What has Trump done to this country?

I was 18 in 1974 when I got my draft notice to go fight in that fucked up war, but was deferred because I was fortunate enough to afford/go to college.
I had 3 fucking friends that didn't have that opportunity & went & served & did their supposed duty to this Nation & came back, forever fucking ruined.
All of them left as boys/young men & came back shattered.
You know who I blame for the elimination of my friends lives?
Fucking Nixon/Kissinger & the GOP in general.
Like I've said before, if there is anything positive at fucking all to salvage from this catastrophic event, COVID-19/Trump, please let it be the utter destruction of the Republican party.
It's been way too fucking long that the GOP has been willing to sacrifice American citizens simply to enrich themselves.
Wake the fuck America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Republicans are only interested in themselves, no one else.
I was 19 here in Canada then and we had American draft dodgers here too, mostly middle class or poor guys who didn't want to go because they didn't agree with it. I also know Canadians who joined the USMC, worked with a couple, one did 3 tours in Nam, but he was a bit nuts anyway, the other figured he was lucky to get out with his life. As a kid I had a big National Geographic map of Nam on the bedroom wall and followed the war on the news, I also followed the NASA moon landings and lived that history too.

Growing up American and seeing that shit on TV and knowing your number might come up next to go into the slaughterhouse must have been an "interesting" experience. Donald had cold feet, not bone spurs, just feet of clay, he supported the war and was all for it then, he just didn't want to go and bought his way out. That's different than most men who avoided the war, they thought it was stupid and wrong, Donald, didn't know right from wrong or didn't care.
Yep and 40% of American voters don't care or support it, not even the horrors of covid can break through. They support death threats to the medical experts and a moron who holds super spreader events in covid hotspots across America. They are a cult of personality not a party. If yer gonna be enthralled to a personality make sure it's not a sociopathic one with an IQ of 78 attached and a long criminal past of incompetence and bankruptcy.

Racism and tribalism are at the root of Trump's support, it must have it's back broken and it's brain destroyed so that it's body will wither away. Face book and Fox among others direct and empower these morons, now that Donald is going down they are grasping for the straw of Qnon in desperation. They are willing to believe anything but the truth, facts and experts represent a truth they neither understand or want to, they don't just believe the lie, they live it..
I was 19 here in Canada then and we had American draft dodgers here too, mostly middle class or poor guys who didn't want to go because they didn't agree with it. I also know Canadians who joined the USMC, worked with a couple, one did 3 tours in Nam, but he was a bit nuts anyway, the other figured he was lucky to get out with his life. As a kid I had a big National Geographic map of Nam on the bedroom wall and followed the war on the news, I also followed the NASA moon landings and lived that history too.

Growing up American and seeing that shit on TV and knowing your number might come up next to go into the slaughterhouse must have been an "interesting" experience. Donald had cold feet, not bone spurs, just feet of clay, he supported the war and was all for it then, he just didn't want to go and bought his way out. That's different than most men who avoided the war, they thought it was stupid and wrong, Donald, didn't know right from wrong or didn't care.
I was going to Canada, Mexico, jail, or somewhere else. I wasn't going to VietfuckingNam to die. My brother is 7 years older than I and I was around when he and his classmates were talking about Viet Nam and how they were going to deal with it. I'd always thought it would be done with by the time I was draft age, but no-o. If I'd had a son, I'd harbor him from any war brought by politicians.
I was thinking that after 2021 and were a secret service agent to get into serious shit, your punishment would most likely be to sit outside Donald's supermax cell and shove his meals through the grub hole in the door. He'd be in solitary so there would only be you to whine to through the cell door and on the TV monitor at your desk in the hall. It would be hard duty/time and you'd nearly have to have been fired to have gotten it... Just the threat of it will keep those folks in line, it would be hard time in a supermax with Donald for company! :D
Incumbent Senator: I'm Being Bombarded By Negative, False Ads | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Incumbent Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., joins Morning Joe to discuss his race against Republican challenger, John James.
McGrath had a response of her own: "Senator, you've been there for 36 years. How's it looking, Kentucky?" She listed the state's high cancer and diabetes rates, and a lack of broadband access and well-paying jobs in some parts of the state.

McGrath had a response of her own: "Senator, you've been there for 36 years. How's it looking, Kentucky?" She listed the state's high cancer and diabetes rates, and a lack of broadband access and well-paying jobs in some parts of the state.

McConnell/Cruz/Gaetz/Jordan/Graham/Trump & their ilk are the root cause, the fucking cancer, that is/has destroyed this country.
No moral standards or backbone, they just say what's advantageous for themselves at that moment for their own personal gain/survival.
They are only into it for themselves, they don't give 2 shits about the common man/woman.
Fucking end it NOW on November 3rd.
McConnell/Cruz/Gaetz/Jordan/Graham/Trump & their ilk are the root cause, the fucking cancer, that is/has destroyed this country.
No moral standards or backbone, they just say what's advantageous for themselves at that moment for their own personal gain/survival.
They are only into it for themselves, they don't give 2 shits about the common man/woman.
Fucking end it NOW on November 3rd.

their one vote counts as three..then someone said 'it's my turn' like a spoiled child..
no country is and everyone has complaints even in the best of countries..my shame stems from allowing ourselves to be in this situation.
Break it up. The Western States of America, the Southern States of America, The North Eastern States of America and so on. I'm fucking fed up with this goddamned "united" states, because we're not, never have been and never will be. The closest we come is every 4 years, during the olympics for two weeks. Even that is phony.
Break it up. The Western States of America, the Southern States of America, The North Eastern States of America and so on. I'm fucking fed up with this goddamned "united" states, because we're not, never have been and never will be. The closest we come is every 4 years, during the olympics for two weeks. Even that is phony.
Screw that, it is coming around, we just need to shake off the last bit of the old world idiocy kicking and screaming to not having to give everyone the same shot in life, because they know their kids are not special, there is no 'gene' of superiority like Trump believes.

I like to know if push comes to shove if there is a opportunity in another state across the country I can hop in a car and go after it without worry of applying to be able to move. Same with companies doing business, imagine the roadblocks that would cause, we would be like the EU.

How long would it be before some nut leader decided to invade a neighbor.
Break it up. The Western States of America, the Southern States of America, The North Eastern States of America and so on. I'm fucking fed up with this goddamned "united" states, because we're not, never have been and never will be. The closest we come is every 4 years, during the olympics for two weeks. Even that is phony.
