What has Trump done to this country?

Fuck Donald, he lives or dies, he's responsible for that whether he likes it or not, nothing we can do but watch. Back to getting rid of him and the republicans, give them time to convalesce, since many seem to be infected these days, Lee, Tillis and the RNC chair so far.
Alaska & South Carolina Are Closer Than Michigan & Wisconsin
So if anyone is paying attention it's looking like tRUmp has designated the Proud Boys as his version of the Nazi SA. That means they will be out trying to disrupt Democrats from voting on election day and violence will be their tool. I'm considering going out to defend our voting rights on election day, wish I was younger and healthier.
So if anyone is paying attention it's looking like tRUmp has designated the Proud Boys as his version of the Nazi SA. That means they will be out trying to disrupt Democrats from voting on election day and violence will be their tool. I'm considering going out to defend our voting rights on election day, wish I was younger and healthier.
That's what rifles and scopes are for, or cellphones if yer the patient kind, vote early and get between the goons and voters with a cellphone.
Back to business, something for Donald to think about from his hospital bed. I think the debate and this latest fiasco is gonna widen Biden's lead in the polls by a few points for sure. If Donald recovers in a week or two will burn off any residual sympathy anybody might feel for the fucker, sympathy for the Devil. If Biden is a head by 6%, he has a 99% chance and I figure by election day he might be up by 15 or 20%, if Donald keeps this shit up!
Sympathy For The Devil

If Biden Wins the Popular Vote by 6%, He Has a 99% Chance at Victory
These polls do not reflect recent events like the debates or Trump's WH covid fiasco and illness. Also if enough GOP senators die or are fucked there could be additional special elections. I think there will a bigger shift in the senate than they forecast.
ALL 3 FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecasts Give Democrats the Majority
Another poll and I don't think it reflects the debate or Donald getting covid.

The dumpster fire is going full speed down the hill now and the flames are roaring, someone threw some propane tanks in it too, the brick wall is rapidly approaching and Donald is chained to the front of the dumpster screaming.
Biden Projected To Win In HUGE Landslide | 2020 Election Analysis

In this video, I discuss the new RCP no toss-ups map for the 2020 Presidential Election. It projects a landslide victory for Joe Biden, winning the election by 212 electoral votes, and the largest electoral college victory since 1996.
A Very Unusual Friday And A Very Unexpected Friday Late Show

Like the rest of America, Stephen Colbert and the staff of A Late Show spent Friday, October 2nd waiting for news of President Trump's health after learning he had tested positive for Covid-19 and was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for treatment.
For those who wanna play prophet, or want the latest polls.

UPDATED OCT. 4, 2020, AT 10:55 AM
Latest Polls
Updated throughout the day.

Added today

Presidential approvalSEP 30-OCT 1, 2020A-
NBC News/The Wall Street Journal
President: general electionOCT 2-3, 2020B-
President: general electionSEP 20-OCT 3, 2020B/C
USC Dornsife
President: general electionSEP 20-OCT 3, 2020B/C
USC Dornsife
President: general electionSEP 20-OCT 3, 2020B/C
USC Dornsife
President: general electionOhioSEP 30-OCT 2, 2020B
President: general electionPa.SEP 30-OCT 2, 2020B
President: general electionSEP 30-OCT 1, 2020A-
NBC News/The Wall Street Journal
Generic ballotSEP 20-OCT 3, 2020B/C
USC Dornsife
U.S. HouseNY-24SEP 27-29, 2020A-
Siena College
U.S. HouseNY-24SEP 27-29, 2020A-
Siena College
Have a look at some recent polls from some senate races... I'm optimistic about the senate.

Added Oct. 1, 2020
U.S. SenateMich.SEP 30-OCT 1, 2020B
Public Policy Polling*
U.S. SenateAriz.SEP 26-30, 2020A
Suffolk University
U.S. SenateGa.SEP 24-27, 2020B/C
Hart Research Associates*
U.S. SenateN.C.SEP 24-27, 2020B/C
Hart Research Associates*
U.S. SenateIowaSEP 24-27, 2020B/C
Hart Research Associates*
U.S. SenateGa.SEP 24-27, 2020B/C
Hart Research Associates*
U.S. SenateGa.SEP 23-26, 2020Redfield & Wilton Strategies789LVWarnock26%MoreWarnock+1
U.S. SenateGa.SEP 23-26, 2020Redfield & Wilton Strategies789LVOssoff47%42%PerdueOssoff+5
Senate Races Move To 'Toss-Up' Rating As Democrats Chances Improve | Meet The Press | NBC News

If Joe Biden wins the White House, Democrats need to pickup three seats to control the Senate
I think America might suffer from PDTS for awhile, Post Donald Trump Syndrome. Characterized by a loss of hope, and a distrust of news and information, even good news is seen through a dark lens.

Donald is gonna lose and lose very badly, the republicans are gonna go down with him too and the results from some state houses will surprise many. Once the public kicks the giant in the nuts and brings him to his knees, the "deep state" will quickly cut his fucking throat and will be going after his henchmen and minions with hammer and tongs. Trust me you will enjoy the show next year, but will suffer for the pleasure in the meantime.
As far as voting for Trump goes, it would be like being confronted with a black box that had a red button and a warning sign that said, "Push this Button and You will die!" There is also overwhelming evidence that the box contains a thermonuclear bomb and the button will detonate it almost instantly. If it's "fake news" they push the button, even if the Geiger counter next to the box is roaring and there clearly is a bomb in the box.