What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Those people should try meditation to help them destress.
They do look most unhappy and it appears like they are directing their anger at the source of their discomfort, the media and what it represents, reality. They have an aversion to reality and go to extreme measures to ignore it, filter it to their liking or rationalize it away, they are looking at their tormentors.


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Trump Moves Toward "Defendant" Status in NY; UN Condems Trump; Sen. Josh Hawely Disrespects Voters

Three sad and troubling stories bring 2020 to a close:

Recent reporting shows that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance is moving toward indicting Trump by hiring forensic accounting experts. As a former career prosecutor, I can say with certainly that this is a sure sign Vance is moving TOWARD (not away from) criminally charging Trump, as prosecutors do not undertake to hire expensive forensic experts unless they are heading in the direction of indictment and trial.

The United Nations issues a statement that Trump's pardons of the convicted Blackwater defendants violates international law and calls on all state members of the Geneva Conventions to condemn Trump's horrific decision.

Finally, Senator Josh Hawley is determined to object to and try to override the will of the American voters in an undemocratic attempt to keep a criminal president in power notwithstanding the indisputable fact that Trump lost the election.

I suspect we are all happy to see 2020 go.


Well-Known Member

CNN reported late Thursday that two Republican congressmen believe 140 of their colleagues will object to, and vote against, Biden's Electoral College landslide. This is, obviously, war against the Constitution, and a specific violation of their oaths and the 14th Amendment.

But the cynical reason they're putting Trump ahead of American Democracy is still, amazingly, worse. They know they cannot prevent Biden's presidency. They are doing this to prevent being primaried by Q-Anon Trump Cultists who are stoned out of their minds on Opioids. They are not even putting party ahead of country. They are putting their own ease of reelection ahead of everything.

This is political war, designed to position the GOP as the party of Trump Martyrdom. That it involves the structure of a coup and the betrayal of our country is irrelevant. They want constant political war. And I suggest that as we begin 2021, we give these scum exactly the political war they want.


Well-Known Member
tRUmp gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush which took most of the shine off it but he's not done and will kill it's meaning completely before leaving office, rumor has him giving it to Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan, a treasonous moron and a pedo.


Well-Known Member
More problems for drumpf - no surprise here.
All Grift ...... All the Time

The latest Trump Organization filings reporting a $4.6 million annual loss at the president’s two Scottish golf resorts boost the total red ink for the courses over eight years to an eye-popping $75 million.

The filings covering 2019 don’t reflect the tumult of 2020. Eric Trump, the director of the Scottish courses, warned that the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit — which the president has always supported — may take a further bite out of revenues.

The unprofitable properties have been hemorrhaging money for years. Trump International Golf Club Scotland Ltd., which operates Donald Trump’s course in Aberdeenshire, reported a net loss of $1.5 million for 2019 after losing $1.4 million the previous year, according to a filing with Britain’s Companies House registry. The total debt for the club, which opened in 2012, is more than $16 million, the London Times has reported.

Trump Turnberry in Ayrshire reported a $3.1 million loss in 2019 — despite hundreds of thousands of dollars paid by the U.S. government for lodging Secret Service agents and other costs, the Scotsman noted. Turnberry owes debt of more than $61 million.

Despite the losses, the Trump Organization has reported massive outlays at the properties over the years. It also has won approval to build a 500-unit housing development at a cost of $185 million next to the club in Aberdeenshire, which it intends to pursue, according to the latest filing.

Accounting for the president’s Scottish resorts is unusual because Trump is the creditor for his own businesses, which means payment for many of the resorts’ costs flow to the Trump Organization.

The resort losses are so astronomical that some Scottish officials are suspicious about financing and taxes. Trump hasn’t paid a penny in tax on the properties.

Trump bought the Scotland properties with huge amounts of cash at a time when he was heavily indebted and having a difficult time finding a bank to loan him funds. Scottish Green Party co-leader and member of Parliament Patrick Harvie called on the government in November to file an “Unexplained Wealth Order” against Trump to compel him to reveal the source of that cash.

The circular flow of money in the Trump companies provides an opportunity for money laundering, The New Yorker business writer Adam Davidson has suggested. He called the resorts “money disappearing” operations.

Trump “owns the asset, lends the money, owes the money, is owed the money,” Davidson explained. “The overall picture is crystal clear: Every year, Trump lends millions to himself, spends all that money on something, and claims the asset is worth all the money he spent.”