Blew my breaker, plug grounded?

Here is the breaker. I will remove cover soon.
the one that’s bad is obviously flipped.

edit halloween pumpkin and fan ran 24/0 no problems. Everything was fine that morning at 4am. It WAS slightly raining then but all power was fine.My timer came on at 6am every day. 8am my ole lady said we had a power problem. The breaker that’s blown is to my grow room.
Man I can’t believe we are twelve pages in and i honestly do not believe I can fix this problem. I expected to change that outlet and bam fire back up. No go unfortunately. With my lack of knowledge, that’s as far as I’m comfortable going and that was a stretch.

a quick story why electricity turned me off. You whizzes in here may find this funny.
So I was in I guess 10th grade or so, in shop class or something, went to the bathroom to pee, and I’m used to turning the light off as I leave a bathroom. So I tried to flip switch and it wouldn’t go down. I was like hm. The cover was off the switch, I reached inside for some reason and pinch the inside of the switch and got absolutely zooted. It’s weird electricity. Felt like an eternity, but at the same time I had enough brains then to think hmmmm I’m getting shocked and I cannot move my right side. The exactly right side of my body was perfectly juiced. Somehow I thought to take my left hand, and smack my right hand off the light switch. It worked. Hair was standing up and everything on my head. Scared the shit out of me.
NOTHING funny about this could have and almost died. If you or someone else would have not knocked your right side off that connection, you would have died , simple as that. You were getting held onto by AMPS, not just a regular shock from volts. Like renfro said, likely 277.

Bottom line. Half your house does not work .... when you say half , do you mean HALF ? If so, I think your main breaker is bad. Does your 220's work? water heater, stove, dryer? If the dryer works then that rules out that.
IF you stay on this thread like glue then your issue will be fixed soon , very soon. POWER CANNOT HURT YOU WHEN ITS OFF. (via main breaker) Of course there are exceptions but this is not one of them. your going to have to forget about what happened to you back then .....we are true pro's on here with real knowledge. FOLLOW what these guys are saying ....they will have you fixed by the end of TODAY with little to no money!!!
NOTHING funny about this could have and almost died. If you or someone else would have not knocked your right side off that connection, you would have died , simple as that. You were getting held onto by AMPS, not just a regular shock from volts. Like renfro said, likely 277.

Bottom line. Half your house does not work .... when you say half , do you mean HALF ? If so, I think your main breaker is bad. Does your 220's work? water heater, stove, dryer? If the dryer works then that rules out that.
IF you stay on this thread like glue then your issue will be fixed soon , very soon. POWER CANNOT HURT YOU WHEN ITS OFF. (via main breaker) Of course there are exceptions but this is not one of them. your going to have to forget about what happened to you back then .....we are true pro's on here with real knowledge. FOLLOW what these guys are saying ....they will have you fixed by the end of TODAY with little to no money!!!
Okay man yeah one guy who helped me change plug I was iffy on flipping the main and he’s like well that’s 100% sure fire way you WONT get shocked. So we killed the main. You guys want me to pull that cover off and snap a pic?

ALL my main appliances work. My overhead kitchen lights don’t, my living room lights and fan doesn’t work, bathroom lights in one bathroom dont work, lot of plugs out. Well actually it just seems the plug where pumpkin was and all grow room plugs and a few kitchen ones.
yes pulling that cover off wouldnt hurt for us all but i see more value in unplugging things until you can get that breaker to come back on.
Okay man yeah one guy who helped me change plug I was iffy on flipping the main and he’s like well that’s 100% sure fire way you WONT get shocked. So we killed the main. You guys want me to pull that cover off and snap a pic?
Do you have a main breaker outside on your pole by your meter?That will kill all power to your panel.
If you just hit that main in your panel, the panel will still be hot to that main
Turn the main off....Pull the cover.... un screw the wire going to that breaker.....move it out of the way .....turn it all back on and try to turn that breaker on again....that would be the most helpful thing you could do!
I unplugged everything. All lamps etc. unplug oven and dryer. Nothing on the outlets. Still nothing.
pull the cover and unplug that wire going to the breaker. then try to turn that breaker back on with no wire running to it..... if it still wont come on , thjat is your problem and you can fix it yourself with that main being off.
@Renfro this guy feeling frisky today and actually willing to take stuff apart. I can install new stuff, actually on my way to hardware store now, but trouble shooting isn't my area.
we dont want to bombard him with info ,.... hes on it now ....its gonna be fixed today!
I get that. But I'd feel better about him finding that outside main if there is one before he starts taking covers off panels. Who knows whats inside, could be a real rats nest. Those lugs are still going to be energized above the breaker.
See the source image
Without the cover....

So you’re saying turn the main off, unscrew one of those little black wires. The one going to bedroom. Make sure it isn’t touching anything (can I put electric tape on the exposed wire?) put cover back on, then try to turn the breaker that I just unplugged, back on?