will lead it down the same path.

How long did reefer madness go on? You knew the fact checkers to be correct and followed their rules and guidance, right? Whats that?? they lied to you and even imprisoned people over a lie, fascinating. Good thing the fact checkers are not like that anymore. Good thing people have learned from the past , good thing.

How helpful would a optimal healthy hospital system death rate compare to a overfilled ICU and hospital staff with the virus taking it's year long toll on them?

How do you think that number changes when people are suffering this virus at home and not in the hospital getting treatment?
How helpful would a optimal healthy hospital system death rate compare to a overfilled ICU and hospital staff with the virus taking it's year long toll on them?

How do you think that number changes when people are suffering this virus at home and not in the hospital getting treatment?

That's hard to say but I have some doctors in my family who now build software for hospitals. I could try and ask them for an opinion.
I have no clue and without the data I cant make assumptions that lead to facts.

Alot of variables that I dont know.

At no time am I suggesting it is black or white .

when its all over the system we have offers money to solve the loss of life or destruction of peoples livelihoods. Money will not bring people back from the dead. People have a right to be careful about what they put in their body. (Vaccines and medications.)

A question that might help both of us, do you need a draconian social structure to be capable of caring for emergency situations?

I believe you are right and the under provided medical structure ( Canada) is unable to meet demand. I agree this increases the harm.

Taking away from health systems in canada and the US has gone on since 1994 or even back further. The direction came from Canada's creditors. Politicians were forced by the threat of higher interst on national debt if they did not comply. 1994 the NDP closed hospital beds, the NDP is pro union and pro people, the creditors enjoyed using the very party that stood for hospital unions to crush the hospitals.
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That's hard to say but I have some doctors in my family who now build software for hospitals. I could try and ask them for an opinion.
My opinion is checked by my own knowledge I have no clue and without the data I cant make assumptions that lead to facts.

Alot of variables that I dont know. Did they increase staff, quality of staff and equipment. The nature of the hospitals reaction to the situation, for example a hospital using a parking lot to serve overcrowding will do much worse than a hospital with a closed wing that is repurposed.

At no time am I suggesting it is black or white . There is no right or wrong here. people are always going to be making mistakes and many will do horrible acts, selfish acts, especially when being do good types. I am one of thouse types of idealists that learned the very hard way.
Pretty wordy way to pretend like the answer may not be yes it would increase the (already bullshit) death rates (because Dear Leader has been cooking the books).

Good people go bad for a few bucks and its very destructive. Weak people who looked and acted strong do immense damage that cannot be undone. when its all over the system we have offers money to solve the loss of life or destruction of peoples livelihoods. Money will not fix the one or many people that could be harmed from any number of actions, including any medication.

Is there a point to the vagueness of these sentences?

A question that might help both of us, do you need a draconian social structure to be capable of caring for emergency situations?
Im not sure how this helps us, but no, there are infinite ways to do things. Shit in real life is complex and every varying. And draconian systems are really just due to historically speaking there are very few people making decisions that impact the real world events of many many more people. And because nobody has had the ability to have and process perfect information it is impossible for them to know what they don't know when they make those decisions.

Instead of finding the assumed problem, maybe looking for the solution while preserving what the majority of Americans and Canadians have desired and assumed they earned, rights. I know it can be done, however usually to get this to work we have to take away from the few skimming off the top of societies value. the people who skim and now are stealing out in the open.
I am not sure what 'assumed problem' you are referring to. Is this some propaganda pretending like ICU's across the nation are not filled with very sick people who have a very serious virus?

And then piling on more lies by pretending like the doctors are somehow scamming the system because they have to go through a lot of extra work/expensive treatment to deal with this pandemic that people are being radicalized to not believe by bad actors like the Russian military and Trump?

I believe you are right and the under provided medical structure is unable to meet demand. This increases the harm.
Oh good, you eventually got to the correct answer to my question. This virus is deadly, and people acting like it is not are the ones that will be causing the overwhelming of the hospitals. And yes that will increase the harm to us all.

This taking away from health systems in canada and the US has gone on since 1994 or even back further. The direction came from Canada's creditors. Politicians were forced by the threat of higher interst on national debt if they did not comply. 1994 the NDP closed hospital beds, the NDP is pro union and pro people, the creditors enjoyed using the very party that stood for hospital unions to crush the hospitals. Dare you to find out the exact name of thous creditors. Same people who directed the actions in the US. Right now just under the creditors that made choices in 1994 is 188 fed investors whos names you will never know. Get that info and then ask them, Why they enjoy playing God with your country.
Im going to call bullshit on your fed conspiracy theory.

Feel free to school me.
I tend to be wordy, it annoys even my closest friends. I respect your feelings about that. I will try and be less wordy, try.

I wanted to point out its not fair to leave out all the variables that are involved in your question. I assume we are both right when we make assumptions about the hospital system. I assume they are not built to handle this load or any big emergency. That said, maybe some are? I dont have the facts or raw data.

My point about draconian systems is they are bad based on history teaching us this. Using a situation to justify them does not work or make the choice a real choice, its evil considering we all know draconian systems fail and hurt the innocent.

By "assumed problem" I mean the act of looking back and pointing the finger with a bias. We are both aware that a slant on any subject can give potentially radical differences.

Commerce and our social systems: ( hospitals) Commercial law was used to push past human rights. Justifications as a burden on you and I is the reason systems are not built for the people but built for speed and growth of wealth as a greater than of the human lives involved. Lack of accountability so money can flow faster for example.

My "right" answer: Its ok if people dont agree with you and it does not mean they are stupid or a threat. Its perfectly fine for either you or I to be wrong. People are caught up in this with anger and intense hate, who gave you this narrative about people you dont truly know. I have no hate or ill will towards you and dont need to be "right".

Conspiracy theory

"Conspiracy theory " All top down government structures run by human beings are full of Conspiring at one point or another and considerably more than you know. Schools, Care for vulnerable people in our society, hospital patients, police at all levels to name a few. look into the radiation reading for Canada and when they changed, look closely at the details and you will find another gem.

The only bullshit on my part about Canada and its hospital beds ( 1994) is I cant prove who the creditors are or how it works before the finance minister. Ill dig up the video clip of Elisabeth May talking about the NDP government succumbing to the "creditors" to preserve Canada's credit rating at the expense of hospital beds.

I witnessed california school districts forcing violent autistic children into mixed special ed classrooms to increase funding ....not to help anyone. Money controlled the show and tax payers dropped millions on these idiots ( school system) with a massive number of "soft" contracts for lawyers. This was California education dollars pissed away. Three lawyers every time I met with the school and a parent.

In Canada Mcfd has harm reduction programs that has the tax payer dollar being used to feed underage foster children cigarettes. They will not use a legal program with a doctor overseeing it, I asked. No where will you find this in foster care contracts or in the duties of a social worker, yet if you ask they will tell you its a stretch of the truth or a lie ( Conspiracy theory). However you will find under age foster children across Canada being bought smokes by foster parents. Don't ask me about how Mcfd allowed children to be raped in tent cities or other lovely facts. Gets sad and scary to know how things really work.

Bad cops?? Naw that's a conspiracy too. I have seen bad cops first hand. I know you are not stupid and I know some things are bull, I get it. That said dont white wash anything you dont like as a conspiracy, that is definitely not in anyone's best interest.

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I tend to be wordy, it annoys even my closest friends. I respect your feelings about that. I will try and be less wordy, try.

I wanted to point out its not fair to leave out all the variables that are actually involved. I assume we are both right when we make assumptions about the hospital system. I assume It or they are not built to handle this load or any big emergency. that said maybe some are? I dont have the facts or raw data about this.

My point about good intending people going bad for all sorts of reasons also points out that Canada and many other countries have tried to offset a lack of accountability with "some" money as a legal out. Sooo lets say you get a vaccine or take a bleach shot and it turns out you die, the gov pays your wife and kids 50 bucks and says thanks for coming out. This means the people rushing and making massive changes without a single vote believe they are free from accountability. white bad men who talk about the rights of their fellow man tend to prove these people wrong in horrible ways. Again good intentions .

My point about draconian systems is they are bad based on history teaching us this. using a situation to justify them does not work or make the choice a real choice, its evil considering we all know draconian systems fail and hurt the innocent. Both sides of any argument need to remember that becasue no normal person wants to hurt others for "fun". I enjoy helping people and solving problems.

By "assumed problem" I mean the act of going back and pointing the finger with a bias. We are both aware that a slant on any subject can give potentially radical, large differences.

The reason we use a rushed system that drops the care of the individual like you or I is commerce. Commercial law was used to push past human rights. Justifications as a burden on you and I is the reason systems are not built for the people but built for speed and growth of wealth as a greater than of the human lives involved. lack of accountability so money can flow faster for example. this is about systems I am not referencing politics.

My "right" answer was needed or you would not have asked your question it in the way you did. Its ok if people dont agree with you and it does not mean they are stupid or a threat. its perfectly fine for either you or I to be wrong. people are caught up in this with anger and intense hate with fed narratives about people they dont know. I have no hate or ill will towards you and dont need to be right, man enough to be wrong and to learn.
Becasue... the first time anyone who grew in the 80's tried growing they were not paranoid and they grew perfect weed from day one, zero rookie mistakes and were always dead on about PH..always always right. hahaha.

The only bullshit about my facts about Canada and its hospital beds ( 1994) is I cant prove who the creditors are or how it works before the finance minister. Ill dig up the video clip of Elisabeth May talking about the NDP government succumbing to the "creditors" to preserve Canada's credit rating at the expense of hospital beds. I have spent the last 28 years working inside government with access to US and Canadian gov data and people in many areas of law enforcement. Its not what most of us want to think. For example I had access to lacy Peterson trial info off the record that could not be used in court becasue of mistakes. Audio proof that was never used. Our system is a disaster and dictated to by money/ creditors.

I witnessed california school districts forcing violent autistic children into mixed special ed classrooms to increase funding ....not to help anyone. I slammed the door on that but someone else was hired and the damage was done. I had teachers begging me not to change thier classrooms and to see the insanity of putting violent children into a class with teachers not trained or equipped in dealing with violent children. Then consider the other children in the classroom. Money controlled the show and tax payers dropped millions on these idiots and the massive number of "soft" contracts for lawyers. three lawyers every time I met with the school and a parent.

In Canada Mcfd has harm reduction programs that has the tax payer dollar being used to feed underage foster children cigarettes. They will not use a legal program with a doctor overseeing it. No where will you find this in foster care contracts or in the duties of a social worker, yet the conspiricy is in your face if you want to see it. The same kid sits in school more than willing to feed your non smoking kid smokes you bought, in a school that says its not ok or healthy, but the foster kid gets a "pass". Dont ask me about how mcfd allowed children to be raped in tent cities or other lovely facts. Gets sad and scary to know how things really work. Bad cops?? Naw that's a conspiracy too. While sitting at a picknic table with a guy trying to offer a service for a municipality: "Anything this municipality uses goes through us ( two detectives) so add our cut on the top and you can do buisness, I need a new boat". I know you are not stupid and I know some things are bull, I get it. That said dont white wash anything you dont like as a conspiracy, that is definitely not in anyone's best interest.

Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 5.13.04 PM.png
I found that clip of Elisabeth May. the rest of the video is more for younger people with no understanding of our monetary system.
Dont worry its also on the imf site, you know the Imf who you voted in?? The same imf that is told what to do by who?? Dare you too look up where the IMF has its offices, then find out who sets policy and directs action. Go ahead, dare you. The IMF does not hide the details by the way and any Canadain can look up these details for free. Most dont care and dont bother. Most are to afraid to know the details. Then to take it further look up the bonds of Canada the corporation being traded on the open market. Your home and land is on the bond market. Not what people are sold. You will notice Iceland kicked these guys to the curb. Thier value has shot through the roof, not owned by the private banks.

When Canada paid the IMF for the privilege to join the G20 a book came out. The book had a title relating to the cost for the US to buy Canada and its resources. This book even broke down how much value each Canadian should have been paid if the country was sold. That value was not only given away but the tax payer paid the US/IMF considerably more to be enslaved by this system. Did you vote for this change? Naww you were too busy blaming people the Tv told you to blame/ hate.

If a kid can fig this out you can too, but why dont people spend the time on this?? they move on and get played.
I found that clip of Elisabeth May. the rest of the video is more for younger people with no understanding of our monetary system.
Dont worry its also on the imf site, you know the Imf who you voted in?? The same imf that is told what to do by who?? Dare you too look up where the IMF has its offices, then find out who sets policy and directs action. Go ahead, dare you. The IMF does not hide the details by the way and any Canadain can look up these details for free. Most dont care and dont bother. Most are to afraid to know the details. Then to take it further look up the bonds of Canada the corporation being traded on the open market. Your home and land is on the bond market. Not what people are sold. You will notice Iceland kicked these guys to the curb. Thier value has shot through the roof, not owned by the private banks.

When Canada paid the IMF for the privilege to join the G20 a book came out. The book had a title relating to the cost for the US to buy Canada and its resources. This book even broke down how much value each Canadian should have been paid if the country was sold. That value was not only given away but the tax payer paid the US/IMF considerably more to be enslaved by this system. Did you vote for this change? Naww you were too busy blaming people the Tv told you to blame/ hate.

If a kid can fig this out you can too, but why dont people spend the time on this?? they move on and get played.

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Hospitals and our management of crisis is dictated by who? Not doctors or even politicians. That's a fact . The pandemic we are dealing with could have been better managed but the greed for power has turned into a killer of innocent people.

Cheers, and good luck becasue we are going to need it.
That's hard to say but I have some doctors in my family who now build software for hospitals. I could try and ask them for an opinion.
My opinion is checked by my own knowledge I have no clue and without the data I cant make assumptions that lead to facts.

Alot of variables that I dont know. Did they increase staff, quality of staff and equipment. The nature of the hospitals reaction to the situation, for example a hospital using a parking lot to serve overcrowding will do much worse than a hospital with a closed wing that is repurposed.

At no time am I suggesting it is black or white . There is no right or wrong here. people are always going to be making mistakes and many will do horrible acts, selfish acts, especially when being do good types. I am one of thouse types of idealists that learned the very hard way.

Good people go bad for a few bucks and its very destructive. Weak people who looked and acted strong do immense damage that cannot be undone. when its all over the system we have offers money to solve the loss of life or destruction of peoples livelihoods. Money will not fix the one or many people that could be harmed from any number of actions, including any medication.

A question that might help both of us, do you need a draconian social structure to be capable of caring for emergency situations?
Instead of finding the assumed problem, maybe looking for the solution while preserving what the majority of Americans and Canadians have desired and assumed they earned, rights. I know it can be done, however usually to get this to work we have to take away from the few skimming off the top of societies value. The people who skim now are stealing out in the open.

I believe you are right and the under provided medical structure is unable to meet demand. This increases the harm. This taking away from health systems in canada and the US has gone on since 1994 or even back further. The direction came from Canada's creditors. Politicians were forced by the threat of higher interst on national debt if they did not comply. 1994 the NDP closed hospital beds, the NDP is pro union and pro people, the creditors enjoyed using the very party that stood for hospital unions to crush the hospitals. Dare you to find out the exact name of thous creditors. Same people who directed the actions in the US. Right now just under the creditors that made choices in 1994 is 188 fed investors whos names you will never know. Get that info and then ask them, Why they enjoy playing God with your country.
I tend to be wordy, it annoys even my closest friends. I respect your feelings about that. I will try and be less wordy, try.

I wanted to point out its not fair to leave out all the variables that are actually involved. I assume we are both right when we make assumptions about the hospital system. I assume It or they are not built to handle this load or any big emergency. that said maybe some are? I dont have the facts or raw data about this.

My point about good intending people going bad for all sorts of reasons also points out that Canada and many other countries have tried to offset a lack of accountability with "some" money as a legal out. Sooo lets say you get a vaccine or take a bleach shot and it turns out you die, the gov pays your wife and kids 50 bucks and says thanks for coming out. This means the people rushing and making massive changes without a single vote believe they are free from accountability. white bad men who talk about the rights of their fellow man tend to prove these people wrong in horrible ways. Again good intentions .

My point about draconian systems is they are bad based on history teaching us this. using a situation to justify them does not work or make the choice a real choice, its evil considering we all know draconian systems fail and hurt the innocent. Both sides of any argument need to remember that becasue no normal person wants to hurt others for "fun". I enjoy helping people and solving problems.

By "assumed problem" I mean the act of going back and pointing the finger with a bias. We are both aware that a slant on any subject can give potentially radical, large differences.

The reason we use a rushed system that drops the care of the individual like you or I is commerce. Commercial law was used to push past human rights. Justifications as a burden on you and I is the reason systems are not built for the people but built for speed and growth of wealth as a greater than of the human lives involved. lack of accountability so money can flow faster for example. this is about systems I am not referencing politics.

My "right" answer was needed or you would not have asked your question it in the way you did. Its ok if people dont agree with you and it does not mean they are stupid or a threat. its perfectly fine for either you or I to be wrong. people are caught up in this with anger and intense hate with fed narratives about people they dont know. I have no hate or ill will towards you and dont need to be right, man enough to be wrong and to learn.
Becasue... the first time anyone who grew in the 80's tried growing they were not paranoid and they grew perfect weed from day one, zero rookie mistakes and were always dead on about PH..always always right. hahaha.

The only bullshit about my facts about Canada and its hospital beds ( 1994) is I cant prove who the creditors are or how it works before the finance minister. Ill dig up the video clip of Elisabeth May talking about the NDP government succumbing to the "creditors" to preserve Canada's credit rating at the expense of hospital beds. I have spent the last 28 years working inside government with access to US and Canadian gov data and people in many areas of law enforcement. Its not what most of us want to think. For example I had access to lacy Peterson trial info off the record that could not be used in court becasue of mistakes. Audio proof that was never used. Our system is a disaster and dictated to by money/ creditors.

I witnessed california school districts forcing violent autistic children into mixed special ed classrooms to increase funding ....not to help anyone. I slammed the door on that but someone else was hired and the damage was done. I had teachers begging me not to change thier classrooms and to see the insanity of putting violent children into a class with teachers not trained or equipped in dealing with violent children. Then consider the other children in the classroom. Money controlled the show and tax payers dropped millions on these idiots and the massive number of "soft" contracts for lawyers. three lawyers every time I met with the school and a parent.

In Canada Mcfd has harm reduction programs that has the tax payer dollar being used to feed underage foster children cigarettes. They will not use a legal program with a doctor overseeing it. No where will you find this in foster care contracts or in the duties of a social worker, yet the conspiricy is in your face if you want to see it. The same kid sits in school more than willing to feed your non smoking kid smokes you bought, in a school that says its not ok or healthy, but the foster kid gets a "pass". Dont ask me about how mcfd allowed children to be raped in tent cities or other lovely facts. Gets sad and scary to know how things really work. Bad cops?? Naw that's a conspiracy too. While sitting at a picknic table with a guy trying to offer a service for a municipality: "Anything this municipality uses goes through us ( two detectives) so add our cut on the top and you can do buisness, I need a new boat". I know you are not stupid and I know some things are bull, I get it. That said dont white wash anything you dont like as a conspiracy, that is definitely not in anyone's best interest.

Nice try.
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