What has Trump done to this country?

Not to slosh water on your fire of righteous indignation, but if he loses (which seems likely) he still has until January to fuck more shit up
I could see a revolt once the Republicans literally have no use for Trump being in office for the couple months and a 2nd impeachment trial begins post election.

Anything they can do to not go down with him.

Lots of clutching of pearls when they discover Trump lied to them about the Mueller report.

They will then start a 2 year troll to try to win the house/senate back in 2022 and the cycle of stupidity that has been the Republican party since the civil rights era will start all over.
I could see a revolt once the Republicans literally have no use for Trump being in office for the couple months and a 2nd impeachment trial begins post election.

Anything they can do to not go down with him.

Lots of clutching of pearls when they discover Trump lied to them about the Mueller report.

They will then start a 2 year troll to try to win the house/senate back in 2022 and the cycle of stupidity that has been the Republican party since the civil rights era will start all over.
I think you're right. The thinking inside the Republican party will be, do we choose to go down with a sinking ship or save our sorry asses and the seat on the gravy train that is modern politics? They'll choose the gravy train every time, especially when they know Trump is a busted flush.....or busted and flushed :D
tRUmp is getting his goons ready to suppress the vote.

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you have to ask yourself why the palace guards of ICE and Customs? i don't see any issue at the border or airports but trumpy knows better..i guess..does this mean people will be trying to get out or in the country?; or did the National Guard and Military tell him to go fvck himself?

rag tag militia- this is going to be funny.
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you have to ask yourself why the palace guards of ICE and Customs? i don't see any issue at the border or airports but trumpy knows better..i guess..does this mean people will be trying to get out or in the country?; or did the National Guard and Military tell him to go fvck himself?

rag tag militia- this is going to be funny.
I was wondering the same thing. What has it actually got to do with ICE? They must be the only idiots that will do Trump's bidding.
Isn't there a Dept. of Homeland Security that should be involved, rather than ICE?
I could see a revolt once the Republicans literally have no use for Trump being in office for the couple months and a 2nd impeachment trial begins post election.

Anything they can do to not go down with him.

Lots of clutching of pearls when they discover Trump lied to them about the Mueller report.

They will then start a 2 year troll to try to win the house/senate back in 2022 and the cycle of stupidity that has been the Republican party since the civil rights era will start all over.

old guard will be gone- they're all losing their seat..they followed on his coattails right to hell.
I like that someone called him "unpolished." That seems to be about as good as it gets for Trump. Except for the fact that you cannot polish a turd. :D

when you have trump speaking for a block of time no speech on prompters from stephen miller to glance at?

it's quite evident what we have here- IQ of 78.

he's not up for the job and never has been; i hope dear dog that congress puts something in place so this doesn't happen again.

I personally would've taken Vermin Supreme over this guy.
Watch Jamie Harrison shut down Lindsey Graham.
If South Carolina re-elects that lying POS, that will be another sign that this Nation is in serious decline.

I take the opposite view, Lindsey is fighting for his political life against a black man in South Carolina, SOUTH CAROLINA! If there is a heart of Dixie it is there, if Harrison wins, SC will have two black senators, though one is an asshole, I believe SC is around 30% black. They were the state who fired the first shot in the civil war I believe.

I consider this to be progress, each presidential cycle millions of voters die and millions more take their place. Kids raised in the past 20 years have a different media diet and world, the number of racists are less each year as parents have less and less influence over their kids and they are immersed in and absorb the values of the larger culture.
Watch Jamie Harrison shut down Lindsey Graham.
If South Carolina re-elects that lying POS, that will be another sign that this Nation is in serious decline.

only if rigged- harrison out raised graham by bazillions- the true indicator...c'mon lindsey..you only have a few more day of ass sucking to go then it's over..what will you do? too old for an escort.

but in case you decide to take that MAGA hat off..
