What has Trump done to this country?

To me , one of the most glaring differences between was at end , when the wives came up on stage.
Biden lovingly hugged his wife ...... Trump looked lost and melania just stood there.

Surprised “ daddies girl ” didn’t beat melania to stage.

Even though Biden tried to talk directly to camera ( audience watching ) , trump never even tried to connect .
Played stupid about proud boys and couldn’t ( wouldn’t ) shut them down , claimed Biden wants to take the “ cows “ ( wtf ? ) ,
and looked like a fat sweaty animated junkie ..... and when Harris gets to debate mannequin pence about leading CDC task force , that will be epic .

Although Biden stumbled a bit .... it was fantastic to see him defend his son BEAU like a lion. It was surprising how he went at trump and well deserved.
Trump blew the chance his advisers laid out prior to the debate ...... NO FUCKING SHOCK THERE.

Going into the debates, advisers had been looking for Trump to use one of the biggest audiences he will get this election cycle to shift the narrative of the election from a referendum on his presidency to a choice. At best, they were hoping for Biden to make a disqualifying gaffe, but at a minimum they hoped that Biden would be pressed on his record and that Trump would be ready to lay out a contrast.

But Trump failed to deliver many of his planned remarks — and when he did, they were often delivered out of context and with no explanation, two people familiar with debate preparations said.

When he attacked Biden for backing the 1994 crime bill, he was then supposed to point to Alice Johnson in the audience and demand that Biden apologize to Johnson, 65, a grandmother who spent more than two decades in prison on a nonviolent drug charge before Trump commuted her sentence and then pardoned her. Instead, Trump pivoted to his polling numbers among African American voters. OOPS !

To me , one of the most glaring differences between was at end , when the wives came up on stage.
Biden lovingly hugged his wife ...... Trump looked lost and melania just stood there.

Surprised “ daddies girl ” didn’t beat melania to stage.

Even though Biden tried to talk directly to camera ( audience watching ) , trump never even tried to connect .
Played stupid about proud boys and couldn’t ( wouldn’t ) shut them down , claimed Biden wants to take the “ cows “ ( wtf ? ) ,
and looked like a fat sweaty animated junkie ..... and when Harris gets to debate mannequin pence about leading CDC task force , that will be epic .

Although Biden stumbled a bit .... it was fantastic to see him defend his son BEAU like a lion. It was surprising how he went at trump and well deserved.

I think Biden addressing his sons drug addiction and recovery and saying he was proud of him, touched the hearts of many americans facing drug addictions at home. It showed a level of compassion and humanity that has been basically nonexistent from the presidency the last 4 years. I think people on the fence will find that he is a lot more relatable than Trump...he pays his taxes, he had a son who went thru addiction, his wife will actually hug him on air, etc.

One issue I think Biden needs to work on is his plan for covid. People are scared he wants to shut down the entire country and hurt small businesses. If there is a second debate, he needs to assure small business owners that he has a plan to keep them afloat, while keeping everyone safe.
Well well well .... scandal a poolza :bigjoint:

Barrett tied to faith group ex-members say subjugates women ......

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court has close ties to a charismatic Christian religious group that holds men are divinely ordained as the "head” of the family and faith. Former members of the group, called People of Praise, say it teaches that wives must submit to the will of their husbands.

Federal appeals judge Amy Coney Barrett has not commented publicly about her own or her family’s involvement, and a People of Praise spokesman declined to say whether she and her husband are current members.

I think Biden addressing his sons drug addiction and recovery and saying he was proud of him, touched the hearts of many americans facing drug addictions at home. It showed a level of compassion and humanity that has been basically nonexistent from the presidency the last 4 years. I think people on the fence will find that he is a lot more relatable than Trump...he pays his taxes, he had a son who went thru addiction, his wife will actually hug him on air, etc.

One issue I think Biden needs to work on is his plan for covid. People are scared he wants to shut down the entire country and hurt small businesses. If there is a second debate, he needs to assure small business owners that he has a plan to keep them afloat, while keeping everyone safe.
I think the main problem with Biden's Covid plan is that the data we are getting in our nation is bullshit since Trump trolls took over the CDC. Anytime Trump (or anyone else) says something about shutting down the government being Biden's plan, I would immediately ask them if that was what the scientists have said to do because it is so dangerous, or is it just something other than a lie that Trump has been pushing.

Biden's Covid plan (too detailed to repost here):
Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 6.22.03 AM.png

Trump blew the chance his advisers laid out prior to the debate ...... NO FUCKING SHOCK THERE.

Going into the debates, advisers had been looking for Trump to use one of the biggest audiences he will get this election cycle to shift the narrative of the election from a referendum on his presidency to a choice. At best, they were hoping for Biden to make a disqualifying gaffe, but at a minimum they hoped that Biden would be pressed on his record and that Trump would be ready to lay out a contrast.

But Trump failed to deliver many of his planned remarks — and when he did, they were often delivered out of context and with no explanation, two people familiar with debate preparations said.

When he attacked Biden for backing the 1994 crime bill, he was then supposed to point to Alice Johnson in the audience and demand that Biden apologize to Johnson, 65, a grandmother who spent more than two decades in prison on a nonviolent drug charge before Trump commuted her sentence and then pardoned her. Instead, Trump pivoted to his polling numbers among African American voters. OOPS !

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As a crap student (at least until later in life) I know that feeling well. Coming half ass prepared for a speech, science fair, etc and sucking so hard it is embarrassing so you have to constantly say how much better you would have done if you actually did what you prepared for.
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Well well well .... scandal a poolza :bigjoint:

Barrett tied to faith group ex-members say subjugates women ......

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court has close ties to a charismatic Christian religious group that holds men are divinely ordained as the "head” of the family and faith. Former members of the group, called People of Praise, say it teaches that wives must submit to the will of their husbands.

Federal appeals judge Amy Coney Barrett has not commented publicly about her own or her family’s involvement, and a People of Praise spokesman declined to say whether she and her husband are current members.

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they used the word 'handmaid' that should be the giveaway. there is no religious group that uses that expression except- cults..she's probably a sex slave at home.
they used the word 'handmaid' that should be the giveaway. there is no religious group that uses that expression except- cults..she's probably a sex slave at home.

It’s very concerning. Especially if you consider she will be making a decisions that will effect the future of women’s rights.

Im trying really hard to not think they just adopted a few black kids to turn into cultists so they can claim to have support of black people in their photo-ops. I am sure it was almost certainly legit and that they are very loved and happy in their family. But that doesn't stop people from being used and brainwashed into cults. I think Rep Matt Gaetz it what really jaded me to these right wing cultists adopting minority kids.


Im trying really hard to not think they just adopted a few black kids to turn into cultists so they can claim to have support of black people in their photo-ops. I am sure it was almost certainly legit and that they are very loved and happy in their family. But that doesn't stop people from being used and brainwashed into cults. I think Rep Matt Gaetz it what really jaded me to these right wing cultists adopting minority kids.


all her daughters are mini amy's..the one next to her scares me the most when she opens her eyes wide fvcking psycho..i saw her while barrett was being confimed the last time and there was something she didn't agree with was mouthing 'no' shaking her head with her eyes really wide..scared the shit out of me because that's her kid which is really her, just a younger version. they don't know how to hide themselves behind the mask yet. you are your parents.
so some members had issue with my condemning Woodward about not alerting us in February when he found out how deadly covid is through his taped conversations with Trumpy*..it's all about the dollar and here he is being relevant and milking it for all it's worth..i rest my case:

so some members had issue with my condemning Woodward about not alerting us in February when he found out how deadly covid is through his taped conversations with Trumpy*..it's all about the dollar and here he is being relevant and milking it for all it's worth..i rest my case:

How does that video prove your case?

Im listening to it now, but am not sure what it is you are saying it shows. Are you saying him being on TV as a talking head talking about how dangerous Trump is acting right now with voting. I think he actually said the thing that matters most. It is not until something is in front of the Supreme Court that we have a check on Trump. So far they have held up against Trump.

Trump and Mitch are racing their cult-princess into office, but that is inevitable and nothing the Democrats can do about that. But it doesn't mean that the rest of the SCOTUS is not lifelong judges that should not really have any ties to Trump or else they have to recuse themselves. So we just have to hope that they are not going to become Trump cultists just because they were appointed by Republican presidents. Even Kavanaugh, I don't know what it is that the FBI found on him, and is another over-privelaged white rich male, when added to Trump's other 2 appointments is not enough to out-vote the other legitimately appointed ones, and don't think they would pull a Bush/Gore for Trump. But who knows, we will likely find out in December.

So if Biden can win and win huge there is nothing Trump can do about it. That we will find out around Nov. 14th I would guess. If that is the case, I am hoping the Republicans have squeezed everything they can from Trump and painted him bad enough that they can all clutch their pearls and pretend they had no idea because they believed Trump, and can't believe they lied to him. They bring in the actual people into their scam FISA abuse hearings, they turn on Trump, and poof, down goes Trump.

If Trump and the Russian military pulls off another win for Trump and the Republicans, who knows what comes next. I would hate to be in the old soviet block countries. Because I am not sure what laws would force America to support NATO if Putin takes that as a green light.

IDK, it is crazy, sorry I got off track there.