WTF is this, Thrips???


Active Member
So I noticed thrips looking damage so I checked the leaf under the scope and seem what appeared to be thrips larvae. Then I scoped a bud and I’m like WTF. I know what the thrips look like but so far no adults.
So I had a few spider mites and aphids over summer and easily eliminated before flower. So how these guys survived the onslaught given to the mites and aphids is beyond me and makes me think these bastards are the biggest threat we could be facing and not even know it. They are smaller than the trichs.
They are sneaky. When you try to look they hide in leaf vein crevices and sneak to the underside. See any white things flying up to your lights yet?
They are sneaky. When you try to look they hide in leaf vein crevices and sneak to the underside. See any white things flying up to your lights yet?
No I’ve had thrips a few times over the years and this is crazy. Can you post videos? If you could see these guys crawl around would help. They’re much smaller than a developed trichome.
Russet mites. There's even one specific to hemp.
You nailed it. Some type of russet mite. Never had them before. Guess I’ll start chopping, they’re 8 weeks on Monday. Only one strain has then in buds.
i plan to wipe these out if they’re on my mothers or rooted clones with Pylon. Once the room is totally taken down and product in the freezer will bomb the room and then all plants (only mothers and rooted clones) getting hit w Pylon. From there standard IPM.