What did you accomplish today?

Copper? Wouldn't that be what you want? I have never installed anything propane. But pretty sure it's all copper to the regulator.

Can't use PVC indoors...only underground...think if you had a fire!!

Soft copper is what I was thinking, but my plumber friend said the same thing as cannabineer, and that it won't pass code in some locations...But I have soft copper coming in from a 500 gallon tank. My buddy said to at least use the plastic coated copper, but there are other choices now.

Last job I did we used similar to this stuff...real easy to work with, no need for elbows as it bends around corners. A little pricey but I can buy it wholesale by the foot.

and then there's this new stuff, that the cheapskate in me likes. It's aluminum coated with plastic inside and out, and it's $51 with fittings

Propane can use copper, not natural gas.
Not in all areas, or by all gas companies.
Some will only supply propane if they run the line to the device.
Yeah I had a delivery last week and was quizzing the driver, and i told him I was "thinking about" installing a fireplace insert and wondered if the 3/8" line coming in from the tank would handle both the boiler and the insert, and he assured me it would, with a scientific explanation of how propane works. And when I asked if they would need to inspect it...he thought about it a second then said, "Nah, not since you already have service into the house".

But I am going to run a 1/2" line instead of 3/8" for the small price difference...and in case he didn't know what he was talking about! But actually I had a hot water heater in the same location that I took out a few years ago, and that was fed with a 3/8" line...That's where the copper line in my chiller came from!
But I am going to run a 1/2" line instead of 3/8" for the small price difference...and in case he didn't know what he was talking about! But actually I had a hot water heater in the same location that I took out a few years ago, and that was fed with a 3/8" line...That's where the copper line in my chiller came from!
1/2 inch is easier to work with (3/8 fittings can be really crappy finish and threading) and the hole isn't really that much bigger.
I had sugar cube once, wow. Paper acid was around quite often, don't remember barrels.
I sold bud and acid in high school. I’d get a sheet or a 100 microdot for $50-$80 depending on how nice my older sister was. She lived in the Castro District.
The micro dot was just consistent. Each microdot def not being as potent as most blotter though. Or at least a hit from the different sheets of acid I’d get. Was some good acid back then. Haven’t done it in a while though so don’t know how it is now.
I dosed, and shroomed my brains out when younger.
What I accomplished yesterday --- sampled too much and feel asleep before I could post! :lol:

1 oz of good shake & larf to 1 pound of butter and 1/4 cup coconut oil (expeller pressed - low flavor)
Decarb in oven at 240f for 45 min
Double boiler kept the butter at 180f for 3 hours, stir gently occasionally.
Strain through cheesecloth to get plant matter out. (CAUTION - do this while the butter is liquid - but not too hot to touch)
Cool in fridge - or for quicker chilling, place on top of an ice bath as in the picture.
Enjoy! I put a 1/2 tsp on a piece of garlic bread & the other 1/2 tsp went on top of a bowl of pesto pasta, I went onto a couch 45 min later.
--- 1tsp gives a STRONG effect.

What I accomplished yesterday --- sampled too much and feel asleep before I could post! :lol:

1 oz of good shake & larf to 1 pound of butter and 1/4 cup coconut oil (expeller pressed - low flavor)
Decarb in oven at 240f for 45 min
Double boiler kept the butter at 180f for 3 hours, stir gently occasionally.
Strain through cheesecloth to get plant matter out. (CAUTION - do this while the butter is liquid - but not too hot to touch)
Cool in fridge - or for quicker chilling, place on top of an ice bath as in the picture.
Enjoy! I put a 1/2 tsp on a piece of garlic bread & the other 1/2 tsp went on top of a bowl of pesto pasta, I went onto a couch 45 min later.
--- 1tsp gives a STRONG effect.

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I've never combined butter and coconut oil. Sounds interesting tho...

Stale weed makes the best butter because it has minimal smell & taste.
I just blast everything in a rice cooker with a quart of water for about 1 hour. (most of the water boils off)

What's your waste percentage with cheesecloth? Mine is usually 15 - 20%.

There's gotta be a way to recover more oil from the sludge... :???:
I've never combined butter and coconut oil. Sounds interesting tho...

Stale weed makes the best butter because it has minimal smell & taste.
I just blast everything in a rice cooker with a quart of water for about 1 hour. (most of the water boils off)

What's your waste percentage with cheesecloth? Mine is usually 15 - 20%.

There's gotta be a way to recover more oil from the sludge... :???:

The Coconut Oil helps with consistency, and is a great extractor in it's own right. Expeller pressed has little to no smell or taste. I figure it replaces the water content lost while double boiling.

Cheese Cloth - I lose more than I'd like; I squeeze and wring the cheese cloth pouch like I'm trying to dry a towel. I'd guess 10-15% waste as well.

I agree - older, crispier weed imparts less taste, but all I have around the house is fresh trim & larf (a good problem t have).

Effects were stronger than expected - 1 tsp dose, 45 minute wait, then a big body buzz, giggles, and oops, too much - I went night night!
I have some chores to take care of today, but I'm going to try a 1/2 tsp. this evening.

Grilled steaks with Chimichurri and cannabutter to top. :weed:
Pulled the hood liner on the Challenger to get to the sprayer nozzles. I hate those stupid plastic push holder thingies. Went to pull the nozzles out and they shattered, gotta love plastic parts and stupid heat. Dealer wants $44 ea, Amazon has them for $24, plus I need to get new push holders, $9 for 30. You don't realize how often you use the sprayers until they don't work. Time to cook brunch.
I played an early gig today at a local arboretum. Started at 10:30am, had to wake up at 8am. Haven't been up that early in years. Gorgeous day, sunny and 65. It was an hour wedding ceremony/picture taking gig for $250, but they gave me the biggest tip I've ever received!


Tip paid more than the gig. I'm just that good. Gotta start getting up early more often...