What has Trump done to this country?

The polls appear to be widening as the latest scandals and news sink in, more to come. Donald is debating Joe out of desperation, if he was leading in the polls there would be no debate and if he gets hammered in this one, there won't be any more. Donald is looking like a loser more each passing day and independent support is dropping along with some of his base. If the polling gap continues to widen, the republican senate is fucked and 10 senate seats for the dems are a possibility, they are within in striking distance of 13 out of the 23 GOP seats up for grabs. Running up the ECV will also mean gains in the senate, I think a lot of people are gonna go down the left side of the ballot from top to bottom.
Bannon is facing charges and the other principals in Cambridge are running for cover, the recent release of voter data and Brad's fuck up can't be helping much either.

Religion has always preyed upon the vulnerable, the troubled and addicted, this just takes it to another level. If someone is stupid enough buy into qnon or other conspiracy theories, they are also vulnerable to other bullshit like religion, or the cult of Trump.
I’m so fucking sick of Donald Trump I’m about to puke.
“Friends” are coming out of the woodwork as supporters and are attacking Biden for everything possible.
One in particular is a former methhead. His family were methheads. He’s been clean for probably at least 20 years and just cannot shut up.
He pokes and he pokes and he pokes.
We’ve smoked and grown together for these past 20 years. I can’t stand him anymore! I swear to God. These people think they’re so high and mighty.
Well good riddance I say. Let’s me know who you are deep down and it’s just ugliness.
Florida is a key state and will be important on election night and perhaps in the days after, seniors are a big part of the picture in Florida and they are turning democratic.

‘He just lies’: Florida’s senior voters suddenly are in play
Democrats are active even in The Villages, a Trump stronghold.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida seniors, long an unflinching bloc of reliable GOP votes, are suddenly in play as President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus has his reelection campaign on the defensive.

The pandemic and anxiety about possible cuts to entitlement programs have eroded the GOP’s once-solid advantage with the battleground state’s retirees, recent polls show, a demographic Republicans have won by double digits in recent presidential races.

“I really got sick of him when he did not wear a mask, and he took the control totally away from the governors. It was a very bad situation,” said Joy Solomon, a 65-year-old from Boca Raton who voted for Trump in 2016 largely because that’s who her husband supported, but who has now turned against the president. “I want this place to come back to some sense of normalcy.”

“He just lies about everything,” she said.

Retirees have long flocked to Florida’s warm climate and white sandy beaches, where they’ve gained outsized political sway in the nation’s largest swing state. In the 2012 presidential election, voters 65 and older comprised 26 percent of all votes, a number that jumped to 30 percent in 2016.

All eyes were on President Trump's pick for the Supreme Court. Then, The New York Times released a bombshell on Sunday showing that Trump has paid next to nothing in federal income taxes in recent years.

Now recent polls show Trump’s comfortable cushion with Florida seniors eroding in a state where campaigns are won on the thinnest of margins.

But that comfortable cushion with senior voters is growing thin this year. A September poll from AARP had Biden up one point with voters older than 65, within the survey’s margin of error.
I’m so fucking sick of Donald Trump I’m about to puke.
“Friends” are coming out of the woodwork as supporters and are attacking Biden for everything possible.
One in particular is a former methhead. His family were methheads. He’s been clean for probably at least 20 years and just cannot shut up.
He pokes and he pokes and he pokes.
We’ve smoked and grown together for these past 20 years. I can’t stand him anymore! I swear to God. These people think they’re so high and mighty.
Well good riddance I say. Let’s me know who you are deep down and it’s just ugliness.
I would assume not have any friends than have friends like that, life is too short.
I’m so fucking sick of Donald Trump I’m about to puke.
“Friends” are coming out of the woodwork as supporters and are attacking Biden for everything possible.
One in particular is a former methhead. His family were methheads. He’s been clean for probably at least 20 years and just cannot shut up.
He pokes and he pokes and he pokes.
We’ve smoked and grown together for these past 20 years. I can’t stand him anymore! I swear to God. These people think they’re so high and mighty.
Well good riddance I say. Let’s me know who you are deep down and it’s just ugliness.
Trump has exposed a lot of people as selfish bigots with no moral or ethical center, better to learn about them this way than by being personally screwed over, though by supporting Trump they are screwing you over anyway. Cheeto Jesus has separated the sheep from the goats as the bible says...

At this point in time, Donald has led his supporters onto open ground in broad daylight, they stand naked with UVC dildos and jugs of Clorox in hand as their only defense. The only reasons someone would support Trump are: they are a racist, a bigot, pathologically selfish or are a fucking idiot, perhaps all of the above. These people have serious character flaws that filter and interfere with their perception of reality in many cases, or out right lie in most others. This is a pathological condition in that it causes themselves and others harm, and also disconnects them from reality. It is the disinformation/ propaganda infrastructure that supports, binds and gives them direction that is the most dangerous and needs to be addressed head on.
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To Jimdamick
Riddle me this
What in the World Happens 3.5 million times a year ?

Best Regards

Sincerely Halman9000
Let me think.
What happens 3.5 million times a year?
Uh, Trump tells a fucking lie?
Or, is it the infection rate in this country of it's citizens with COVID-19, at least as so far as of today is concerned, because of Trump's murderous incompetency?
Nah, it can't be the infection rate because it's fucking double that number, so it must be Trump's lies.
Am I right?
Let me think.
What happens 3.5 million times a year?
Uh, Trump tells a fucking lie?
Or, is it the infection rate in this country of it's citizens with COVID-19, at least as so far as today is concerned, because of Trump's murderous incompetency?
Nah, it can't be the infection rate because it's fucking double that number, so it must be Trump's lies.
Am I right?
The state polls are widening for Joe and Donald's shit storm has just begun with the revelation of his taxes, that story has more legs than a millipede and those legs are running now. I'm sure many smart people are ready with their own October surprises for Donald, they waited for the critical moment, when it would count the most.

America will have the largest election turn out in history and it's beginning to look like Joe might have very long coattails. I can feel a landslide coming James, you surely need one, both to get rid of Trump and the republicans and to save the nation from dictatorship and disaster.
I was torn, I love that people are studying and documenting the predatory nature of these cult leaders so more people learn about it. But I am sad that the mentally impaired are being left exposed to this attack on them instead of it being used for good. So I had to settle with angry that it is allowed to continue going on, and when there is backlash the inevitable cry about people being against religion will be used as the troll to keep their cult members from straying back to reality.

I hope the movie is good/informative, I am not sure about the preview if it won't be more mood music and shaky cam (lol not that it seems like it will be that bad). Ive been spoiled lately with all the books that have come out.
Oh rudy ..... come with me your pudding cup and crayons are over here .

*rings orderly :eyesmoke:

With a mischievous cackle, Giuliani began: “The man [Biden] has dementia. There’s no doubt about it. I’ve talked to doctors. I’ve had them look at a hundred different tapes of his five years ago and today.” Trying his very best to shut Giuliani down, host Steve Doocy interjected that Biden’s team have said the Democrat has no serious medical problems.

Giuliani then made an extraordinary noise at Doocy that can best be typed as “Oowughawughawugh,” before continuing: “He can’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance and he’s fine? He was in the Senate for 160 years? I mean, he can’t do the prologue to the... to the... con... to the... uh... Constitution of the United States or the Declaration of Independence, any of them.”
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is everything out on the taxes? the connect with foreign money owed and ivanka consulting fees?