Trump has Coronavirus

I don't wish illness or death on anyone, even though Trump is a despicable human being. I hope Joe doesn't get it, being onstage with Trump for an hour. If there's a silver lining here, it's that Trump's cult can't say the virus is a hoax, and that bad things can happen when you refuse to wear a mask in public
By going into fake quarantine he will have a excuse to miss the next debate, could be another one of his distractions.
Nope, its for real and highly probable given the circumstances. This threw a major fucking into his campaign and complicated life immensely for a simple mind, his whole staff is down and they might have infected their SCOTUS pick and Mitch McConnel too apparently, all are now probably going into isolation.

Joe was exposed too, but he is used to and successful in campaigning from his house. Donald did shout in his and Chris Wallace's direction though, but it probably was before he was infectious. We will see in the next week, they are probably whacking him with antiviral drugs so don't get your hopes up too high. It's the disruption of his schemes and downing his team that might be important.
My guess is quarantine will include golf.

at first chyron said quarantined because of hope hicks, then it said he was positive..he could've stuck with quarantine to get out of the debate by saying he has it and gets over it maybe he'll be more of a messiah?
Nope, its for real and highly probable given the circumstances. This threw a major fucking into his campaign and complicated life immensely for a simple mind, his whole staff is down and they might have infected their SCOTUS pick and Mitch McConnel too apparently, all are now probably going into isolation.

Joe was exposed too, but he is used to and successful in campaigning from his house. Donald did shout in his and Chris Wallace's direction though, but it probably was before he was infectious. We will see in the next week, they are probably whacking him with antiviral drugs so don't get your hopes up too high. It's the disruption of his schemes and downing his team that might be important.

but you're infectious before you know it- you can test negative spread it and then test positive.
He gets sympathy if people think he has the virus and his defenders can fake outrage if you bring up any of the orange menaces crimes while he is fake battling for his life, these people are capable of anything.

i can see him now conspiring..he doesn't move his head (or body) at all; his eye move up and down back and forth when he formulating the opportunity..i noticed this during the debate.
He gets sympathy if people think he has the virus and his defenders can fake outrage if you bring up any of the orange menaces crimes while he is fake battling for his life, these people are capable of anything.
He is also one of 200,000 of his victims of mass murder, the virus was a hoax remember, or no worse than the flu, all the deaths are fake news. Donald is the #1 source of covid disinformation and responsible for many deaths, he knew it was dangerous and lied, his illness is a consequence of his own words and actions. Even if he doesn't want to take the responsibility for covid, covid has taken him, hopefully to the grave real fucking quick. The longer he lives, the more Americans die of covid.