Pandemic 2020

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Infections Stemming From Trump Rallies
The researchers used a statistical model to extrapolate infections tied to 18 rallies, and the study’s figures were not based on individual cases traced directly to particular campaign events.


A rally for President Trump in Phoenix in June. Public health officials in states and counties where such rallies have been held said in interviews that it was impossible to tie particular infections to the gatherings.

A rally for President Trump in Phoenix in June. Public health officials in states and counties where such rallies have been held said in interviews that it was impossible to tie particular infections to the gatherings.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
Sheryl Gay Stolberg
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg
  • Oct. 31, 2020

WASHINGTON — A group of Stanford University economists who created a statistical model estimate that there have been at least 30,000 coronavirus infections and 700 deaths as a result of 18 campaign rallies President Trump held from June to September.
The numbers, which will surely reignite accusations from Democratic leaders and public health officials that the president is putting voters at risk for political gain, are not based on individual cases traced directly to particular campaign events.
Instead, the Stanford researchers, led by Professor B. Douglas Bernheim, the chairman of the university’s economics department, conducted a regression analysis. They compared the 18 counties where Mr. Trump held rallies with as many as 200 counties with similar demographics and similar trajectories of confirmed Covid-19 cases before the rally date.
I pulled this from the Washington Post's interview with Dr. Fauci on Friday

President Trump’s repeated assertions the United States is “rounding the turn” on the novel coronavirus have increasingly alarmed the government's top health experts, who say the country is heading into a long and potentially deadly winter with an unprepared government unwilling to make tough choices.
“We’re in for a whole lot of hurt. It’s not a good situation,” Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s leading infectious-disease expert, said in a wide-ranging interview late Friday. “All the stars are aligned in the wrong place as you go into the fall and winter season, with people congregating at home indoors. You could not possibly be positioned more poorly.”
Fauci, a leading member of the government’s coronavirus response, said the United States needed to make an “abrupt change” in public health practices and behaviors. He said the country could surpass 100,000 new coronavirus cases a day and predicted rising deaths in the coming weeks. He spoke as the nation set a new daily record Friday with more than 98,000 cases. As hospitalizations increase, deaths are also ticking up, with more than 1,000 reported Wednesday and Thursday, bringing the total to more than 230,000 since the start of the pandemic, according to health data analyzed by The Washington Post.
Even as new infections climb in 42 states, Trump has downplayed the virus or mocked those who take it seriously. “Covid-19, covid, covid, covid,” he said during one event, lamenting that the news media gives it too much attention. In another rally, he baselessly said that U.S. doctors record more deaths from covid-19, the disease the coronavirus causes, than other nations because they get more money.
“I mean our doctors are very smart people. So what they do is they say, ‘I’m sorry but everybody dies of covid,’ ” Trump said Friday at a rally in Waterford Township, Mich., without offering any evidence.
Fauci said former vice president Joe Biden’s campaign “is taking it seriously from a public health perspective.” Trump, Fauci said, is “looking at it from a different perspective.” He said that perspective was “the economy and reopening the country.”
He also lamented that Scott Atlas, a neuroradiologist and Trump’s favored pandemic adviser, who advocates letting the virus spread among young healthy people and reopening the country without restrictions, is the only medical adviser the president regularly meets with.
“I have real problems with that guy,” Fauci said of Atlas. “He’s a smart guy who’s talking about things that I believe he doesn’t have any real insight or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn’t make any sense.”
Fauci said he actually appreciated chief of staff Mark Meadows saying last weekend on CNN that the administration was not going to control the pandemic. “I tip my hat to him for admitting the strategy,” he said. “He is straightforward in telling you what’s on his mind. I commend him for that.”
Judd Deere, a White House spokesman, offered blistering criticism of Fauci for his comments in a statement to The Washington Post on Saturday. Deere said Fauci “knows the risks [from the coronavirus] today are dramatically lower than they were only a few months ago.”
“It’s unacceptable and breaking with all norms for Dr. Fauci, a senior member of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force and someone who has praised President Trump’s actions throughout this pandemic, to choose three days before an election to play politics,” Deere said. “As a member of the Task Force, Dr. Fauci has a duty to express concerns or push for a change in strategy, but he’s not done that, instead choosing to criticize the President in the media and make his political leanings known by praising the President’s opponent — exactly what the American people have come to expect from The Swamp.”

We are so fucked :(
Be/stay safe & wear a mask :)
Covid is a challenge for everybody, more so with winter coming, because of Trump it is a catastrophe in America.

Here is how Canadian provinces and American states compare, Manitoba has a large urban native population who are especially vulnerable to covid, like all north American natives.

COVID-19 in the U.S.: How do Canada's provinces rank against American states?

TORONTO -- How do Canadian provinces compare to American states in terms of COVID-19 cases? We’ve calculated reported cases per million people each day of the pandemic to get an idea of how the two countries stack up. Overall, even Canada’s highest-reporting regions are low compared to places south of the border.

When you create a sorted list of the provinces and states (including Washington, D.C.), Canada's first province, Manitoba, ranks 38th when it comes to recent cases per capita. Currently, 14 states have fewer average daily cases per million.
Even at their peaks, Canada’s provinces are still relatively low – Manitoba tops the list for Canada at 46th overall in terms of highest all-time average daily cases per million people.

Below is an updated list of the states and provinces sorted by the current number of cases being reported. We’re showing the average number of daily cases over a seven day period by default.
But Trump said you were rounding the corner, at high speed I might add, and sliding towards the opposite ditch as the semi truck approaches head on. Donald's got the peddle to the metal and is hunched over the wheel while the passengers in the back scream in terror.

U.S. 'in for a whole lot of hurt': Fauci unleashes on White House coronavirus approach days before election
As U.S. President Donald Trump fights his way through the final days of the presidential campaign denying the pandemic — by lashing out at doctors, disputing science and slashing the press for highlighting rising coronavirus case counts — the long-running rift between the White House and Dr. Anthony Fauci burst into the open Saturday night.

For months as Trump undercut his own medical experts, sidelined scientists and refused to take basic steps to control the virus while mocking former vice president Joe Biden for wearing a mask, the nation's top infectious disease specialist held his tongue and took the president's attacks in stride as he continued to plead with the American people to socially distance and wear masks.

But Fauci's restraint appeared to have evaporated in a Washington Post interview that was published Saturday night, in which he called out the White House for allowing its strategy for fighting the virus to be shaped in part by a neuroradiologist with no training in the field of infectious disease and said he appreciated chief of staff Mark Meadows' honesty when he admitted to CNN's Jake Tapper during a recent interview that the administration has given up controlling the spread of the virus.
2 days before an election and you have this, in the middle of an out of control pandemic that was and is Trump's fault, you would have had the pandemic, just not the catastrophe and tragedy.

New York (CNN Business)Dr. Scott Atlas, an adviser on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, apologized after appearing in an interview with Russian state broadcaster RT, just days before Election Day.

In his apology, Atlas claimed he was unaware RT was a registered foreign agent.

RT is owned by Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti and subsidiary RT America is registered with the US Justice Department as an agent of the Russian government. The Kremlin uses RT to spread English-language propaganda to American audiences, and was part of Russia's election meddling in 2016, according to a 2017 report from the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Twitter labeled a video from the Russian-state controlled broadcaster RT as election misinformation on Thursday. YouTube videos posted by RT carry the disclaimer: "RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government."
Earlier this year, an internal intelligence bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security said Russia was amplifying disinformation about mail-in voting as part of a broader effort "to undermine public trust in the electoral process."

In its filing to register as a foreign agent, RT's production company in the United States said its role is to "inform, not influence" and "are not aimed to primarily benefit any foreign government or political party."
A senior White House official told CNN Sunday that Atlas did not have clearance from the Trump administration for his interview with RT. The official said Atlas "did it on his own without approval by the White House." Senior aides raised concerns internally after Atlas appeared on RT, the source said. RT said the interview was done from the White House property.

Dubious claims
In the 27-minute interview on Saturday, Atlas made a series of dubious claims. For example, Atlas misrepresented the effectiveness of masks, suggested that lockdowns kill people and discouraged testing of asymptomatic people. He also dismissed forecasts from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington School of Medicine that forecasts 399,000 coronavirus deaths in the US by February 1 under current conditions.

"The IHME model is really sort -- it's absurd to start looking at this model at this point," Atlas said. "At this point in time anybody who's even focusing on models has not learned from the past."

In July, the IHME model predicted 208,255 Americans would have died from coronavirus by Nov. 1. In fact, according to Johns Hopkins University, 230,566 people have died as of Nov. 1.

Atlas is a radiologist and who has no expertise in infectious diseases or epidemiology.
This is what I've been saying and most worried about. I've already lived through one life changing illness and I want no part of another.

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Fauci says winter will be Hell, Donald says he will fire him and Joe says he will hire him. Joe will push masks post election to try and save lives, these stupid pricks will keep spreading it far and wide until caged behind razor wire.

I figure Donald will hold post election rallies if he can, if only to feel the love and whine to his base about a rigged election. He might even call for armed insurrection at his rallies while invoking the insurrection act, even with a landslide election. Nancy will have anybody thinking of following his orders by the nuts before sundown the next day using inherent powers as the constitutional gloves come off and the congressional dungeon fills.
Winter is coming

This map from NPR, updated today, Nov 3. The northernmost western and midwestern states are aflame with the virus. This is what happens when a population with too many careless people spend more time indoors. I'm going to see how this map overlays with schools being open. Cold weather and kids coming home after a day inside a public school room seem like the best conditions for coronavirus to spread.

Governors will have to hard choices to make very soon.

Here's one for the biotech little critters to pump out in bioreactors when programmed. The needle in the haystack has been found, used a magnet. This one should be in production and use (we hope) by the time Joe is inaugurated, Joe and America are gonna reap the pay off stage of modern science. Now just knock the numbers down with appropriate public health responses and 3 layer masks minimum (we went to that recommendation here today) and some of this shit can work to save whoever is unfortunate enough to get covid.

Rapid method finds potent COVID-19 monoclonal antibody among a trillion possibilities

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine scientists have discovered the fastest way to identify potent, neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The method—as well as a trio of successful animal studies on an antibody called "Ab1"—are described today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Ab1 is on track for human clinical trials by early next year.

At any given time, the human body contains up to 10 billion different antibodies. With samples from a few hundred people, senior author Dimiter Dimitrov, Ph.D., director of Pitt's Center for Antibody Therapeutics (CAT), and his team over the last several years built multiple libraries containing a total of 1 trillion human antibodies. With such a large number, odds are that these libraries contain an effective antibody against any pathogen—the challenge is in identifying the right antibodies in the libraries, something the Pitt team has mastered.

"Making a diverse antibody library is an art," said co-author John Mellors, M.D., chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Pitt and UPMC. "Not everyone can do it. Dr. Dimitrov and his team not only identified potential therapies in record time, before most Americans were even aware that a pandemic was looming, but by publishing their method, they've also better prepared the world for future emerging diseases."

In contrast, the major method used this year to identify antibodies that neutralize SARS-CoV-2 was to find patients who have recovered from COVID-19, isolate their cells that produce antibodies against the virus and extract the antibodies from those cells. Large numbers of antibodies then must be screened to find those that bind most tightly to the virus, which adds more time to the discovery process. So while the Pitt team had identified Ab1 back in February, major companies didn't have their monoclonal antibodies until the end of March or early April.
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Antibodies might wane after a few months, but the cells that produce them appear to remember the virus and stick around, apparently if you get covid again (6 months so far), you will probably have a rapid immune response and not become as sick. Considering what might happen to you if you do get sick, it might be best to avoid covid, even if you've had it before.

Immune cells are responding to Covid six months after infection, study finds

  • Cellular, or “T-cell,” immunity against Covid-19 is likely to be present within most adults six months after primary infection, a new study said.
  • Research by the U.K. Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (UK-CIC), Public Health England and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust has found “robust T-cell responses” to the coronavirus virus six months after infection.
Cellular, or “T-cell,” immunity against Covid-19 is likely to be present within most adults six months after primary infection, a new study said.

Research by the U.K. Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (UK-CIC), Public Health England and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust has found “robust T-cell responses” to the coronavirus six months after infection.

T-cells are a part of our immune system that attack cells which have been infected with a virus or other kind of pathogen and they help other antibody-producing cells in the immune system. Scientists have been investigating T-cell responses to the coronavirus to see how lasting any immune response might be in individuals who have caught, and recovered from, Covid-19.

This latest study looked at 100 individuals who had tested positive for the coronavirus in March and April of 2020 but had not been hospitalized with the virus. All 100 individuals had experienced either mild or moderate symptoms or were asymptomatic (56 versus 44 people), the study noted.

Serum samples were collected monthly to measure antibody levels, and blood samples were taken after six months to assess the cellular (T-cell) response to the virus.

A range of analyses were carried out to assess different aspects of the T-cell response including the magnitude of response and the response to different proteins from the virus, the study noted.

“T-cell responses were present in all individuals at six months after SARS-CoV-2 infection,” it said, indicating “that a robust cellular memory against the virus persists for at least six months.”

The study found, however, that “the size of T-cell response differed between individuals, being considerably (50%) higher in people who had experienced symptomatic disease at the time of infection six months previously.” The study has not yet been published in a medical journal or peer-reviewed.
Meanwhile back at the ranch. After getting rid of Trump in the election, this is where the national priority is, or should be.
Task force warns new coronavirus cases are increasing 'exponentially' in weekly state reports

(CNN)Despite President Donald Trump's claims at campaign rallies that the pandemic would vanish on November 4 and members of the media would stop covering it, rising cases, hospitalizations, and deaths nationwide are causing the White House coronavirus task force to sound dire warnings in weekly reports released to states.

"There is a continued increase in cases, hospitalizations, and fatalities nationally, spreading southward from the coldest climates as the population moves indoors and cases increase exponentially," the task force said in multiple state reports dated November 1 and obtained by CNN.

Maps that show the rise in Covid-19 cases nationally over time, the reports said, "demonstrate the previous impact of comprehensive mitigation efforts when implemented effectively in many areas and that partial or incomplete mitigation leads to prolonged community spread, hospitalizations, and increased fatalities."

Those maps also show "significant deterioration in the Sunbelt as mitigation efforts were decreased over the past 5 weeks," the reports said.

In multiple states, the task force warned state and local officials that "there must be clear messaging ... to act now," which largely focused on masks. Those strong recommendations come as the White House has continued to send mixed signals and has failed to model mask usage.

The task force recommended the following key messages: "Do not gather without a mask with individuals living outside of your household," "Always wear a mask in public places," and, "Stop gatherings beyond immediate household until cases and test positivity decrease significantly."

It also warned of "eroding" behaviors in university towns leading to increasing cases and test positivity. Ahead of the holiday season, the task force suggested colleges and universities test students "before they leave campus for Thanksgiving break to mitigate exposure to family and community."
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