What has Trump done to this country?

Olbermann vs. Trump #16: Trump Is Sundowning

It's tough to look at someone who went insane years or decades ago and say "he's gone crazy - again." But insanity has degrees, and if you mix in the nightmares of cognitive decline, you get what Trump has shown us in his last desperate, crazy, campaign rallies.

Today - Thursday the 29th - he threatened the newly self-revealed "Anonymous," Miles Taylor. Previously it was invoking Joe Biden and the word "shot." He has insisted there's a Covid-19 mask you have to wear in California, that you physically cannot take off. That's actually the Dumas novel "The Man In The Iron Mask."

And then he decided putting his face - only from nose to hairline - in a giant video screen over his fascist rally in Lansing, Michigan, was a great idea. Sure, if this is 1984 and he's the ultimate dictator, "Big Brother."

We are left constantly asking WTF is wrong with this guy? I go through all the possibilities, from drug use to impaired social development as a child. But the answer is, sadly, that WTF is principally wrong with this madman is: the Republican party that chooses to exploit his appeal to morons and the violent.
For the Trumpers...
Who Is Donald J. Trump? Narrated By Julianne Moore

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate on the ballot who has publicly agreed that his own daughter is a 'piece of ass.' The bronze-gilded mogul is as notable for his multiple rape allegations and history of racist renting practices as he is for putting children in cages and shamelessly funding a campaign to execute 5 innocent Black teens.
So how did the man who once said he’d choose Oprah as his running mate end up with yet another campaign endorsement from former KKK grand wizard David Duke?
As we get closer to election day RIU seems to grow quieter, the calm before the storm? From the turn out it appears people are pretty interested in politics, with an expected over 60% of ballots cast in 2016, expected to be cast by election day. In fact on election day as few as 30% of ballots could be cast, there are over 165 million registered voters and about 76 million have been cast already.

From the polls, projections, interviews, long early voting lines and the general "feeling" of the election thus far, Donald is going down to defeat and taking the GOP senate majority with him, it could be a blue wave of monstrous proportions, it sure has all the ingredients plus extras for a wipe out. Let's hope so.

This is not just a referendum on Donald, but the American public sitting in judgement on itself. What is it to be, a liberal democratic republic, or a race based fascist state, the sides and the parties are polarized, liberals cannot compromise with fascist, it doesn't work like that with people with out good faith or integrity. In the end its liberty for all, or a death struggle with the enemies of humanity, if they will not yield to the common good and by extension the common wealth. Whether their grievances are real or imagined, they betrayed the constitution with their support of Trump. Trump was running against liberal democracy itself, not just Joe, but the very founding ethos of the nation and it cultural antecedents.
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Come to the trump hate rallies and choose your poison, frostbite, heat stroke or Covid.

Donald finds yet more ways to kill his supporters heat, cold and covid so far, will he bring a machine gun to the next rally and mow down a section of the audience to the cheers of the crowd? The more I see of this bunch of fucking idiots, the more I'm drawn to a eugenics based solution to humanities problems...

Donald needs to be creative and set up tattoo booths at his rallies where his fans could wear his mark, a large T on the center of their foreheads for 50 bucks. It would show their undying devotion to the great leader and help pay for his legal fees, it would also make morons more easily identified, you won't even have to speak to them.
Chris: Election Is Battle Of Pro-Democracy Majority And Anti-Democracy Minority

Chris Hayes says the President, his campaign, and Republicans know that “their last hope is to essentially subvert democracy itself, because a free and fair election in which everyone participates would result in a whooping.”
Olbermann vs. Trump #16: Trump Is Sundowning

It's tough to look at someone who went insane years or decades ago and say "he's gone crazy - again." But insanity has degrees, and if you mix in the nightmares of cognitive decline, you get what Trump has shown us in his last desperate, crazy, campaign rallies.

Today - Thursday the 29th - he threatened the newly self-revealed "Anonymous," Miles Taylor. Previously it was invoking Joe Biden and the word "shot." He has insisted there's a Covid-19 mask you have to wear in California, that you physically cannot take off. That's actually the Dumas novel "The Man In The Iron Mask."

And then he decided putting his face - only from nose to hairline - in a giant video screen over his fascist rally in Lansing, Michigan, was a great idea. Sure, if this is 1984 and he's the ultimate dictator, "Big Brother."

We are left constantly asking WTF is wrong with this guy? I go through all the possibilities, from drug use to impaired social development as a child. But the answer is, sadly, that WTF is principally wrong with this madman is: the Republican party that chooses to exploit his appeal to morons and the violent.

spectacular!..this will free you because it's everything you're thinking!:clap:
America needs unity after Trump, but that does not mean compromise with evil or putting up with bullshit. The political map might be quite different after this election and perhaps another name should be found for those states who still supported Trump, red state is not descriptive enough! Moron States? Racist States? Treasonous States? I doubt they will be part of a United States, if a majority of the population is that fucking pigheaded after getting bitch slapped by Donald and stomped by covid and mother nature.