What has Trump done to this country?

I hear ya ....... after all these years of treating my body as a temple (by feeding it with every
drug known to man) I’m probably in the high risk bracket lol. Just started working from home again. Don’t think I’ll be going back :(.

nobody's oging
Candy cream

i want it.

Candy Cream is a typically indica-structured plant which develops dense buds along its many side-branches. It was bred from crossing Blue Black with Maple Leaf Indica and White Rhino. This 90% indica strain has a rich, sweet caramel flavour with earthy undertones.:weed:
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Here are all the current political forecasts as of today, a run through the states using different models.
ALL 2020 Presidential Election Forecasts | 2020 Election Analysis

nobody's oging

i want it.

Candy Cream is a typically indica-structured plant which develops dense buds along its many side-branches. It was bred from crossing Blue Black with Maple Leaf Indica and White Rhino. This 90% indica strain has a rich, sweet caramel flavour with earthy undertones.:weed:
It’s not superb but works well with edibles. Got master kush, rock star and a couple of others but the master is amazing D9C65EDE-9AA8-4308-ACE6-C443AE8E4788.jpeg
Republican Fascist Party of Mussolini now reappearing in the USA! When I was young everyone was Antifa and damn proud of it!
You always had them, it's just now they are all congregated and concentrated in the republican party and those who support Trump and what he really stands for. Many people view political polarization as a negative force, but it always happens before major political and social change. Trump and Trumpism moved that change up by a decade and destroyed the republican brand for generations to come. Fortunately they were lead by a polarizing criminal moron with an IQ of 78, who is both socially and emotionally retarded, and who also happens to have covid, along with his election team.
What history lessons will be taught to children in schools over the next 5 years say? After they reopen that is.
What will these mostly liberal women teachers say about these times, the people and parties on both sides?
What teaching resources will they use and how will the narrative of history play out then?
During and after the trials, the commissions and congressional hearings. After the rocks are turned over and the slimy things crawl out into the sunlight and are stomped by Uncle Sam.
What history lessons will be taught to children in schools over the next 5 years say? After they reopen that is.
What will these mostly liberal women teachers say about these times, the people and parties on both sides?
What teaching resources will they use and how will the narrative of history play out then?
During and after the trials, the commissions and congressional hearings. After the rocks are turned over and the slimy things crawl out into the sunlight and are stomped by Uncle Sam.

one of trumps programs included billions for the re-write of confederate history- can't remember he keeps topping himself with one crazy thing after another..hard to keep it all straight these days.
of course Mnuchin is still willing..you better you bet.

we've stopped spending and will bring this country to it's knees..you better, you better, you bet.

continue brothers and sisters no unnecessary purchases including grocery until after the election- stronger than the vote, it is.

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Joe is up in Florida by 11 points! If that is true, DeSantis will have to work overtime to fuck up the election. They count mail in early there and if Biden is ahead by 10 points we should know early on election night. Donald's traveling covid hotspot is due for a visit on Monday for another super spreader event and the state is crippled with covid already.

CNN says Joe is ahead by 11 points in Florida and Donald's drop could be more yet. Vote, add to the popular vote at least, add to his humiliation and repudiation, do it fur yer Uncle Sam!

Penn +13, AZ +8, NV +6, FL +11, WS +5, MI +8, IW + 5
This is the only battleground state Trump is polling ahead