This isn't over.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Luckily Trump has failed at everything he has done and lost everything he has had given to him. I don't see him being any better at a revolutionary.
Well I’d have to disagree somewhat about failing if your using wealth as the bellwether. He may have ran a few (7 I believe) companies into the ground, he didn’t fail, pretty sure he gained in his world. He did fail as a human being and that’s is the ultimate fail. Mind you this may be the beginning of his true financial failure ........just had to run for pres huh....sucker lol.


Well-Known Member
Rumor going around that the hammer is coming down on tRUmp and others this month, that investigation into pardons seems to be at the heart of this,sure hope it's true.
Organized crime language is starting to surface directed at tRUmp,RICO maybe?
Is this the time that Barr turns on tRUmp?
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Well-Known Member
Something is coming, remember when Pence would stare at tRUmp like a school girl in love, now he's distancing himself.



Well-Known Member
Something is coming, remember when Pence would stare at tRUmp like a school girl in love, now he's distancing himself.

If Pence pardons Trump he will control the republican party and they will all be his slaves while he completely destroys it and them. I think they've had enough of being a slave to a madman, if Pence were to pardon Trump it would be the end of them all. Pence is the only one who can save Donald with a king for a day pardon and if he would do it, Donald wouldn't be freaking out and talking self pardons. I'd be looking for Donald to start attacking Pence, but those who make death threats against VP's tend to get caught and they won't work with him while he's in office, though his phone will be busy after he is a private citizen. Welcome to Mike Pence's post presidency personal voice mail, for regular calls press 1, to leave a death threat press 2, to say I betrayed the president press 3...


Well-Known Member
If Pence pardons Trump he will control the republican party and they will all be his slaves while he completely destroys it and them. I think they've had enough of being a slave to a madman, if Pence were to pardon Trump it would be the end of them all. Pence is the only one who can save Donald with a king for a day pardon and if he would do it, Donald wouldn't be freaking out and talking self pardons. I'd be looking for Donald to start attacking Pence, but those who make death threats against VP's tend to get caught and they won't work with him while he's in office, though his phone will be busy after he is a private citizen. Welcome to Mike Pence's post presidency personal voice mail, for regular calls press 1, to leave a death threat press 2, to say I betrayed the president press 3...
I haven't heard that Trump is going to resign, have you heard anything? I don't really think he would. More than likely he will self-pardon and then fight it out in the courts. Use the legal system as a tool, not for justice. That's his MO.
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Well-Known Member
Well I’d have to disagree somewhat about failing if your using wealth as the bellwether. He may have ran a few (7 I believe) companies into the ground, he didn’t fail, pretty sure he gained in his world. He did fail as a human being and that’s is the ultimate fail. Mind you this may be the beginning of his true financial failure ........just had to run for pres huh....sucker lol.
It looks like he got about a billion dollars from daddy (, ran through that and got cut off by American banks, so had to turn to washing money for foreign dictators.

I don't think you should count loans he defaults on while blowing through daddies money a success. But maybe I am wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Looks like Bill Barr never actually broke the law for Donald, it just looks like he did with his outrageous behavior, technically he is inside the law. That means he was giving Donald the illusion of protection and was really playing him for a sucker. He went all out for Donald and apparently believes in an imperial authoritarian presidency, but was careful to stay inside the lines. The federal goon squad he assembled, La Fayette park and Portland might get him, but he can say Trump ordered it and he probably got him to sign off on shit, dunno if it will keep him out of Prison.

I expect Bill will be fired soon, but Bill is a bit of an expert on writing pardons and has experience in these matters, so he can check one over to make sure they get away with murder. I think that is the only thing keeping Bill in a job, his experience with pardons, but Donald has been known to fuck himself on a regular basis, he fucks himself far more than others most of the time, but along came the presidency and covid.
Barr had 'intense' meeting with Trump after AG's interview undercutting voter fraud claims: Sources - ABC News (

Barr had 'intense' meeting with Trump after AG's interview undercutting voter fraud claims: Sources
A source who was briefed on the meeting described it as "intense."

While at the White House for meetings Tuesday, Attorney General Bill Barr had a meeting with President Donald Trump following an interview with the Associated Press in which Barr disclosed that the Department of Justice has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the election results, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.

Barr spent roughly two and a half hours on White House grounds on Tuesday for what White House and Department of Justice officials previously said was a pre-planned meeting with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

However, sources told ABC News that once Barr was in the building for meetings, Trump wanted to see him.

One source briefed on the meeting described Barr's interaction with the president as "intense," but would not elaborate on any additional details about the content of their discussion.

MORE: DOJ hasn't uncovered widespread fraud that would change election results: Barr
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany in a press briefing Wednesday afternoon declined to answer whether the two had spoken since Barr's interview, and also declined to say directly whether Trump still had confidence in Barr.

In the interview with the AP, Barr directly undercut allegations that have been made by Trump and his legal team, as well as the president's allies, that Trump would have won the election had it not been for widespread vote fraud.

"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election," Barr told the AP.

Soon after Barr departed the White House Tuesday, a DOJ spokesperson sent reporters a statement hitting back at what the official described as inaccurate characterizations by some in the media of Barr's comments.

"Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election," the spokesperson said. "That is not what the Associated Press reported nor what the Attorney General stated. The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible."

MORE: Federal prosecutors express concern over Attorney General William Barr's election fraud memo: Sources
Sources say the president has privately expressed his anger toward Barr and has even floated the possibility of removing him. Those claims were first reported by the Washington Post.

The White House didn't immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment. A spokesperson for the Department of Justice declined to comment further.


Well-Known Member
This woman is not just intoxicated, but seriously incoherent and illiterate. Um, and um, uh and uh, and um, um, and they di-ent (didn't), they di-ent and they woo-ent (wouldn't), you know, kay (okay), uncredible, she wrote a ri-en (written) affidavit, she's been thre-end (threatened). She is the barfly you took home to fuck, because, you know, she's easy, and you made the mistake of taking her to a family dinner. And, um, you know, she di-ent make a good impression, 'kay. Melissa Carone, if that's her real name. I watched the whole thing. It was like a Saturday Night Live sketch. A clown show.
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