What has Trump done to this country?

A future of Max Headroom style ( deep fakes ) to ready the troops of mindless right wing militants.
Where the white liberal infiltrators will be waiting at the meetings with wires and a bottle of whisky to loosen their tongues. I figure people are gonna put on some body armor, buy a gun, a wire and look to fuck over as many fucking traitors as they can. These cunts ain't too bright and if ya wanna fight them, this is how it will be done, isolate them and turn them into lone wolves who dare not meet and plan. Win the senate and they will be put on a terrorist watch list with no guns, no right to fly and dim job prospects.

They don't fuck with the constitution without making very serious enemies out of people who never gave a fuck about them before. It's in the open now and the future for them is bleak, especially if you win the senate.
Proud Boys audition for Rupaul’s Drag Race

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Yep bright yellow mossy oak camo, real smart, perhaps they should have just went with the klan tartan, white. A kilt is part of a dress uniform and is not worn in combat these days and for quite sometime, though they were worn in battle during the second world war, mostly by pipers. Kilts are also made of tartan cloth either the regimental tartan or one's family tartan if a civilian. I come from the land of kilts and in the 19th century, they were worn more in Cape Breton than in Scotland and probably more Gaelic was spoken here too.

These clowns were wearing dresses not kilts, and I figure they are just repressed transvestites trying to make a fashion statement, not a political one.
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Trump=Russia's greatest geopolitical achievement since they won WW2. The neverending "they stole the election" reality show is worth more to Putin than every other attempt Trump has made to discredit the Free Press and the Constitution combined. In one term Trump has shown how weak and vulnerable our system is to mass foreign backing of an unpopular candidate-you can thank the Republican Supreme Court for that. They created Trump with the Citizen's United decision, and you better believe there will be more like him. Russia is picking their next candidate right now.
Trump=Russia's greatest geopolitical achievement since they won WW2. The neverending "they stole the election" reality show is worth more to Putin than every other attempt Trump has made to discredit the Free Press and the Constitution combined. In one term Trump has shown how weak and vulnerable our system is to mass foreign backing of an unpopular candidate-you can thank the Republican Supreme Court for that. They created Trump with the Citizen's United decision, and you better believe there will be more like him. Russia is picking their next candidate right now.
They chose poorly though with Trump and their scam got blown wide open. They did gain a lot, but they are now on very dangerous grounds because Trump couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Russia is now on the brink of causing a very big hot war with the rest of the world and there is no way that ends well for them.
I see Mitch congratulated Joe on his win and recognizes him as president elect, the plan was to hold out until the "official" elector count on Jan 6th. Putin congratulated Joe yesterday though and kinda pulled the rug out from under Moscow Mitch, so he has to go along too, orders from Vlad perhaps? Yep Vlad recognized Joe before the republicans in the house and senate, how fucking humiliating is that? Having Vlad and Mitch stab him in the back on the same day must be a shock for Donald, especially after Joe kicked him in the nuts last night on national TV!

I see Joe was cheerfully mentioning his call to Mitch and the fact they can get together earlier rather than later and had a nice friendly chat, is driving Donald nuts! Will he try to destroy Mitch for breaking ranks? If he doesn't do something he will lose most of them by the inauguration and those who show up for his dog and pony show will be bigger targets than ever before, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. If anything can get Donald causing trouble in Georgia that was it, Donald must enforce discipline and make examples, he rules by fear alone and it is his only tool.

Joe is starting to play Donald like a fish, he is advised by experts who have a complete psychological profile of Donald and who know what buttons to push for what effect. Vlad's call was timed well I must say, it forced Moscow Mitch right off the fence like it was made of barbed wire. I wonder how Donald will react, not well I suspect and I'm sure today is another day of mindless rage in the WH and increasing panic.
Biden says "good conversation" with McConnell

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden said on Tuesday (December 15) he had spoken with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and the two of them agreed to get together soon.

"While we disagree on a lot of things, there are things we can work together on," Biden told reporters before heading to Georgia to campaign for Democratic Senate candidates.

McConnell, a Republican, on Tuesday congratulated Democratic President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their Nov. 3 election victories, ending his long silence on the outcome of the presidential race.

In remarks on the Senate floor, McConnell acknowledged the Democrats' win of the White House following Monday's formal result issued by the Electoral College.

Before departing, Biden also reiterated that he would get the COVID-19 vaccine publicly when the time is right.

He said the nation's top expert on infectious disease, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said he should get the vaccine "sooner rather than later" but added that, " I want to just make sure we do it by the numbers when we do it." Currently, the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine is being rolled out primarily to frontline healthcare workers.
Putin has been waging a low grade offensive on the government of the US for decades and especially on our faith in our institutions and in one another. He has weakened Western alliances and secured his territorial gains in Ukraine and Georgia. All this with the submissive trump keeping his silence. According to some, also the wealthiest person on the planet.