This isn't over.

This woman is not just intoxicated, but seriously incoherent and illiterate. Um, and um, uh and uh, and um, um, and they di-ent (didn't), they di-ent and they woo-ent (wouldn't), you know, kay (okay), uncredible, she wrote a ri-en (written) affidavit, she's been thre-end (threatened). She is the barfly you took home to fuck, because, you know, she's easy, and you made the mistake of taking her to a family dinner. And, um, you know, she di-ent make a good impression, 'kay. Melissa Carone, if that's her real name. I watched the whole thing. It was like a Saturday Night Live sketch. A clown show.
It looks like Billy might get fired, Donald is real pissed at him, with Donald it's what have you done for me today. Billy just fucked up Donald's money making scam, but it doesn't matter to the base, since when did reality matter to them?
Bill Barr Squarely contradicts Trump - Says There's NO Voter Fraud Undermining the Election Results

Attorney General Bill Barr completely and definitively undercut Donald Trump's claim about election fraud impacting/invalidating the election results. Barr told the Associated Press that the DOJ/FBI investigated claims of voter or election fraud and concluded that there is no voter fraud that could invalidate Joe Biden's win. What are the implication of Barr's announcement? Here's some of what Barr may now face as a result of exposing Trump's false claims of voter fraud.
Here is why Mitch will cut Donald's throat after Georgia, but will remain silent until then, sitting on the fence. If they don't show up for Donald 2024 announcement, instead of going to Joe's inauguration, he will destroy them. Those republicans running in 2022 will attend neither event, Lindsey will be with Donald!
Trump 2024 is the absolute worst-case scenario for Republicans

Fresh off his reelection defeat, Donald Trump is already musing about running again in 2024. In the latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why that could doom Republicans for decades to come.
This woman is not just intoxicated, but seriously incoherent and illiterate. Um, and um, uh and uh, and um, um, and they di-ent (didn't), they di-ent and they woo-ent (wouldn't), you know, kay (okay), uncredible, she wrote a ri-en (written) affidavit, she's been thre-end (threatened). She is the barfly you took home to fuck, because, you know, she's easy, and you made the mistake of taking her to a family dinner. And, um, you know, she di-ent make a good impression, 'kay. Melissa Carone, if that's her real name. I watched the whole thing. It was like a Saturday Night Live sketch. A clown show.

It is just so damn entertaining. I really wanted to not watch, but she is such a mess it is hard to look away.

The Republicans are such a dickish group, they wanted to beat up on the Democrats, but knew how ridiculous she was and just couldn't commit to the farce like their hearts were in it.
This woman is not just intoxicated, but seriously incoherent and illiterate. Um, and um, uh and uh, and um, um, and they di-ent (didn't), they di-ent and they woo-ent (wouldn't), you know, kay (okay), uncredible, she wrote a ri-en (written) affidavit, she's been thre-end (threatened). She is the barfly you took home to fuck, because, you know, she's easy, and you made the mistake of taking her to a family dinner. And, um, you know, she di-ent make a good impression, 'kay. Melissa Carone, if that's her real name. I watched the whole thing. It was like a Saturday Night Live sketch. A clown show.
I watched the whole thing too. It was as if she were doing an impression of a SNL skit. Also reminds me of a girlfriend I had long ago who did a hilarious imitation of her aunt when she got drunk. But seriously, folks, it was really hard to follow what she was saying, so I wrote down the key exchange between her and a questioner in order focus on what was said, sans her goofy intonation and implications. When asked by GOP Rep Steve Anderson (SA), for the purposes of clarification of her claims,

SA: "If these ballots were run through multiple times as you've alleged and possibly up to 30,000 times being counted, when we examine the poll book and see who voted and count those numbers would they not line up with the number of votes coming out of Detroit?"

MC: "The poll book is completely off, completely off"

SA: "Off by 30,000?"

MC: "I'd say that poll book is off by over a hundred thousand" (said with woozy smile) "That poll book? Why don't you look to see if there are any registered voters on there? How many registered voters are on there? Do you even know the answer to that?"

SA: "No, I'm trying to get to the bottom of this here..."

MC: "Zero, there are zero"

SA: "So my question is, then is if the..."

MCL "Wait a minute, wait. How What about, what about the turnout? The turnout raaaate? 120%! (laughs)"

SA: So, the poll book number, there is two things that could happen here. The poll book number, if ballots were counted multiple times, there is two options. Option number 1, is the poll book numbers are not going to match.

MC: "They don't"

SA: "Not by thousands and thousands of votes, that's not what we see right now." (has to talk over MC in order to finish his question) "Option number two is they were filling in the names of people who didn't vote"

MC: "Dead people too?"

SA: "I guess is, is that your suggestion?"

(some back and forth between the chairman and MC who is trying to get MC to shut up, asking her to let him ask his question.

MC: "I thought that was his question"

SA: "My question is, we aren't seeing the poll book off by 30,000 votes, that's not the case"

MC: "What did you guyzzz do? Taaake it and ahh do something cra zy with it?" ( chuckles from the audience and she flicks up her eyebrows)

SA: "I'm just saying that the numbers aren't off by 30,000 votes, so..."

MC: "I know what I saw, and I signed something saying that if I said something wrong then I could go to prison. Did you?"

The Chair: "let Representative Anderson ask his question and, don't interrupt him, and if you want to respond to it, that's fine"

MC: "Okay"

SA: "I guess that I'm just trying to follow up with the poll books. Are we saying the poll books are wildly off? Or are they filling in names?"

MC: "wildly off, and dead people voted, uh, illegals voted, and so that's my answer"

The Chair: Ok, I think we are going to move on

So, then, "the poll books were cooked", "they were wildly off" and "dead people voted and illegals voted". Okay, so we are finally getting somewhere on this. I mean, after all, those poll books contain the names of people who voted and we can just check to see if the poll book did contain what she claimed. Because her testimony at the committee meeting was the same as her testimony in court, we already have an answer:

From the judge when Trump's team's case was thrown out of court: "Nobody, not the clerks, city officials or observers substantiate these allegations. They are simply not credible."

Can we move on from this shit show? I guess not. Lies like this are immortal.

I liked one comment I read about her and her testimony.

“Imagine lining up your witnesses,” one person wrote on Twitter, “and this is the best you got.”
It looks like he got about a billion dollars from daddy (, ran through that and got cut off by American banks, so had to turn to washing money for foreign dictators.

I don't think you should count loans he defaults on while blowing through daddies money a success. But maybe I am wrong.
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By no means do I think he’s a success in the real sense of the word but as I said if wealth is the bellwether then ya he’s flying around in a jet and a Sovorski helicopter. Without seeing his taxes who really knows what he has ‍♂️. I still think he’s an idiot who needs a good kick in the balls. But I sure would like a helicopter ..... could you imagine the fishing ;).
By no means do I think he’s a success in the real sense of the word but as I said if wealth is the bellwether then ya he’s flying around in a jet and a Sovorski helicopter. Without seeing his taxes who really knows what he has ‍♂. I still think he’s an idiot who needs a good kick in the balls. But I sure would like a helicopter ..... could you imagine the fishing ;).
He gives the illusion of wealth like he gives the illusion of intelligence, for the perceptive person, the bankruptcies represent failure. Donald wanted to succeed in the casino business, but he is a not just a moron, but a disaster as well, a smart guy would have hired an expert to run the show and go golfing. With Donald ego comes before money, he had to be the star and he had to be the winner, money was a way of keeping score, it's the only metric and motivator Donald understands, but only at a superficial level. He always overspent to make an impression on others and lived far beyond his means and couldn't keep a fortune, much less make one. He was an actor on the apprentice and even though they called him a producer in the credits, he was an employee with no control, if he had control, the series would have failed in the first year or would have been removed from the air by the FCC, or would have been mired in lawsuits for control.
Trump is the biggest loser in history. He lost over 1 billion dollars in 10 years and brags about being "the king of debt", "I love debt."

It actually doesn’t matter if he’s the richest man on earth or the poorest if he is also the biggest asshole on earth. Which he is so fuck him.
I like people because they have good hearts, I couldn't give a fuck how smart they are, an asshole is an asshole, though the smart ones are more dangerous and often more powerful. You like your dog because he has a good heart and loves you back, not because he's particularly good at math, though he might occasionally give good advice and wise counsel. :lol:
Trump & Giuliani’s Falsehoods, Fraud & Farts

Los Angeles is under a “Safer at Home” order, LeBron James & Anthony Davis just signed up to stay with the Lakers, the Trumps took part in the 98th annual Tree Lighting, Presidents Obama, Clinton & Bush are joining forces to get the COVID-19 vaccine on TV, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is getting ready for two holiday parties at the State Department this month, Trump isn’t happy with Attorney General Bill Barr, VP Mike Pence is distancing himself from election fraud claims, Rudy Giuliani is leading craziness and passing gas at “election hearings,” Trump released a 46 minute video full of falsehoods, our first ever edition of “Masking Questions,” and This Week in Unnecessary Censorship.
I like people because they have good hearts, I couldn't give a fuck how smart they are, an asshole is an asshole, though the smart ones are more dangerous and often more powerful. You like your dog because he has a good heart and loves you back, not because he's particularly good at math, though he might occasionally give good advice and wise counsel. :lol:
True that brother! But I do respect people that seek out knowledge and truth which typically translates into some form of intelligence, unlike the hoards of unknowing trumptards that seek nothing but confirmation of their own biases, be it true or not.
PS. My dog is as dumb as a stump but I love him most of the time lol.