Trump has Coronavirus

Possible scenarios:
Trump dies from covid
Trump infects trumpkids and they all die
Melania dies from covid
Ivanka recovers from the first infection but then dies anyway
Kimberly infects Fox News and everybody at Fox dies.

I hope (Hicks) I’m wrong
You missed the best possible scenario.. Trump and all Trumpkids die (plus everyone at FOX), while Melania survives and is finally freed from her long-standing sex-slavery with orange-man and gets whatever monies he has hidden in mattresses.
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My first thought is bullshit and it’s all to make him look tough........I hope I’m wrong ;). I also hope that if true and he survives people realize that he has medical care that goes way beyond what normal citizens can access so his outcome is not indicative of the norm. But no, if true and if he survives he will be a god in the eyes of the dumb.
You missed the best possible scenario.. Trump and all Trumpkids die (plus everyone at FOX), while Melania survives and is finally freed from her long-standing sex-slavery with orange-man and gets whatever monies he has hidden in mattresses.
Fuck Melania. She’s as bad as trump and I hope they all fucking die. Every last piece of shit with the last name trump.

Hope gave hope to another American patriot I see.

President Donald Trump says he has tested positive for coronavirus

  • President Donald Trump said he and first lady Melania Trump have tested positive for coronavirus, a stunning development just over a month away from Election Day.
  • In a tweet, Trump said, “We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”
  • Trump has come under withering criticism for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States, where more than 7.2 million have been infected and 200,007 people have died.

the 7 is in the wrong place but we've reached 208k yesterday
Trumpy* is a super spreader- knew he tested positive and still carried on with his day going to Bedminster, NJ..mingling with supporters etc.

i hope he dies..and if that happens does he have to have the honor of lying instate?

what happened to hydroxy he took? guess it didn't work.
Fuck Melania. She’s as bad as trump and I hope they all fucking die. Every last piece of shit with the last name trump.


one of them is bound to not make it considering death rate- remember this is a circulatory disease and perfectly healthy people die from this no pre-existing..when donald went to the hospital on the down low i bet you anything it was circulatory related- stroke or heart etc..this shits going to find it and blow it up.