BroScience Bullshit - Post here

Have you EVER done any Broscience on your plants ?

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    Votes: 89 61.4%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 33 22.8%
  • I ain’t sayin

    Votes: 23 15.9%

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Mosquito Bits. They aren't legal for use by un-licensed persons in the UK I am afraid. I can get them shipped in, but they are stupid expensive. I can get Nematodes. Hydrogen Peroxide and Sticky traps usually fix them, the sticky traps control the adults and the Hydrogen Peroxide controls the larvae and so does Carbonated Water as it seems, I will test that theory more as I don't want to invent my own Bro-Science.

I have worked out my own theory for prevention, rather than a cure. I have read that the adults burrow into the the top few MM of the soil. I have also observed them crawling in under the pots and going in through the drain holes of the pots. I have also read that they don't like Perlite, crawling through it damages their wings. So I have changed to a coir based medium and I am going to dress the bottom of the pot with a few MM of Perlite and do the same on the top of the pot, that coupled with sticky traps and the occasional Hydrogen Peroxide drench should mean they never occur again.
Not the bits, but a liquid bacteria. But I gotcha, that sucks. How dare you guys try to control a blood sucking bug that transmits disease lol. Work with what ya got man.
Removing all the fan leaves last two weeks of flower so only the buds get light to increase density potency etc.

I want to meet the genius that thought this stupid thought
Removing all the fan leaves last two weeks of flower so only the buds get light to increase density potency etc.

I want to meet the genius that thought this stupid thought
Yeah. One thing about it though is you can get them ready to hang and then dry trim. Sort of spreads the workload out. Also get a good look for any late flower herm action.
this :

I love my Cannabis ‘lightly seeded’, please!

Sinsemilla seems to be the “cause celeb” today and I can understand that, as seeds can be annoying when preparing your cannabis to smoke. Having said that I never let a few seeds get in the way of a better cannabis experience, one that is more sensual, more profound, and longer lasting.

As an aspiring grower 50 years ago, I studied my craft in the very early ’70’s, perhaps the heyday of Acapulco Gold, in where else but Pie de La Cuesta, just north of Acapulco in Guerrero Province, Mexico.

There, under the tutelage of the Ramirez brothers, I learned century old techniques and all about the ‘lightly seeded’ secret, which allows the plant to do what it was intended by nature to do . . . complete its full life cycle.

This is accomplished by hand pollinating, very carefully I might add, the female flowers of several ‘ramas’ (branches) on the intended plants.

This accomplishes several things, firstly the plant is now fertilized and she will begin manufacturing hormones and other compounds (not found in unfertilized bud), which in turn will travel up through the plants system not only nourishing the soon to be seeds but the entire plant, changing it forever. Since cannabis has been illegal for so long, research on these issues is almost impossible to find and that’s where the wisdom of the ancient growers and curanderos come into play.

These changes make for an enhanced experience you cannot get from the unfertilized bud because they did not go full cycle. Secondly you get a fresh crop of ‘original seeds’ to continue the process. Stored properly they can last for years.

This is most likely why many of the long time enthusiasts (baby boomers) remember just how potent the original stains – Acapulco Gold, Oaxacan, Panama Red and Colombian Red were; and they still are!

We are on our 48th generation of Acapulco Gold from the original seed and it’s as good now as it was then.


This, my friends, is where the product of seed covers comes into play, but that is another story, which I shall soon relate to you . . .

~Gavilan de la Montaña here's a movie
pretty sure vader tried this in one of his videos and i don't think it turned out to be an accurate way of telling sex....surprise surprise
I did a experiment many years ago, but it was also inconclusive as I only had 6 plants....also the experiment was more about "How the environment can influence the grow"...but also tried to determine if the looks of the seeds could dictate the gender.
ok well im sure im gonna get flamed for this one but its one of the most spouted off myths of all and i haven't saw it mentioned in this thread
cannabis needs a wet/dry cycle so the roots will grow in search for water
nope as long as you have ample aeration in your growing medium it wants a constant moisture or the sweet spot "#3" in the below article id say
probably why blumats work so well

thanks to norwood for posting this article in another thread

A plant-centered approach to watering - Greenhouse Canada
I've read through most of this thread, good shit! But not one mention of burying a crystal on a full moon. And something about a cow horn in there too....

Rudolph Steiner was definitely on to something. I would not discount biodynamics. He was attempting to create synergy within systems with as little “industrial input” as possible. Check out Dragonfly Earth Medicine on Instagram, or see what’s trending in CA and Oregon with both fun sun and dep growers.
Hugelkultur beds, KNF regimes, an increased awareness that vigor, health, and soil tilth are correlated to practices not purchasing nutrients in a bottle. All related to biodynamic principles.

For all the practices in biodynamic farming everyone always goes to the dung in a horn. I’ve never tried it, but.... it would be interesting to give it a go. Perhaps 2021. I believe you let it sit for months if not a full year.

I see it more as intention and awareness of your surroundings. The more you pay attention to the details right? I’ll report back if I try it.

As for crystals ? I know of at least one large grow (176,000 sq feet approximately) of covered mixed light ( give you 1 guess what state it’s in) that recently hired a consultant/crystal shaman to put energized smoky quartz crystals in a grid in 1/4 of its space as an experiment.

I asked how it went and apparently management had to have a meeting with the fieldworkers and techs that they are not allowed to take home any crystals they stumble across. All the workers were taking the smaller crystals when they came across them!
I think the crystal consultant sounds like a dream gig!

Anyway it is always fun to have a laugh and the visual of a solemn shaman placing crystals in a mega industrial scale grow is paradoxical and deserves a chuckle.

Not trying to be too contradictory, Just stir the pot a little today ;) and love your user name maxsnax.

As for my favorite bro science ?? It actually works

Homemade triacantrol
Aka Melissyl alcohol

Link here

Favorite bro science that is seems like a scam?.
Gotta be be enzymes in a gallon that’s been sitting for years in a hot warehouse for hundreds of dollars.
You can make enzymes for practically free. ( fruit, molasses and a tiny bit of fleishcmans baking yeast in a bucket let it sit for a few days)

Are they the same enzymes that’s in the store bought gallon ? I really don’t know,
Anyone here have any enzyme input?
What you're mentioning is a living soil that's being created using organic inputs. No crystal in the fucking world is going to change the way a plant grows, sorry not happening. Sustainable farming, cover crops, not discing the earth into a desert and poisoning it along the way is the way to be.
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What you're mentioning is a living soil that's being created using organic inputs. No crystal in the fucking world is going to change the way a plant grows, sorry not happening. Sustainable farming, cover crops, not discing the earth into a desert and poisoning it along the way is the way to be.

This is a “crystal“
and it’s will “change” the way a plant grows.
dang that was easy .

You know it as Epsom salts a common additive in agriculture.
It is naturally derived as well as chemically synthesized. Crystalline refers to the lattice structure.
This is a “crystal“
and it’s will “change” the way a plant grows.
dang that was easy .

You know it as Epsom salts a common additive in agriculture.
It is naturally derived as well as chemically synthesized. Crystalline refers to the lattice structure.
Ya got me there and I thought your reply was going to be silly

Yep that's right. Biggest bro-theory out there.
An appropriate thread heading, for a very appropriate word.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Rhodelization is a made-up cannabroscience word. And the theory is full of confirmation bias, if using already available scientific sources to support the term's validity in practice and theory.
It is far from cohesive with existing science. It's convoluted, inane and contradicts already available scientific information.

Please help change my mind. :D



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