What did you accomplish today?

Is there a cue phrase that one needs to drop (a-la secret Masonic handshake), or a queue that one needs to join in order to to be pummelled senseless by the regulars here once allowed (drip-fed) into the blast-furnace on sunni's behest??


Does "Whip me, beat me, spank me, make me write cheques" come anywhere close enough??

Welcome to TnT!

While forgery and uttering may not be enough to get @sunni attention,
it is enough to get noticed.

To relieve the stress while waiting for an official reply here is a file you may print and color.

If you plan to submit your work for extra credit please remember to color within the lines as neatness counts.
Embarrassed Smile animated emoticon
I get beaten with a cudgel made from an old Thesaurus regularly here. Sometimes they hit you with anagrams or poke you with sharp 4 syllable words, but only for entertainment.
It’s actually made from boiled thesaurus hide (dermis, integument, leather) from the end with the spikes (projections, points, processes, protrusions). Otherwise nobody could (operate, lift, swing, wield, use) it.

Called the mortgage company about my payments not showing up. Opened up the statement while talking to the dude and the extra principle payments were right in front of me. :shock: Ratt should not check bank statements after sudsing all evening... At least I refrained from being an ass while talking to the dude.
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Welcome to TnT!

While forgery and uttering may not be enough to get @sunni attention,
it is enough to get noticed.

To relieve the stress while waiting for an official reply here is a file you may print and color.

If you plan to submit your work for extra credit please remember to color within the lines as neatness counts.
Embarrassed Smile animated emoticon

The denoument would seem to suggest to me that anything with a phallic reference is appropriate.

If you need to ask, you didn't make the list. However, your post is clever and shows potential, so I'll put in a good word and we'll see what we can do ;)

Would photo's of my arse clad only in crinkly silk boxer shorts help pave the way, or would that be a tenuous course fraught with danger?:p