Well-Known Member
If I didn't have to pay for shipping AgSil would be hands down the winner for value at nearly $20 cheaper than 2 gallons of Armor Si. I don't think I have a local vendor though. I'll check to be certain. $20 is $20Not a huge savings. On e pound of Agsil is $17 but the price drops considerably with more volume. 4 pounds is $44. 20 pounds is $156. So 964 reservoir fills for $44. A couple hundred dollars if buying 4 pounds at a time. Not all that much but if you're cheap like me and try and save as much as possible it's not a bad savings.

With all of that I posted I will say that I prefer dry fertilizer over liquid. I'll probably end up ordering AgSil instead of the Armor Si in the next day or so. The value is nearly the same even with shipping. If I can avoid shipping the AgSil is hands down the better value. And you don't have to measure fucking liquids