What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Meet Attorney Powell’s “ secret “ witness presented as a former intelligence contractor with insights on a foreign conspiracy to subvert democracy.......

Powell told courts that the witness is an expert who could show that overseas corporations helped shift votes to President-elect Joe Biden. The witness’s identity must be concealed from the public, Powell has said, to protect her “reputation, professional career and personal safety.”
The Washington Post identified the witness by determining that portions of her affidavit match, sometimes verbatim, a blog post that the pro-Trump podcaster Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman published in November 2019. In an interview, Maras-Lindeman confirmed that she wrote the affidavit and said she viewed it as her contribution to a fight against the theft of the election.


A grift queen known to use multiple aliases and social security numbers and created exaggerated online résumés as part of what they called “a persistent effort . . . to deceive others.”

Now powell’s reputation , career and strength of judgement are called into question as her reliance on this known fraudster is now revealed .Maras-Lindeman, 42, served in the Navy for less than a year more than two decades ago and has said she worked later as a government contractor and part-time interpreter. She has identified herself as a “trained cryptolinguist.”

Yeah ... sure.

She has been found guilty of violating consumer protection laws by, among other things, misspending money she raised and soliciting donations while misrepresenting her experience and education. He ordered her to pay more than $25,000.

Make Jails and Capital Punishment great again.


Well-Known Member
Will Rudy's pardon cover the destruction of evidence used in a law suit? I depends when he deleted the files I guess, but he will need professional help for that. Rudy should know that hitting delete won't do and emails exist on servers too and are notoriously difficult to delete, even Gmail or other web based email platforms.

This suit is just by one person, his company is still gearing up for the big one and will go after OAN, Foxnews and Newsmax for billions. These companies were liabled and defamed, their global reputations ruined along with their business model. If this gets in front of a jury it could wipe out OAN and Newsmax.


Well-Known Member
It's all about market share 10 years down the road.

China grants more trademark approvals for Ivanka Trump firm - including voting machines
The Trump brand of voting machines will become standard, in places like Russia or wherever the votes need to be changed for "political" purposes. Vlad himself will endorse them and make ads to sell them! Nothing says integrity like the TRUMP brand! She should import some custom orange jump suits for the family, she will need to make a fashion statement in state prison. They say federal time is much easier time than state time, conditions are much better in a federal prison than in a state one. They might have trouble extraditing her and Jared from Israel though, cause I figure that's where Jared is going after the election even with his federal pardon. They must be stuffing as much money into trust funds as they can to protect themselves from the lawsuits.


Well-Known Member
I wish Trump would water my plants next go around. As much shit as he takes. I'm going to have to water my own plants.



Well-Known Member
I wish Trump would water my plants next go around. As much shit as he takes. I'm going to have to water my own plants.

New Member · From Null
Joined Yesterday at 8:19 PM
Well at least you posted a few times to the grow sections to get enough likes to post memes. Real quick into politics with the neutral post, someone will unjustly accuse you of being a Trump supporter. You will respond that both sides are the same...

Give us a list of your previous socks, since we've no doubt been introduced. It usually takes a long time for an actual new member to get to politics on this site, most folks don't even know there's a politics section.


Well-Known Member
Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton penned this piece today
Americans’ acceptance of Trump’s behavior will be his vilest legacy (yahoo.com)
"Most of the 74,222,957 Americans who voted to re-elect Donald Trump – 46.8%of the votes cast in the 2020 presidential election – don’t hold Trump accountable for what he’s done to America.
Their acceptance of Trump’s behavior will be his vilest legacy"
What can you say/do about that?
Almost a full half of the country approve of, or like/admire Trump?
I alway's knew that I was wired wrong/didn't really fit in, but Jesus fucking Christ, I never thought that there were that many Americans that would truly/actually worship a person like Donald J Trump.
It makes no sense to me at all, but, then again, I'm just a Hippie/Stoner/Socialist/Loser, so what the fuck do I know?
Absolutely nothing, apparently :(

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Well-Known Member
One of the worst things about holidays is that I feel bound to reconnect with family members who I just really don't want to connect with ever again.

This Christmas I learned that two of my family members have gotten sucked into Qanon through the back door of #savethechildren. I fully expected this as they are of limited intellectual capacity, have exhibited poor judgement more often than not, and I started to hear them babbling Qisms some time back.

Anyway, I started to look into some of this bullshit and was really struck by the fact that Trump has done nothing about the fictional 800,000 American children that are eaten annually by satan worshipers and has actually scaled back the prosecution of child abusers.

The last four years of Trump kissing Putin's ass and doing everything he can to achieve Putin's objectives against this country strongly suggest to me that Putin has the goods on Trump - and I mean something way worse than a pee pee recording. That, coupled with the focus of these people of accusing those who stand against them of partaking in ritual satanic child abuse (a well known Trumpist tactic of accusing your opponents of that which he is guilty of) makes me think that it is pretty likely that the sword Putin is holding over Trump's head involves a child.

Maybe someday we will find out.


Well-Known Member
One of the worst things about holidays is that I feel bound to reconnect with family members who I just really don't want to connect with ever again.

This Christmas I learned that two of my family members have gotten sucked into Qanon through the back door of #savethechildren. I fully expected this as they are of limited intellectual capacity, have exhibited poor judgement more often than not, and I started to hear them babbling Qisms some time back.

Anyway, I started to look into some of this bullshit and was really struck by the fact that Trump has done nothing about the fictional 800,000 American children that are eaten annually by satan worshipers and has actually scaled back the prosecution of child abusers.

The last four years of Trump kissing Putin's ass and doing everything he can to achieve Putin's objectives against this country strongly suggest to me that Putin has the goods on Trump - and I mean something way worse than a pee pee recording. That, coupled with the focus of these people of accusing those who stand against them of partaking in ritual satanic child abuse (a well known Trumpist tactic of accusing your opponents of that which he is guilty of) makes me think that it is pretty likely that the sword Putin is holding over Trump's head involves a child.

Maybe someday we will find out.
Im sorry you're dealing with that with your family too man.


Well-Known Member
Trumpist tactic of accusing your opponents of that which he is guilty of) makes me think that it is pretty likely that the sword Putin is holding over Trump's head involves a child.
Yep, a Moscow hotel room (movie studio) and I doubt drugs were required to loosen his inhabitations. Donald would have laughed off a mere sex tape, but sex with a minor in Russia is a crime in the USA and would have blown him right out of the water. He has no shame, so it has to be something along those lines, his history with his daughter and with Jeffery Epstein indicates this might be the thing Vlad has on him. Mere morality is not the main issue with Trump, illegality is and the near instant nature of consequences in these matters.


Well-Known Member
Noel is the one that let the cat out of the bag that tRUmp has worn diapers for many years and shit himself on set all the time. The nickname for the guy on set that would have to clean him up was "WETWIPE".