What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
The economist model is more optimistic @95% Biden and 5% Trump, they have a good track record too. That's pretty good probability for 5 days out, as the days decrease the probability will increase, but we are near at the limits of probability prophecy for now.

Right now, our model thinks Joe Biden is very likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college.
Chance of winning
the electoral college
Chance of winning
the most votes
Predicted range of electoral college votes (270 to win)

Joe Biden
around 19 in 20
or 95%
better than 19 in 20
or >99%

Donald Trump
around 1 in 20
or 5%
less than 1 in 20
or <1%

the number that popped into my head is 163 for The Dotard..can't wait to find out now..future numbers are hard which is why no one can predict lottery.


Well-Known Member
Rats are good swimmers. Unfortunately, they'll survive to become lobbyists, Fux Nooz contributors, or "think tank" members.
some may, they just need to get rid of the stench of Trump- easier said than done because it's similar to skunk that lingers..but in case they decide to take the red hat off Schuylaar has an idea to remind us of MAGA and what they did..

what ever happened to hitlers crew? did they become lobbyists, think tank or fox people?

there are a few images i can't get out of my mind.

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Well-Known Member
You need a new keyboard, or use spell check.
The correct word is FUCK !!!!
I think I'm gonna buy a bottle of wine for election night and we can drink a toast to sending Donald to the only Hell he will ever know, that of being America's biggest loser and I'll bet they call him that on TV after election day too! I'll bet Morning Joe calls him America's biggest loser, it will drive Donald nuts, until the indictments arrive and then he will become the ultimate loser. From the White House to the Courthouse and finally ending up in the big house, exposed for the moron he really is every step of the way. It will be Hell for Donald, I hope they give him a TV in his cell (CNN & MSNBC only) so he can share in his own humiliation fully.


Well-Known Member
If Donald loses in a landslide, he will probably try to hold post election rallies, he will need to feel the love and adulation of the mob after the bigly social rejection at the polls. He will need someone to whine and complain to, perhaps they will become recruiting drives for armed supporters after losing the election. Donald will fight to the last drop of someone else's blood and their last dollar, otherwise he will go quietly, he has no courage, that is a virtue and Donald has none.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm gonna buy a bottle of wine for election night and we can drink a toast to sending Donald to the only Hell he will ever know, that of being America's biggest loser and I'll bet they call him that on TV after election day too! I'll bet Morning Joe calls him America's biggest loser, it will drive Donald nuts, until the indictments arrive and then he will become the ultimate loser. From the White House to the Courthouse and finally ending up in the big house, exposed for the moron he really is every step of the way. It will be Hell for Donald, I hope they give him a TV in his cell (CNN & MSNBC only) so he can share in his own humiliation fully.
That's it! "America's Biggest Loser", the next big documentary. I'm off to copy write the term.


Well-Known Member
You need a new keyboard, or use spell check.
The correct word is FUCK !!!!
well i use the word a lot and it's against TOS if spelled the correct way..there are some hard ass trumper mods here that are itching to have me go the way of @UncleBuck..no need to give them ammunition..there are enough cunts here who can't handle the truth and need to shield their eyes but instead of using 'ignore' they 'report'.

it's a Nazi thingy and no one wants them for an RIU neighbor- least of all me.


Well-Known Member
That's it! "America's Biggest Loser", the next big documentary. I'm off to copy write the term.
I laugh when I hear speculation about Donald starting a TV network etc. after he loses the election. When Donald loses, it will be like falling off a fucking cliff, the law of the USA will work it's magic as surely as the law of gravity. After the inauguration Donald will fall over the edge and accelerate rapidly downward, the law will have a very firm grip on individual #1 and that is but the beginning. No man is above the law, especially when you kill a half a million Americans before you are done with the presidency.

Perhaps they want Donald to believe he will retire to Mar Logo happily ever after and run a TV empire to attack his many enemies. It won't happen, the elected republicans will secretly want Donald muzzled and imprisoned the most.


Well-Known Member
I'm fucking physically/mentally exhausted, I really am.
There is COVID-19 now in my wife's school & they won't shut down or even quarantine (she thinks it's political)
I really feel Death knocking at my family's door, and let me tell you, it's a fucked up feeling.
My family & the USA didn't deserve this pile of shit that Trump presented to us with a fucking smile.
November 3rd means actually nothing too me anymore.
Yea, he's going lose probably, but so fucking what.
The damage will have already been done for the hundreds of thousands of Americans that have lost their lives/ loved ones/homes/businesses due to his ineptitude
There will be nothing at all left to gloat about for me.
Please be safe & take care