What did you accomplish today?

Daughter picked these up for me for Xmas, they are cheap but work well. Heavy aluminum non stick. I have to lower the heat to cook eggs now because they transfer heat so well.

Alu is awesome for conducting heat. I prefer that type of pan for eggs. Nice and crispy edges on fried or sunny side up. And great omlets.
Post it. I double dog dare you.....
Kindly desist, oh denizen of the despicable.:o

I've always been drawn to a spot of "dash & derring-do" (& even "doggy";)), but will draw the line at descending into a dare - definitely not a double-dog-dare.

Dusty Duke may decry this declaration, but I deny any dastardly-doings....

Anyway, In the original spirit of the thread......

I got out there early today & forged-ahead with the house-build, only to be confronted with blunt drill-bits & insufficient diagonal strap-bracing for the frame (Ms Rewerb measured & cut 2 lengths yesterday that were both a metre too short!!), a broken pop-riveter, insufficient caffeine or sleep, so we went for a 2.5hr round-trip to the local hardware store. There's always tomorrow...

It's now 3.30pm & I have an attack of the CBF's, so I've cracked a beer & just listening to the radio & I'm not baked. Just intrigued by watching Ms Rewerb bend-over to load the dishwasher.....:D

BTW, in case you guys didn't already know, I'm an Aussie. I can forsee Flake & chips in Dusty's immediate future.... He lives close to the water & I live about 1.5 hours' drive away on top of a mountain in the same sorta-kinda geographical area of Oz.
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