Proud Boys assaulting a couple for ~90 seconds nsfw

but that's the whole point of being a successful business man- you make money. his only true success was The Apprentice and that fell into his lap by wasn't any brain child.
I couldn't agree more, and if it wasn't for his father, he'd of been a nobody.
is that Japanese midset or just yours. i find your comment the other day interesting about diffusing a situation is to disperse. is there not a first ammendment type of law in Japan?
I was educated in the west so it’s not the typical thought I’d assume. More of a hybrid thinking. Our constitution was written with “help” from America and closely resembles America’s but with different limits. We have free speech but not if it harms etc. we have plenty of stupid people in Japan but they are self aware and will often tell you themselves that they are not smart and don’t concern themselves with politics that much. There is generally more acceptance that we are basically ruled by elites with power in the base. But her in America where idiots are told that their opinions matter all their life seem fully unaware that they are idiots and their opinions don’t matter because they don’t understand the facts that they base those opinions on. Idiots in America have so much confidence. Like people who don’t take their doctors advice, or believe that vaccines are dangerous, or listen to Alex Jones. I cringe every time I hear some idiot say something that is factually incorrect followed by, “it’s my opinion.”
wow dude this isn't parler and we don't talk that way here left, right or in the middle.
Yeah ya do. Look at the 1st thing dude said to me. Was racist. What i said is not racist. Thats the issue here in current world. You call anything and everything lost the meaning of the word. Then you say racist crap nonstop. Lol. Maybe i might see your point if i sprinkle some hormone blockers on it. Mental
Off topic, but somebody mentioned stocks did well under Trump? Well duh! Give corporations huge tax breaks which allow them to manipulate the stock market at the expense of the middle class what the hell do you think is going to happen in the short run? Are you a child who hasn’t seen the cycle a few times? Republicans steal money from the poor to give to the rich then democrats come into power and spent awhile fixing their screwups only for the republicans to come into power again and repeat. Since Ww2 economy has grown more under democrats because trickle down economics never works. My stocks are up 19% on year and I would gladly have them down 19% to get rid of Trump.
Where I live. 90% of these people vote against their own best interests because this new right is fear based campaigning. Not hope
Fear based. Show the reciepts...
Pretty positive the other side is questioning the lack of science of it all..from plexiglass to closing small businesses to closing schools..not recommended by cdc.
Off topic, but somebody mentioned stocks did well under Trump? Well duh! Give corporations huge tax breaks which allow them to manipulate the stock market at the expense of the middle class what the hell do you think is going to happen in the short run? Are you a child who hasn’t seen the cycle a few times? Republicans steal money from the poor to give to the rich then democrats come into power and spent awhile fixing their screwups only for the republicans to come into power again and repeat. Since Ww2 economy has grown more under democrats because trickle down economics never works. My stocks are up 19% on year and I would gladly have them down 19% to get rid of Trump.
If you dont give tax breaks to corps..they will just go to another country where its cheaper. It goes full circle overall when corps hire people and they pay their taxes. Why dont you understand basic things?
If you dont give tax breaks to corps..they will just go to another country where its cheaper. It goes full circle overall when corps hire people and they pay their taxes. Why dont you understand basic things?
Lol, yes all corporations will leave America. That’s why they stayed in America, Trumps tax break. This is why you are destined to do as you are told and vote against your best self interests. Because you are a moron.
Lol, yes all corporations will leave America. That’s why they stayed in America, Trumps tax break. This is why you are destined to do as you are told and vote against your best self interests. Because you are a moron.
They are coming back. Trump snuffing nafta helps alot also. Made in america "is what trump wants. Not the clintons and biden who give our jobs to forced china labor. How you like those NIKE's now, made for 12 cents overhead in sweatshops..thats just fine isnt it..nothing to see there.
Black n Decker moving to Texas soon if not already have. We are done with China and their bs.
They are coming back. Trump snuffing nafta helps alot also. Made in america "is what trump wants. Not the clintons and biden who give our jobs to forced china labor. How you like those NIKE's now, made for 12 cents overhead in sweatshops..thats just fine isnt it..nothing to see there.
Black n Decker moving to Texas soon if not already have. We are done with China and their bs.
Trump didn't want made in America. He'll, I have MAGA hat its made in China. Trump cared about 1 thing, Trump. I don't enjoy bashing the guy its just facts
They are coming back. Trump snuffing nafta helps alot also. Made in america "is what trump wants. Not the clintons and biden who give our jobs to forced china labor. How you like those NIKE's now, made for 12 cents overhead in sweatshops..thats just fine isnt it..nothing to see there.
Black n Decker moving to Texas soon if not already have. We are done with China and their bs.
Lol, Mercia for the win!!!
Politicians don't give our jobs to foreign countries. A business owner can do business wherever they please. But America can't force business owners to stay, that's un-American
And don't think they dont try with huge tax breaks and insetiveves. But China can make the same product for 90% less. I dont like it, but its true
Antifa is the boogie man, only meant to scare children and idiots.
Trade deficits are not a bad thing, we love cheap goods, good for American families.
China is never “going away.”